HomeMy WebLinkAbout937262 ~l 6010716208 AFFIDA VIT RECEIVED 2/29/20G" ..., ,,,.52 AM RECEIVING # 937262 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 198 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY \)00198 I, Roxie D. Bird, being first duly sworn upon my oath depose and state as follows: 1. That I am the successor trustee named in the Ronald Dabel Revocable Trust dated November 20, 2002. 3. That on September 4. 1990 in Book 289PR on page 318 of records of Lincolu County Clerk was recordeci :ï ~gii C~aim Reeci ITom _ Ronald Dabel and june S. Dabel, Truštee of th~ KonäI De, rustce of e'RUna.Ld Dabe& Dabel Famil TruR~ , IO Fami y Trust conveying the following described land: See Exhibit "A" 3. The Warranty Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as required by W.S. 34-2-122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown. The date of the Trust is Nw~mlJea::la.IŒa2 J¡ý I, Roxie D. Bird, do solemnly swear that we have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein contained are true. 30 f <j' Dated this 2ot!J day of February, 2008 ~vÚ;~P. .&.~ Roxie D. ird, TnÍstee State of ~) 'L )ss. County of -ørV¡'~ ) this The foregoing instrument "ías subscribed and sworn before me by Roxie D. Bird 20:t11 day of Weþ;r~éi1,~ZlIa8 Witness my hand and official seal. ~~&8(f- Juvw Wi ( ?OlO My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC KAR'EN E GREGORY 38 South Main Kaysvill~, IJtah' 84037 My Commission Expires June 29. 2010 STATE OF UTAH ATTACHED EXHIBIT A $4.00 RECORDED ., Sept., . ").\'l!J,90· . . . . ..AT. 9.\,M. IN BOOK .~~?~~",.r .re:) 1.8·ë!,'·:.:r.:::R, WYO. NO.722{~.~~ . , ,:;~ :' .' ,'. ¡ I (,;, WADE. ClI!I'IK 31.8 OUIT-CLAIM DEED RONALD DABEL, and JUNE S, DABEL, Trustees of THE DABEL FAMILY TRUST, Grantors, hereby QUIT-CLAIM to RONALD DABEL, Trustee or Successor Trustees of THE RONALD DABEL FAMILY TRUST, of Smoot, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for the sum of Ten Dollars the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyomingt ANY ANC ALL INTERESTIN 37.61 ACRES; NW4SE4, SE4SE, NE4SW4, 30.64 ACRES NE4SE4; S 5; T30; R 118; E2NE4; S 8 T 30 R 118; TOTAL 228.25 ACRES ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON RECORD WITH THE LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDER AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON PROPERTY NUMBER 01~OO1l8063500 WHICH BY REFERENCE IS MADE A PART HEREOF. ~~ESS, the hands of said grantors, thisL?()~ day of i:tÞtc;;2J~ RO D CABEL, Trustee STATE OF UTAH ) t 'ss. COUNTY OF DAVIS ) On the 30 r.: day of ,-TJ..-~ ' 1990, personally appeared before me RONALD CABEL, Trustee nd JUNE S. DABEL, Trustee, the signers of the wi thin instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. . ,n : R ,,',/ My Conunission Expires I 03-08-92 ~ /,,). /'<-~ NÓTARY PUBLIC Residing a ty "rr- lJ/ o tJy ''0 ~ eommlMÌun E'pI... Nart:h 8. 1992 DEI. 9. ROWE s» WOßI 1\00 !Joulh. 1/4.... BC:JnUfut, ~ COUNTY OF Ú';. UTØ4010 ,,1:t',.; ':>. '1 Ì'r: ( ~ V / " ~ J .- , 1990, '~ appeared EL, T stee, the singer of the within knowledged tome that ~~~:e~ the Nr:;~U~C-U ~ Residing at::¥.v6-vJ County - ~ - .., ..--.... ...,_..',. ÙOÙ.199 Jl