HomeMy WebLinkAbout937423 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT wife, Grantor, Dee J. Burnett and Joan W. Burnett, husband hereby conveys, grants and releases to the Grantee, Diamondville, a Wyoming Municipal corporation, of P.O. Box U.S. 30/189, Diamondville, Wyoming, 83116, for the sum dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, easements to be used for the construction and sanitary sewer line, said easements described as follows, twit: of 20 A temporary construction easement for the installation of a sanitary sewer line. Said ease ent to be through Parcel 135 of the Town ofDiamondville and a portion of the Dee 1. Burnett an Joan W. Burnett parcel as described and recorded in book 95 on page 337 on file in the Linco County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the Burnett parcel and being part 0 NW 1/4 Section 25, of the resurvey ofT.2lN., R. 116 W., 6th P.M., Town ofDiamondville, Linco County, Wyoming. Said temporary easement being more particularly described as follows. Commencing at the comer number 3 (southwest) comer of Parcel 135 ofthe 1942 Plat oft e Town ofDiamondville, Wyoming; Thence N 11 ° IO'W along the westerly boundary line of said P cel135, 103.7 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 20 ofthe 1942 plat of the Town ofDi ndville. Said point also being the southeast comer of Deal Alley (originally East Sixth Street) Thence continuing NIl ° IO'W, 8.81 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; Thence N 79° 07' 22"E, 87.29 feet; Thence N 7° 58' 43"W, 70.85 feet; Thence N 78°40' l6"E, 15.03 feet; Thence S 7° 58' 43"E, 85.99 feet; Thence S 79° 07' 22"W, 101.55 feet; Thence NIl ° 10' OO"W, 15.00 feet to the point of beginning , as shown on the map which is ttached hereto and incorporated herein. Said easement containing 2593 square feet more or less. AND A temporary construction easement for the installation of a sanitary sewer line. Said easem nt to be through Parcel 135 ofthe Town of Diamondville and a portion of the Dee J. Burnett and oan W. Burnett parcel as described and recorded in book 95 on page 337 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the Burnett parcel and being part of W 1/4 Section 25, ofthe resurvey ofT.2lN., R. 116 W., 6th P.M., Town ofDiamondville, Lincoln ounty, Wyoming. Said temporary easement being more particularly described as follows. Commencing at the comer nwnber 3 (southwest) comer of Parcel 135 of the 1942 Plat of e Town ofDiamondville, Wyoming; Thence NIl ° IO'Walong the westerly boundary line of said Par el135, 103.7 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 1, Block 20 of the 1942 plat of the Town ofDiam ndville. Said point also being the southeast comer of Deal Alley (originally East Sixth Street); Thence continuing N 11 ° lO'W, 8.81 feet; Thence N 79° 07' 22"E, 87.29 feet Thence N 7° 58' 43"W, 70.85 feet; Thence N 12° 04' 19"W, 63.10 feet; 1 RECEIVED 3/6/2008 at 3:24 PM RECEIVING # 937423 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 836 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNJy CLERK, KEMM RER, WY Thence N 78° 03' 33"E, 3.66 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; .'; 00837 Thence N 78° 03' 33"E, 15.03 feet; Thence N 8° 20' 42"W, 10.40 feet; Thence N 4° 24' 14"W, 66.2 feet more or less to a point on the common boundary line be ween the Burnett parcel and that particular parcel ofland conveyed to the Town ofDiamondville as escribed and recorded in book 64PR on page 523 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. S 'd parcel herein after referred