HomeMy WebLinkAbout937289 FORM 2800-14 (August 1985) "'-'-''-I V II"\J ~ -:),;)1 "'0-:) 'ï'17C1¡ BOOK: 688 PAGE: 341 c¡ 3 I /.. Q JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Issuing Office KEMMERER FIELD OFFICE \J UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT SERIAL NUMBER WYW-170848 ùO\ì34:1 1. A right-of-way is hereby granted pursuant to Section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 185). 2. Nature of Interest: a. By this instrument, the holder: Questar Overthrust Pipeline Company 1140 West 200 South P.O. Box 45360 Salt Lake City, UT 84145 receives a right to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate the Overthrust Expansion 36" pipeline, access roads, and related facilities, on Federal lands described as follows: Sixth Principle Meridian, Lincoln and Uinta Counties, Wyoming T. 18 N., R. 112 W., Section 10, W~NWX, N~SWX, SEXSWX. T. 19 N., R. 112 W., Section 28, SWXSWX 30, lot 1, S~NEX, E~NWX. T. 19 N., R. 113 W., Section 8, N~SWX, SEXSWX, S~SEX, 16, S~NEX, N~NWX, SEXNWX, 22, NEXNEX, 24, N~SWX, SEXSWX, S~SEX. T. 19 N., R. 114 W., Section 2, lots 3, 4, S~NEX, SEXNWX. 12, NEXNEX. T. 20 N., R. 114 W., Section 30, lots 2, 3, NEXSWX, W~SEx. SEXSEX, 32, NWXNEX, S~NEX, N~NWX, 34, S~S~. òO\J342 2 T. 20 N., R. 115 W., Section 12, NW%NW%, 14, E%E%, 24, SW%NW%, W%SWK T. 21 N., R. 114 W., Section 28, E%NE%, Permanent Access Roads Numbered 1, 2, 7, 12 and 13 are located on the following federal lands: Sixth Principle Meridian, Uinta and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming T. 18 N., R. 112 W., Section 10, SW%, 22, N%NWK T.19 N., R.112W., Section 8, NE%, NW%SW%, E%SW%, W%SE%, SE%SE%, 20, W%NW%, 30, E%NE%, 32, NW%NW%NW%, NW%SW%, S%SWK T.21 N., R. 114 W., Section 28, E%NE%, 30, E%SWK T. 20 N., R. 115 W., Section 2, N%SW%, SE%SW%, 14, N%NE%, SE%, E%SE%, 24, W%SW%. Permanent Site Facilities on public lands are described as follows: Kern River Interconnect Facilities T. 21 N., R. 114 W., section 28, NE%NE% b. The pipeline right-of-way area granted herein is 50 feet wide, 12.11 miles long and contains 73.39 acres, more or less. Permanent access roads are 20 feet wide and 4.68 miles long., containing 11.34 acres, more or less. Permanent site facilities contain .59 acres. c. This instrument shall terminate on December 31,2035, unless, prior thereto, it is relinquished, abandoned, terminated, or modified pursuant to the terms and conditions of this instrument or of any applicable Federal law or regulation. d. This instrument may be renewed. If renewed, the right-of-way shall be subject to the regulations existing at the time of renewal and any other terms and conditions that the authorized officer deems necessary to protect the public interest. vO\J343 3 e. Notwithstanding the expiration of this instrument or any renewal thereof, early relinquishment, abandonment, or termination, the provisions of this instrument, to the extent applicable, shall continue in effect and shall be binding on the holder, its successors, or assigns, until they have fully satisfied the obligations and/or liabilities accruing herein before or on account of the expiration, or prior termination, of the grant. 3. Rental: For and in consideration of the rights granted, the holder agrees to pay the Bureau of Land Management fair market value rental as determined by the authorized officer unless specifically exempted from such payment by regulation. Provided, however, that the rental may be adjusted by the authorized officer, whenever necessary, to reflect changes in the fair market rental value as determined by the application of sound business management principles, and so far as practicable and feasible, in accordance with comparable commercial practices. 