HomeMy WebLinkAbout876489876489 BOOK `-g PR PAGE 0 b RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY Y CLERK O OCT A11 8: 1 JEAN ,'7 1ER K IJ MERE :R. WY OMIi' G AFFIDAVIT OF RIGHT -OF -WAY AND EASEMENT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY, whose address is P.O. Box 21628, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121 -1628 hereinafter referred to as "Affiant is the Grantee of a Right -of -Way and Easement identified and described as follows: Grantor: WESTERN WYOMING RANGE Dated: OCTOBER 27, 1997 Recorded: DECEMBER 31, 1997, BOOK 406, PAGE 45, DOC #847635 LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING See Exhibit "A" for centerline description Affiant states that in accordance with Wyoming Statute Section 34.1 -141 (1980) the descriptions of the herein above Right -of -Way and Easement is the surveyed centerline descriptions. Wilson Ranch #62 LN -3316 STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA ACKNOWLEDGMENT )ss WILLIAMS GA PROCESSING COMPANY BY: an D. Wurtz ttomey -in -Fact The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Alan D. Wurtz, Attorney -in- Fact for Williams Gas Processing Company, this 27th day of September, 2001. Witness my hand and official seal. LJ t My Connni$0br: Expires: June 15, 2004 7)1 e 'Y Carolene Underwood Notary Public SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 112 WEST, 6THPM, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Dwg. No. A786.0 -146 -1 R/W.NO. 3316 T:\DS\ MAP PING\ DOCUMENT \LEGAL \WYOMING \786\A786.0 146 -1. DOC 406. WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM WILSON RANCH #62 CROSSING A PORTION OF WESTERN WYOMING RANGE PROPERTY March 1, 2000 A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 19, Township 19 North, Range 112 West, 6thPM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Westerly and 15 feet Southerly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/2" diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, said point bears South 25 °19'19 West, a distance of 4166.6 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 19; Thence South 55 °53'53" West a distance of 51.1 feet; Thence South 84 °23'15" West a distance of 1758.8 feet; Thence North 73 °02'43" West a distance of 57.2 feet; Thence South 82 °49'35" West a distance of 132.6 feet; Thence North 56 °27'07" West a distance of 44.3 feet; Thence North 14 °33'57" East a distance of 132.3 feet; to the end of the line at a point located in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19. Said point bears North 68 °39'19" West, a distance of 4072.2 feet from the Southeast comer of said Section 19. The length of the above described survey line is 2176.3 feet, or 131.897 rods, or 0.412 miles.