HomeMy WebLinkAbout937271 V' RECEIVED 2/29/2008 at 1 :23 PM RECEIVING # 937271 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 250 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY & I~C¡ 1- -J)P WHE~J RECORDED RETtTRN TO: N..... éha.r (es A-. t (..('1 azz. I Addrells: 10538 YWa&k:nfi 1J¡. _r Urlf ÙV\ I It:: Y -11 oq I POWER OF ATTORNEY (REAL ESTATE) ûOð250 KNOW ALL MEY BY THESE PRESENTS, that I/We hereby make, constitute and appoint ~ A. F uqa.z z.. i as my true: aud lawful attorney in fact with full power and autÏfority in my á'ame and in my stead and on my bebalt. êhcu I ~s A. Fvøa z.z ; 1. The POVVCI to períonn any and a.U acts necessary to purchase, seU, convey, transfer titl,c:, deliver deeds. bargain, encumber., or contract for the sale or purchase of certain real property dcE.cribed as follows: Q¡M: Ide¡ Uks-t nèceÆ ~; 4~ Wy 2312'6 ~. 101-43 Pah5r~ ~s¡~ 1 2. To exeçutc and deliver Q Wamnty Deed or Quit Claim Dced conveying said real property to II third party . 3. 1'0 executo a promissory ",ote or Dotes creating and evidencing an obligation as therein set forth. and to IIxecute I Deed of Trust en;umbering the above described real propc.rty and seourlng the rcp"yment of the obligations described in $lid prDmissory note, and to execute aiL assisnmenlS of fCl1l:s, financinll statements, and security 4gCcmcnts in adwtion to the Deed of Trust to sc;r;;urc repayment o£tbe oblisatfans 5et forth i.n said promissDry note. 4. To :sign on my behalf settlement statements, disçlosufe statemeDta, atceptanee statements. affidavits conceming mechanÌl:'s lieu. assignment of seourity deposits, I:Xtansions of the COntract for purchase and sale. and any aDd all other documents and instruments required lIS part of tbe olosing func:tion penincDt hereto. File NumÞc.r1 617'0 I.nnd Title C'o",pan)l row... or Aer.onJOy Paao 1 01.'2 ûOi)251 S. To dfabune, recetve, man.lle aad ~oDtrol money, fund., and end'" pe1'1atnl.ng to said closing funedon. AND i.n gtnerall give my .!laid attorn"" in fact fldl pÒwer to handle aJl my business affairs in suoh manner and with such authority as myself might exercise, incJuding the power to make, ex.cçutc, and acJcnowledse instnnhcnts of every fOnd whie.h may be propa:r or requisite fO effectuate at) or an)' of the premises. ] hereby ratify, confirm and approve each and every açt of my Raid DttOme)' beretofore and bereafter taken in conformity with this power of attorney. THIS power of attorney sball be effective untn revoked by me in writi1'lS. such revoç&tÌon to be delivered to the attorney in fact above named. Everyone deating with my said attorney in fact shalJ be entitled to reJy upon the ~ertif1caæ of su.c:b attorney in fact to tho effeçt that hislher power is in effeot and has not been. revol~ed. TInS po,...r of attorney shilt not be alfectød by tho dieabUlty of the principal. 11IIS po.ver of attonaey shall automatiea1ly QpJn by lIS own terms apOD cømp,.,tion of the limited purpose let tortb above. @~ WHEREOF, I have set my høIId 011 tbJ. X"'-day of~ ~~ .IIIIIII..................···········~ = D. Fenton· Ngtary Public = STATE OF HJLI1rYü. I YI~ ) ã Countyof A State of æ v':'" -~ '() = UnCOln . Wyoming _ COUNTY or tU1~ ) SS. æ My Comml88lon expires 10/11/2011 æ . , ) ~..................................... On 1his j,g''£ day of '~..,o .w~ . (ìJ1~c:: A. _~ It) ~I Witness my band and official seal. My commission £xpires 0 II ]).F~ Notary Publi.c: FIle: N"..bor~ 617S0 Lond TiUc Com mD)' POVIeI' ot Anorney 'ap.2 on