4. Terms and Conditions: a. This grant is issued subject to the holder's compliance with all applicable regulations contained in Title 43 Code of Federal Regulations part 2880. b. Upon grant termination by the authorized officer, all improvements shall be removed from the Federal lands within 90 days, or otherwise disposed of as provided in paragraph (4)(c) or as directed by the authorized officer. c. The stipulations, plans, maps, or designs set forth in Exhibits A, B, C, and 0 dated September 6, 2006, attached hereto, are incorporated into and made a part of this grant instrument as fully and effectively as if they were set forth herein in their entirety. d. Failure of the holder to comply with applicable law or any provision of this right-of-way grant shall constitute grounds for suspension or termination thereof. e. The holder shall perform all operations in a good and workmanlike manner so as to ensure protection of the environment and the health and safety of the public. f. The holder shall construct, operate, and maintain the facilities, improvements, and structures within this right-of-way in strict conformity with the plan of development which was approved and made part of the grant on September 6, 2006. Any relocation, additional construction, or use that is not in accord with the approved plan of development, shall not be initiated without the prior written approval of the authorized officer. A copy of the complete right-of-way grant, including all stipulations and approved plan of development, shall be made available on the right-of-way area during construction, operation, and termination to the authorized officer. Noncompliance with the above will be grounds for immediate temporary suspension of activities if it constitutes a threat to public health and safety or the environment. g. Any cultural and/or paleontological resource (historic or prehistoric site or object) discovered by the holder, or any person working on his behalf, on public or Federal land shall be immediately reported to the authorized officer. Holder shall suspend all operations in the immediate area of such discovery until written authorization to proceed is issued by the authorized officer. An evaluation of the discovery will be made by the authorized officer to determine appropriate actions to prevent the loss of significant cultural or scientific values. The holder will be responsible for the cost of evaluation and any decision as to proper mitigation measures will be t.:Ov344 4 made by the authorized officer after GonsuHing with the holder. h. Ninety days príor to termination of the right~of-way, the holder shall contact the authorized officer to arrange a joint inspectjon of the right-oF-way. This inspection will be held to agree to an acceptable termination (and rehabilitation) plan. TIllS pian shall include, but is not limited to. removal of facilities, drainage structures, or surface malerial, recontouring, topsoiling, or seeding. Ttle authorized officer must approve the plan in writing prior to the holder's commencement of any termination activities. IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, The undersigned agrees to the terms and conditions of this rìç¡ht-of-way grant. Questar Overthrust Pipeline Company Approved: .P ~ E~=i R. ~i~~~~~er) ~ . 8ga~ ' Engineering & Project Management .P. (Title) _~J-e{ g"/ ;Lo¿"J t, (Date) (S' f~e\J-.. . ~ (Title) _9Æ/ o~...__.._____ (Effective Date of Grant) ÙO~34S OVERTHRUST PIPELINE County of Lincoln and Uinta, State of Wyoming June 2006 BlM PARCEllS} DOCUMENT A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The W ~ of Section 10, Township 18 North, Range 112 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Uinta County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement Across The United State of America Land, As Described Above Is 5,359.30 Feet or 1.02 Miles More or Less In Length. (See Exhibit BLM-Ol) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line P~oses, Over and Across The SW JA of the SW JA of Section 28, Township 19 North. Range 112 West, 6 Principal Meridian, Uinta County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement Across The United State of America Land, As Described Above Is 587.06 Feet or 0.11 Miles More or Less In Length. (See Exhibit BLM-02) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The NE JA of the SE JA And The N ~ of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 112 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County. State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement Across The United State of America Land. As Described Above Is 6,020.65 Feet or 1.14 Miles More or Less In Length. (See Exhibit BLM-03) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The S ~ of Section 24. Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement Across The United State of America Land, As Described Above Is 5,831 Feet or 1.10 Miles More or Less In Length. (See Exhibit BLM-04) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The NE JA of the NE JA of the NE JA of Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement Across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 467.51 feet or 0.09 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-05) lof3 vOv346 A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes. Over and Across The E ~ of the SE IA And The N ~ of Section 16, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5,952.94 feet or 1.13 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-06) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The S ~ of Section 8, Township 19 North, Range 113 West. 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5630.81feet or 1.07 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-07) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes. Over and Across The NE IA of the NE IA of the NE IA of Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 114 West, 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 925.05 feet or 0.18 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-08) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The S ~ of Section 34, Township 20 North, Range 114 West, 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5,258.88 feet or 0.99 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-09) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The NE IA and the NE 1,4 of the NW 1,4 of Section 32, Township 20 North, Range 114 West, 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 4,892.39 feet or 0.93 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-IO) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The S ~ and the SW 1,4 and the SWIA of the NW IA of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 114 West, 61h Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5,865.07 feet or 1.11 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-ll) 200 ÙOv34~( A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes. Over and Across The SW ~ and the SW JA of the NW JA of Section 24, Township 20 North, Range 115 West, 6th Principal Meridian. Lincoln County. State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 3,411.71 feet or 0.65 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-12) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes. Over and Across The E ~ of Section 14, Township 20 North, Range 115 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5,362.64 feet or 1.02 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-13) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The NW JA of the NW JA of Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 115 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of.the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 903.48 feet or 0.17 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-14) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The N~ and the NE JA of the SE JA of Section 2, Township 19 North, Range 114 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 5912.15 feet or 1.12 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-lS) A Strip of Land 50.00 Feet in Width, To Be Used For A Gas Pipe Line Purposes, Over and Across The E ~ of the NE JA of Section 28, Less and Excepting the Right-of-Way of State Highway 30 within Township 21 North, Range 114 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. The Total Length of the Pipeline Easement across the United State of America Land, as described Above Is 1202.71 feet or 0.23 Miles More or Less in Length. (See Exhibit BLM-16) 30f3 4 9 A FOUND 1943 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP ........ l.&.J1~ ~'-' ('I . . ()) ('I~ C'I . 0/; O(() Z('I UINTA. DEVELOPMENT B l.&.J........ a ~ " I '-' 10 . ~~ ~--: . ~ °l~ O(() Z('I FOUND 1943 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP 9 c 16 -' rr. ACcok-5a1ders "~5SOdates.h:.. ' D Prof AllSlonal Eng¡"""1II & SUl'I'e OlIIt .... . ~~,F.~, . ' ,..g~,,¡)~, . . PRINTED 1 25 6 FOR A COUNTY ""'1£ D PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTIDN þI APPROVAL D AS BUILT No, D REVISION 2 3 A ¡ ¡ii'.} r.·c.\ :l . 1""·- t ...... !-..~ ,-' ..r f :0, I '1 ,L:.: f:.... () ('¿ l\/~ C.: j \ ~ II./tl V '\1'"':t 8 . A ~ N W*E§ T- S d A 3 B 10 I FOUND 1943 2.5" . GLO BRASS CAP I N 00'52'16" W 1171.54' o o lí) o BUREAU OF ERSHIP ND MANAGEMENT o SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST UINTA COUNTY 11'21'07" W 1616.81' 110 FOUND 1943 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP N 1.3·51'05"IW 500.4.3' N 06'49'49" W .355.26' ,\ ~\ \~ N 11'.30'58" W \~ 1715.26' \\ ~\ S89'54'54"W ~t 15 2678.17' (M) \ 10 FOUND 194J 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP UINTA DEVELOF'ïVIE:f\iT 882.71' (TIE) c \ SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D SRH062606 - 1JIl[ OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. Rf.VISION O£SCRIPTION BY ¡¡o. 8 ~,...." = I ~ ............ /<'), , I'- C\/.... :-1 cO 00 o It) C/)C\/ 28 úOv349 A 0 0 0 C'-I N W*E§ A S å 0 0 l() 0 A FOUND 194J 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP WITNESS CORNER WESTE¡"~\N VVYOMlì\IC F~AI\IGE OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT - 60'.32'27" E 252.57' N 41'20'24" W .3.34.49 SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 1 9 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST UINTA COUNTY - FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP N 89'16'18" W - - 26.30.90' (M) .3' (TIE) FOUND 1944 2.5" . GLO BRASS CAP 8 lU,...." = I ~ ~........ /<'), , to It) to ~IC\Î o/<') O(() 2:C'-I '-.. ~ '-.. '., ~ c c FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP ~ D SEE SHEET 1 OF :3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BlM OWNERSHIP. D - TIllE OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. No DESCRIPIION BY ~Tr - 2 3 " ~I~ ~~ I')C'oI .- .- FOUND 1944 2.5~ GLO BRASS CAP 24 17.43' (TIE) ~ S 89'51'17" E ";~>'"", 2644.69' (M) 25 3Ò"":,,~,. N 63'21'O~" W '.,::;> 712.60'1 .,<~~ . N 60'44'3q" W ~:::'; 722.99 FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP vO\)3S0 A ~ N W*E§ 20 S A A ~~ ~~ A FOUND 1944 2.5~ GLO BRASS ¡CAP . S 89'51'23" E - - 2642.43' (M) 30 29 o o Ii) 3r;____ t ~ 0'-' ,0 "..tN 66'18'2q" ~ ~ 320.25 o 't- N 62'04'5s:1" W o 10 253.71'1 Z C\I S 60'18'2!1" E 814.41 S 54'22'Q" E 351. 74 o OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 112 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY 30 3r; I ---- t ~ ~'-' I{) , , ,...., 0>11{) o . 0; 010 V)C\I B B N 60'30'57" W 1936.96' N 68'53'51" 317.38' S 61'05'37" E 587.65' N 74'09'18" W 2.96 ........ " \/\l \'~ {) 1\// I l\f (3 c c ~ D SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D PRINT D 1 24 I!I.TE III PRELIMINARY o DESIGN DEVELOPMENT o BIDDING o CONSTRUCTION o APPROVAL o AS BUILT No, D REVISION - TITt£ OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. DESCRIPßON BY MT£ - 14 S 88'57'14" E 2620.37' (M) FOUND 1944 2.5 w GLO BRASS CAP . N 88°51'09" W 2612.00o--rM) 24 úO\Ì35:1 A 0 0 18 0 C'. 