HomeMy WebLinkAbout937344 I\Vllnllvl vi nm L J LI'JI'JO " M" nnJl/t1ll:J NTL-1773 Whe.. ...corded mail to: JEFF CALSTRUM 5729 WEST 10620 NORTH IllGHLAND,. UT 84003 RECEIVED 3/3/2008 at 4:18 PM RECEIVING # 937344 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 516 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY POWER OF ATrORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS OOðSj,6 Tfud: I,RON JEWETT hava made. constituted and appoJnted, and by thele preaCDta do .ma1œ, constitute and appomt JEFF CALSTRUM, MY tnæ and 1awfW. Attorney for ME and Ùl MY name, place and atead and for MY use and benefic FOR nIB PURPOSE OF EXECUTING ALL DOCUMENTS CO'1lfNBCTED WITH THE SALB FOR PIWPBkTY LOCATEDAT2156THSTREBT COKBVILLE. WY 83114 LOT ONE (1) OF BWCK ONE (I) OF HUNTER. ADDmON RECORDED OCTOBER 24.2007 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 934321 IN THE OFFICE OF 'tHE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMtNG. to ask, denJand, IUe for, recover, collect and receive aU such SUOlS ofJì1an.ey, debts. dues. açCOWlts. legacies, bequeall, interests, dividends, annuWbs and demands whaØoever, as arc now or shall hereafter become due, owiDg, payable, or beloDging to ME, and have, use and take, aU hnvñù WII)'IIBnd.D1C1lDl in MY name or otherwise, :fur the recovery theroofby attachn1eota, arreø1a, disfross or otherwise, and to COmproDÚ8e and agree for t1nI same, and acquittances or other øufficient discþarges fur the same. for ME and in MY name to mab, seid and deüvc:r; to bargain, contract. agrte for, purchue, receive md take Iandø, tencImonts, heteditaments and accept the &eizing and pouession of aU1and., and aU deeds and otbet' asSW1Ulcel in the Jaw thereof. and to lease, Jet- demise, bargain, lieD, remise, release, convey, mortgage md hypothecate. lands ten&mlent!l 8l1d hereditøm~. upon such terms and conditiODll and und8r øu.çb. coveaantl as BE ahaU think fit. Als() to bargajn and agree for, buy, sell mortgage, hypothecate, and in any md evmy way BDd manner de81 in and with goods. wares and. merçhandjsD, Qhoolle& in açtiou, and. ot.bw property in pOSllel8íon or in action. BDd to make, do and tranaact all and every kind ofbusJnels of what DBture or kind soover. and also for ME and in MY name and as MY act and deed, to lign, seal, execute, deliver and acknowledge øw:h dce~, çovenants, indentures, agn:eru.enII, mortgages, hypothecations, bottomries, cQrter parties, biUs of lading, biIII, bonds, note., flee.ipts,\ evidencel of debt, releases and satisfitction of mortgage, judgmem and other debts,and such other iDstrmncnta in writing ofwhatOV'et kind md oature lit may be ueçossaty or proper in the pnmUsl'!I. GIVING AND GRANTING unto JEFF CALSrRl1M said Attorney full power and authori~ to do and perfunn all and evetY act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises. as fW1y to all intents and purposes as I might or could do ifpmonally pre¡ent, and IIWE am hereby I1ItÜ}'ing and confirming 811 that MY said Attorney, JEFF CALSTkUM shall JawfuUy do or CBUlJC to be done by virtuo oftbbae prelienta. IN WITNESS WImRBOF, bye hereunto set hand ami seal~. . " f\..-:.....··,_c.'........·"..",,~,.,......._;...~,',.,'.,.. \.>" State of ~} County of ~ } &8: On ~~ ¡,/ Þ r. personally appeared befu TIlEY executed the I . ' '.,'...,.,..-.,..,-...... """'"">.,'-'.,-,' ':: k~:~~.':.;1~~) GL~.Oí8 HIGGH\JFJO¡i';!Wi i.: ~. \(i v ~;.~\~¡:r~¡~¡¡ l\Iot~:¡r\1 Pi <~"¡Il"l"" , '. ~ t \; . ~,;i,~( /"1 .-. .,"-. "" j '~:':;,....-:/ PiaJo Or IYr¡! i 1~:J~~~~~~~;.'~::~:~iJ;";~,~;::1