HomeMy WebLinkAbout937390 RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT liOv724 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KCCC Group, LC. å Uteh limited liability company of the County of Salt Lake and State of Utah, hereinafter referred to ~s -grantor", for and In ~onslderauon ~f TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged. does hereby grant unto the County of Lincoln. State of Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as "grantee", the right to layout, construct, Inspect, operate ~nd maintain a road for the use of the public over and acrosS the following described lands situate. In the County of Lincoln and state of Wyoming, to- wit: That part ot Lot 2 of Clark's Corner Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming lying and being situate within the land described on the atteched Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A., 5cherbel, titled "Description for E.L. Clark Lane County Road No. 12-160 Extenslòn" dated 26 september 2007, as revised. hereby releasing and waiving all rights under the homestead lawI of the state of Wyoming; Grantor also grants the right of Ingress and, egress to and from said lands for any and all purposes necessary and Incidental to the exercise, by the Grantee, and the public, of the rights granted under this conveyance; Including but not limited to, the rlght.of corporations organized u!}der the laws of this State or of any other State or of tha United states for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating telephone, telegraph or electrio transmission and distribution lines to set their poles, piers, abutments, wires and other fixtures along, across or under the above described lands In accoi'dance wI~ § 1-26-501 of the Wyoming Statutas, (2003); Grantee agrees to maintain culverts ot suitable size across such ditches and laterals of Grantor as necessary for proper operation of Irrigation systems and In. the case of new construction, the grantee agrees to construct culverts of suitable size across such ditches and laterals of Grantor as necessary for proper operation of the Irrigation systems. The easement herein granted shall be perpetual so long as the above described lands are used for the purpose of a public road. WITNESS my hand thIs -L-. day of /(1 TAMJ HANSON ! ~ c NOTARYPUBL/C'STATEoIUTAH ¡ œ...ø 9489 South Klrkside Drive ¡ '. . South Jordan. UT 84095 MY ~ EXPIRES: 09-26-Z010 STATE 0 I . COUNTY OF Sldftßt 55. ~ .2007. KCC.VROUP, LC ¿;::' . Kendall A. Warburton, Manager The foregoing l'1s~ment was ackìlwletlged before me by Kendall A. Warburton, Manager ot KCCC Group, LC this -fI1.!::::-.- day ofÓ i/ . 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: q/U (;0 RECEIVED 3/6/2008 at 8:49 AM RECEIVING # 937390 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 724 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ofesslona Land Surveyors lul N. Scherbel yo. ReglstraUon No. 164 ah ReglslraUon No. 1670 aho Registration No. 3990 Ivada Reglslration No. 6805 :oU A. Scherbe yo. Raglstratlon No. 3889 aho Reglslratlon No. 8028 ah Reglslratlon No. 372111 ~RLOWE A. SCHERBEL yo. Reglstrallon No. 5368 Jrveyor Scherbel, LTD. lon, Wyoming g Piney, Wyoming ckson, Wyoming ,va Hot Sprin9s, Idaho Jnlpeller, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR E.L. CLARK LANE COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-150 EXTENSION To-wit: - - ":.o··"""ì'?t': t:: VtØi.ol;:'J A strip ofland fifty (50) feet in width, together with a sixty foot radius cul-de-sac, within Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Clark's Comer a Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being twenty- five (25) feet on each side of the following described centerline: . BEGINNING at a spike on the centerline of the E.L. Clark Lane County Road No. 12-150, NOoo-20'-27"W, 58.60 feet, from the southwest comer of Lot 7 (SWY-.SWY-.) of Section 6, T30N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, identical with Station 41+60.95 (Point of Tennination) of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County on plat no. 12-150 titled "MAP OF E.L. CLARK LANE COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-150 LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING; thence S25°-35'-39"E, 242.14 feet, along said centerline, to a spike; thence S40o-10'-14"E, 134.96 feet, to the center point of a cul-de-sac with a radius of 60 feet; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of Lot 7 (SWY-.SWY-.) of Section 6, T30N R1l8W, being NORTH; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a' 5/8". x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF E.L. CLARK LANE COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-150 EXTENSION WITHIN LOT 1 AND LOT 2 OF CLARK'S CORNER, A SUBDIVISION LINC ~ OUNTY Z ed 17 September 2007, as revised. "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"