19 N W*Eª A S A 0 0 l() 0 FOUND 1944 2.5w GLO BRASS CAP FOUND 194.3 2.5w GLO BRASS CAP 23 24 A OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT w........ e l:e (0'-' ..... . " t"!1X) o . , 10 00 0" (f)t"! c FOUND 1944 2.5- GU BRASS CAP WITNESS CORNER 75..38' (TIE) N 41"29'04" W 27.25' 24 SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 113 WEST W 5' LINCOLN COUNTY ~'-' w........ e l:e 10'-' t"!. . /'I") t"!t"! o . , 10> o IX) 010 (/)t"! 63'35'00" W 3856.01' ..... . t"! t"!'Of- .... . , (0 o IX) 0t"! (/)10 B B N 63°21 '03" W 1947.74' ~~ ~~ t<')C'/ ~~ ~~ V\ìE:: S T E:: H I\! V\/YO [V! IN G ¡:U\NGE~ 23 24 26 N 89'04'30" W 2610.89o--rM) . FOUND 1944 2.5w GLO BRASS CAP S 88'49'13" E 2636. 68o--rM) c FOUND 1944 2.5- GLO BRASS CAP / D SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BlM OWNERSHIP. D BY DATE - PRIN ED 1 4 2 DATE þI PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION - 1TIlE 2 3 ........ FOUND 1944 2.5- GLO BRASS CAP FOUND 1944 2.5- GLO BRASS CAP ùOv35~ A ~ N W*Eê 14 s o o l1) A ~ ........ A ........ 16 S 89'57'.37" E - - 2640.47' (M) FOUND 1944 2.5- GLO BRASS CAP . ~' (TIE) N 89'59'02" W........ - - 2644.05' (M) N 6.3'1 O'O~" W 467.51 21 22 B Lu........ ~~ . C"I ......C"I C"I . , 110 o~ o(() U)C"I ~ 0 210.91' ~ SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 19 N H RANGE 113 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B Lu........ . ::E ......- ~. . 10 10....... ...... . , 0 00> 0C"l U)IO FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP 22 OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT c 3::........ . I::E 1")- 1"). . ...... O>~ ...... . °1...... O~ ZC"l c FOUND 2.5" GLO 1944 BRASS CAP FOUND 1944 2.5- GLO BRASS CAP 23 21 S 89'58'58" W 5291.66' (M) 27 26 28 27 ".r ~ D ~!~::~t.... .... ~ 'rJ,F>..~, . ....,~"t)~r:¡,., PRINTED 1 24 2006 FOR DAl£ þI PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUilT No. D REVISION SEE SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BlM OWNERSHIP. D - ml£ OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING 110. DESCRIPTION BY 1),\1£ - A '- uUù35'-J o o o C'I A N w*Eê s A A o o l!) 148.20' (TIE) N 63'14'45" W 1731.01' VIJESTEHN B V\/YOI\JI/NG Ri~NGE ::-- I I::E 1'-'-' 0- . "t o IX) bl~ 0(0 zt"l I (FOUND 1944 2.5Ø V GlO BRASS GAP c ~ /.. ~ D PRINT 24 00 MTE tal PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION o SECTION 16 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 113 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B 63'12'05" W 4221.93' FOUND 1944 2.5Ø GLO BRASS CAP 182.19' (TIE) '- 16 ~ '- OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT LLI__ I ::E rt') '-"¡. '\ !f"" {·,,-·~'·I"·-~ 1"-~~, "t \'." '-'" I ¡'""' h,,' J" I .. m" :·L_.':...~.:' , .....,1 '<:!', -¡;~ IX).... :-1" 0"t 0(0 (J')t"I c FOUND 1944 2.5 GLO BRASS CAP 16 21 22 SEE SHEET 2 OF J FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D - TITl1 OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. RIP1lON D.\! - 2 3 A FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP vO.i354 A ~ N W.E~ S A A 6 7 8 o o U) l&.J" · l::e lliji:::1.,;,··p:::r-:¡f ¡ ~ '-' Y. i.......::;¡ , !_N. \J I"') ~ VVYOMING ~ ~ F~Af\JGE bl~ Ot() (l)C"I o OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 113 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B 113.96' (TIE) 8 FOUND 1944 2.5" B GLO BRASS CAP 6.3'07'56" W .3214.98' l&.J" · l::e .,-. '-' ~~ ~ 0 OJ.,-. C"I . · 110 o~ ot() (l)C"I c FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP : N 63·14'45" W ...... / 2415.8.3' . "<':. 293.71' (TIE) l&.J" . l::e 0'-' o~ ~ C"I t()1O C"I . . 110 o~ ot() (l)C"I \/1/ E:" ~::3 "{ E F~ I\J W'\/()AA/NG F~i:/\, 1\! (3 F': 7 S 89'53'20" E - - 2649.71' (M) FOUND 1944 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP . ~"'" ....~ N 89·53'45" W·<::::·, - - -----:;:.: '. 2648.03' (M) c 18 17 '- D ~ [gook-S;n:Iers P~""kmnJF..gln",:::~OCt..