to as the Diamondville Lagoon Parcel; Thence N 27° 40'W, 37.98 feet along said common boundary of said Burnett P cel and Diamondville Lagoon Parcel; Thence S 4° 24' 14"E, 101.62 feet; Thence S 8° 20' 42"E, 11.86 feet to the Point of Beginning , as shown on the map which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. ' Said parcel contains 1426 square feetmore or less. Grantor acknowledges and agrees that the purpose of this grant of easements is to enable Grantee to use and occupy the above described property for all construction activities are necessary to construct and install a sanitary sewer line. hereby agrees not to construct or maintain any buildi g or structure of a permanent nature upon the easement above des while the easements are in effect. Said easements are grante with the understanding and the condition that the easement are temporary and shall expire and be of no further force and upon completion of the Deal Alley Sewer Improvement Project Grantee. Grantee hereby covenants and agrees to repair and r any damage to Grantor's premises caused by Grantee's constr activity on the easements. DATED this ~ "'6 day of /2.1 A ¿¡~ , 2008. *~fl;.~~ D e J. rnett, Grantor Burnett, ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE, TOWN OF DIAMONDVILLE: Ü\\Q~.~~~~ Megan c 1 ud';' ay r 2 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) ò00838 COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument Wj~ acknowledge~before me by Dee J. Burnett Joan W. Burnett this --'tm day of -IDø.fCÑ'\ ,20 8. Witness my hand and official seal. NO~~~~ My Corrunission Expires: Vù«:>. \ ~ 'kÖ\ \ I STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) .......f,~· JEANNE HORSBURGH . :OF. "~bp/,. ~ COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged'before MCClou~as the Mayor of the Town of Diamondville this of 1D<U'à\' , 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. J~l~~ My Corrunission Expires: ~Vb. \~ ~O\ \ .. 4f1tto~·..."'"<!..Y"":·,:-~~;,,,··~··~tv, m.tiNE HOR..~"'URGH . NOTARY :OF . SfA1E My Ctrnm!3slon Exp/,.~ \ IS I \ i:~ . 3 ---" _v ~ ~ -J PARCEL 135 \ '2.5" VJ $ 79°15 1 ~CO~tillr ...--- ...--- 1 ~PROPOS:E:~NE ~.s \ .., ( 1 I ')6017'30" $82..31 Vi 1\ \ 36017'30" VJ 1\ y: N15.77 Vi N 2.7 ° 40' 00" vJ :'.. ~. 16,89 Vi \ . . . 040'00" vJ ' V) ,-- \< 27 "\ 1\ C 37,98 V 4'14" VJ TOWN OF DIAMONDVILLE 1 N 04°2.Vi BK 64 PG 523 101,62. sEWER Etn' ~. 'tEMP PER~Et.\Etn' ~ ,'j.O' 'H\OE . UN mOtW.- NO ....e.E.t.\EN\' ¡..DO UC1\ON UW' CONStR '14" vJ N 04°2.fi 66.2.1 2." VJ 08°2.0' 4 N 11.86 Vi "VJ 08°2.0' 42. ., N Vi / ~ 10AO '33" ( / ~N 78°03 ~ 15,03 VI ~~003'33" E DIAMONDVILLE LAGOON ~.66 Vi PARCEL 1;~4'19" vJ 63.1~ Vi 78°40'16" ( N 15,03 Vi ., \ 7°58'43' vJ N Q. Vi 70, 5 07°58'43' ( ., $85,99 Vi oa"20' 4~;: $9,04 Vi \ WELL 1- ADDmONAl SOUTH ~.O· WIDE TEMP. CONSTRUCTlON1 EASEMENT \ 79°07'2.2." VJ \ $ 101.55 Vi \.-,,__ AID PARCEL 135 ---" f---- t N. ùoost --" -0 Þ /Ü n í'l \ iRA1L(R $(1"11 t ---...~ -.--' \ I t \ û \ \ ~ \ BATISTA ,\ í'\ \BK 622 PG 87. ~ \ Î \ \-10\)$( t \ ~ \U \ \ NE CO,NER OF SAID LOT 1 BLOCK 20 DE'E J. BURNffi AND JO~~ W. BURNm BK \95 PG 337 1 CORNER 2 OF SAID PARCEL 135 ,,-- ,,--- ,,--- ,,--- ,,--- ,,--- ,,--- 40 Y 4165-B 2007 Dvlll. Sewer R.hab\Drawlnge\praj.ct\Bumet L.gal.dwg 2 21 08 o 40 80 Scale: 1" = 40' "~I >- Crank COmpanies, InCOlporated ConsultIng EngIneerIng & Land Surveying 41 US. HWY, 3D/189, Dlamandvlll.. Wyoming BOK 365 Dlamondvllle, Wyoming B3116 PHONE:(3D7) 877-9093 FAX:(307)877-6351 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BURNm TO TOWN OF DIAMONDVILLE SHEET 1 OF 1