\ i. p~ ifd,r~.4~' ' P~~)~':&51 SEE SHEET 2 OF :5 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D P INTED 1 2 2006 FOR DATE þI PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION - IDLE OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. DESCRIPTION BY DATE - vOù355 . A 0 0 0 C'\J N A W*E A 0 0 0 s d 0 0 I.() ......... ~ 0 ......... SECTION 12 roUND STONEL ~ ,789.24' (TiE) TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B N 89'19'53" W B 2636.25' (M) N 58'53'2ff' 925.05 ~"""""' t I~ 0)........ .- - . I"- - 00 ~ C\ . OWNERSHIP ' (() OC\ o(() BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT zC\ - VroUND 1940 2.5" GLO BRASS CAP C 12 c SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BlM OWNERSHIP. D - IDLE OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT OAAWING No. No DESCRIPßON OAT[ - A 2 3 (:Ov356 o o o C'\J A N W*Eª S A A OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT FOUND STONE B ~........ = ~ (0'-' .... . . 0') C'I..¡- o . . I") O¡..¡- 0(0 (J)C'I I -"'- 33 4 --.-..---......- o o If) 34 o SECTION 34 TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B N 84'24'0.3" W /' 1224.86' (TIE) S 89'06'.31" E 2641.62' (M) FOUND 1940 J.5" GLO BRASS CAP c D ~ CSA~~~~;Jr" ¡ ProfßlSI...1 Engln"'n & S"rnJjnn. .. ..... ~.k''fJIF> .~, '. Pt8.~t)~51 PRINTED 1 2006 DATE III PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No, D REVISION DESCR1I'OON ---""" 7.3'10'10" E 1018.24' N 6.3'06'05" W / 1676.71' FOUND 1940 J.5" . " GLO BRASS CAP S 89'05'44" E . - - FOUND 1940 J.5" 26.39.88' (M) GLO BRASS CAP 258.46' (TIE) TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH TOWNSHIP 19NORT: ........ c SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D - ml£ OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWl«; No. BY DATE - A B FOUND STONE FOUND STONE MOUND N 89"05'35" W 2630.28' (M) · S 89'09'45" £ - - 2656.64' (M) 32 33 57"23'4Ef' 497.61 N 51'35 '14" W 487.90 S 58'15'21" £ 1304.96 ' ~......... t I~ e'-' ~- - co 1'1,..... - . °1- eLC) co zC'\/ S 63'22'45" £ 2601.92" 32 OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT c SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. èOv357 o o o ('\ 28 A N W*E§ S & A o o L[) o SECTION 32 TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY V'\/)/ () fVl ; f\f (; 8 ........ ~ ........ FOUND STONE c D - IDl£ OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRA~G No. BY [)AT< - No. 2 3 70'51'09" W ' 30 ûOJ3SS A 0 0 0 C'J N W*E A 0 0 0 s d 0 0 If) 0 SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY 24 19 A 25 FOUND 1944 3.5" GLO BRASS CAP B Lu....... . ::E ""- ........ C'\ . . I") ""-I() ° . , I") 0" °10 (f C\/ OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 6.3'29'14" W 2800.44' FOUND 1992 J" ALUM CAP/PLS#57J JOHNSON-FERMELlA CO. B S 58'.31 '.3f' £ 454.67 Lu....... · ::E 10........ I(). · 0> ""-00 C\/ . · C\/ 01") °10 (f C\/ \lV'( () !\m i\J C:; S 6.3'00'0.3" £ 155.3.62' c S 68'09'.3Ç( £ 448.45 ' N 62'59'11" W 54.26' 58J.64' (TIE) c FOUND 1940 J.5" GLO BRASS CAP D ~ re..IICook-5ðlders ~~ftSsodates'lnct, pror""lonRI F.ng¡"",.. & Sun<Jßl'l '. ..... ~lfJ,rvM~~, . , . ....g~..,)~051 PRINTED 1 4 2006 OR DATE þr PRELIMINARY o DESIGN DEVELOPMENT o BIDDING o CONSTRUCTION o APPROVAL o AS BUILT No. D REVISION SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D DESCRIPßON BY ()ATE REViSION - TIllE \ VUù35::J \ 14 13 A 0 0 0 "" \23", ~ N A FOUND 12- SANDSTONE W*Eª A BROWN/WITH MARKINGS = ~ 10'-" \~I~ s A 0 0_ 0 0,.,., l() 110 OWNERSHIP 0 \ BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SECTION 24 VVESTERN TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH WYOMING 24 RANGE 115 WEST RANGE S 08'04'20" E 457.33' LINCOLN COUNTY N 17·28'42" W 655.99' B B 26 N 89'31'29" W . - - FOUND B- PINK 2629.06' (M) ......... SANDSTONE/WITH MARKS ~g~ ~s::;,'?cs¡;'~ " W;;,~T~~~ FU\NGE FOUND 1944 3.5" GLO BRASS CAP 24 19 2742.6" (fiE) 23 c 25 30 c ~ D ~ rr. aCOOoi-Sa1ders ~~ssociates't P~.alEøgl""rs&Su....",.. ,,', " ~'rJ'~4~~' ' ; . ,.J;'~)~, ' PRIN 006 FOR D DATE NEW .lUGNMENT III PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION o APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. D DESCRIPTION BY DII 2 SRH 2 0 TIllE SRH 5 4 06 KAC A B 2 N 89'55'32" W ~2' (M) LFOUND REBAR 14 S 08'04'20" E 5362.64' -\\ '\ 1\ I' II II II " II II ,\ II iJ. '\ \1 II II \\ \ \ 3 ùOv360 A 0 0 0 N 11 12 N W* A E 0 0 FOUND 6-STONE 0 WISCR/BE AND NOTCHES S lIJ........ A 0 0 = I~ I.f) ,..,- 'OJ-. . 0 0>1.f) o . 0 . I 'OJ- 01() OU) SECTION 14 Zt'.l TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH RANGE 115 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT c FOUND 8" PINK SANDSTONE . D ~ [SAook-Sanders "'"" t=:t'"=~ ..g.~)~, ~~- PRINTE 1 24 2 F R DATE þI PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION N 89'55'19" W - - 2647.46' (M) 364.13' (TIE) lIJ........ = I~ 0- o. . I() ......0 o . , 1'Oj- 01() OU) (f)t'.I B FOUND 8" PINK SANDSTONE FOUND 12" BROWN SANDSTONE c SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. DESCRlPTlON BY DATE D - mLl: - FOUND STONE IN FENCE CORNER A 364.13' (TIE) B WES"rEt:~i\1 VlfY 0 IV11 i\I C; FV\NGE: / c \ \ D / N 89'11 '57" W - - 2650.72' (M) . FOUND STONE S 16'08'1 g" W 903.48 / 3t1~ /~6 11'). · 0 O)~ I"") . , 0 o~ o(() zC\¡ / 12 / FOUND STONE WITH SCRIBE 3t~ · I::!: C\¡....... C\¡. · (() I"") IX) o . bl~ o(() V)C\¡ OWNERSHIP BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 11 12 14 FOUND 6"srONE WISCR/BE AND NOTCHES SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BlM OWNERSHIP. ~Ov36~ A ~ N W*Eª S A A o o II') o SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH RANGE 115 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY B c D OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. - TßlE No. BY ~ - DESCRIPTION ........ ~34 A 3 FOUND 1940 3.5w GLO BRASS CAP LLJ (D -"" "'-. <or r:i (::> >'7 .t::.. ....... WI~ (0'-' ('I ~ êoo; ('I . , I'*" 0" o(() (/)('1 :?: o >- '.::'.> :> B ~.~¡' <>I.. C( LU ~....... fJ) ~;U s; FOUND STONE 2 3 36 1 Uj (D A .., f\i "7<" .t~-"... -'~.. "., ¡'1,~ I..i.. ;2: C( III ~..,. B ........ À 0 0 0 N N w* E 0 0 NOT FOUND 0 C S c A 0 0 l() 0 SECTION 2 TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY ,.~. /.- ~ D rr. "Cook.Sanders ~~5Sodates.~ ¡;;;;¡....-¡;;.I ERg'.",,, & s."",." 7f - PRINTED 2 4 20 6 FOR DATE þI PRElIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION 127.52' (TIE) 35 N89'01 '51 "w 5288.18' (M) 2 FOUND 1940 3.5" GLO BRASS CAP N 63'06'05" W 5912.15' ....... ~g ~¡::: . ~ ~I~ ¡....~ ..- ..- ." 8'" (/) 2 OWNERSHIP BlM SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP. - 1TIlE OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DftAWING No. D DESCRIPnDN BY DA - FOUND STONE 20 21 21 22 5B9'41'02"E - - 256.3.37' (M) 5B9·39'51"E !FOUND STONE 2638.95' (M) 28 / S14'45'36"W 1020.49' (T/E)--¡j --- 29 28 FOUND STONE A ""' a:: '-' - ~ 0,0 o (» ci .- ~ ~ C\ > UJ gs I (f) o w p a:: o ~ .- ....J b III o (f) NBB·29'05"E 433B.68' (TIE) _ 1? 5BB'5B'00" W 5210.43' (R) BlM RESURVEY 1904 "--.z::"'" OT FOUND "- N 10'30'29" E 37.24' / / N 51·25'17" E 422.62' N 19·14'5B" E 242.5B' ~ 22"13'47" E 14B.BO' - - OWNERSHIP BlM N 06·25'17" E 3BB.70' 542'47'22"W 2751.02' (TIE) - - ß:I B79.36' (TIE) A N W*E§ .- S A 28 NOT FOUND B c 29 28 N89·0B'OO"E 2451.30' (R) BlM RESURVEY 1904 32 33 NOT FOUND SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH RANGE 114 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY NOT FOUND I 7SA~ D ___¿~ PRIN 14 2006 R DATE ~ PRELIMINARY D DESIGN DEVELOPMENT D BIDDING D CONSTRUCTION D APPROVAL D AS BUILT No. D REVISION SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR ALIQUOT PARTS OF BLM OWNERSHIP, - TITLE OVERTHRUST PIPELINE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR BLM SURVEY EXHIBIT DRAWING No. VUV-.sÐ~ FOUND ALUM CAP ,,:c... '-'";>' , :~i:: A i) u) ~:~~ C) c~! ,,) ~':;? (it ,¡;::.~ ......t; '~._I "I U) ,~:;J (f) U.i ~~ .-. (,", (':) L:t. n.. B o o o C'J o o I.() o c D BY M - DESCRII'IION