HomeMy WebLinkAbout937422 EASEMENT Grantor, Dee J. Burnett and Joan W. Burnett, wife, hereby conveys and grants to the Grantee, Town of Diamondv.ille, a Wyoming Municipal corporation, of P.O. Box 281, 20 U.S.: Diamondville, Wyoming, 83116 its successors, and assigns fo~ of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, a p easement for the construction, installation and continued mai~ repair, alteration or replacement of a sanitary sewer line, ove , under and through the premises of the Grantor in the Town of Diamo dville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being described as follow~ to-wit: 1 . A perpetual easement for the installation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer line. ~ easement to be through Parcel 135 of the Town ofDiamondville and a portion of e Dee J. Burnett and Joan W. Burnett parcel as described and recorded in book 95 on page 337 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after refe ed to as the Burnett parcel and being part ofNW !/4, Section 25, of the resurvey ofT .21 ., R 116W.,61hP.M., TownofDiamondville,LincolnCounty, Wyoming. Saidpe nt easement being more particularly described as follows. Commencing at the corner number 3 (southwest) comer of Parcel 135 of the 1942 Jat of the Town of Diamondville, Wyoming; Thence N 110 lO'W along the west rly boundary line of said Parcel 135, 103.7 feet to the northeast comer of Lot 1, Bloc 20 of the 1942 plat òf the Town of Diamondville. Said point also being the south ast comer of Deal Alley (originally East Sixth Street); Thence continuing N 11 0 lO'W, 8 81 fe~t to the Point of Beginning of this description; Thence N 79° 07' 22" E, 87.29 feet; Thence N 7° 58' 43" W, 70.85 feet; Thence N 12° 04' 19"W, 63.10 feet; Thence N 78° 03' 33" E, 3.66 feet; Thence N 8° 20' 42"W, 11.86 feet; Thence N 4° 24' 14"W, 1 0 1.6 feet more or less to a point on the common boundaty . e between the Burnett parcel and that particular parcel of land conveyed to the To, of Diamondville as described and recorded in book 64 PR on page 523 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel herein after referred to as the Diamond . e Lagoon Parcel; Thence N 27° 40' W, 16.89 feet to an angle point on the common boundary of aid Burnett parcel and Diamondville Lagoon Parcel; Thence N 36° 17' 30"W, 15.77 feet to a point on the common boW1dmy of said B ' ett parcel and Diamondville Lagoon Parcel. Said point being S 36° 17' 30"E of Co er number 1 of said Parcel 135. Thence S 4° 24' 14"E, 121.32 feet; Thence S 79° 15' 25"W, 10.66 feet to a point on the east boundary of that part~c parcel of land conveyed to Marlin Lynn Batista and Stacy Alene Batista as descr' under the Unplatted Portion within the corporate limits of the Town of Diamond . as recorded in book 622 PR on page 878 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. aid parcel herein after referred to as the Batista Parcel; RECEIVED 3/6/2008 at 3:23 P 1 RECEIVING # 937422 BOOK: 688 PAGE: 83 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEM Thence S 11 ° 10' OO"E along the east boundary of said Batista parcel, 132.71 fee Thence N 770 08' 48"E, 3.46 feet; Thence S 8020' 42"E, 9.04 feet; Thence S 790 07' 22"W, 73.02 feet to a point on the common east boundary line ofD Alley and the west boundary line of said Parcel 135; Thence S 110 10' 00"£, 15.00 feet to the point of beginning, as shown on 't e map which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Said easement containing 5862 square feet more or less. As part of the consideration for the conveyance 0 this easement, Grantee agrees that: (a) It will at its cost and to the satisfaction of the G antor, repair any damage to existing underground utilities with n the easement area which is caused by the construction, instal ation, repair, or maintenance of the sanitary sewer line; and (b) Upon completion of construction and installation sanitary sewer line, the Grantee shall at its cost, resurf dedicated portion of Deal Alley with a six inch thick(6")grav 1 base course; and (c) It will pay all surveying costs if the Grantee vacate a portion of East 7th Street which may result conveyance of real property to the Grantor and/or Julie Bac Said perpetual easement is conveyed by Grantor togethe with all rights necessary or convenient for Grantee's use 0 said easement for an underground sanitary sewer line, including not limited to any construction, installation, repair, inspectio , and maintenance which may be necessary to enable the Grantee to the aforesaid easement for a sanitary sewer line. Grantor and their successors and assigns shåll not construct or maintain any b ilding or structure or engage in any activity upon the easement above described which will interfere with the Grantee's use easement. DATED this ¿)~ day of ~hJ; , 2008. I: ß-&~ D ~ Burnett, Grantor ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE, TOWN OF 'DIAMONDVILLE: ,~~o\\~~ Megan M Cloud, Mayor '. 2 ,Ii STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) Ú 0834 COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument ~~~ acknowledg~d before me by Dee J. Burnett Joan W. Burnett this ~ day of ~f~ ,2008. Witness ~y hand and official seal. ~~~ Notary Public j My Conunission Expires: FeJa. \s¡ ')....D\ \ . ~ STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforelme McCloud as the Mayor of the Town of Diamondville this of tf\C1fch , 2008. ; CIOiInYor ~". \. by Megan day Witness my hand and official seal. .~_:~, My Conunission Expires: Fðo. \~~ )...0\ \ J (; ~~ Notary Public · ,mOl' \ l' ~ .f..:-'¡'.: ! (.w4~.~, . I . . ~ I ._.. ! ;,'( , .;' .'", , '..:\..,."" ii!'.. .. .. :'i' . (., ~ ' . !\i':,'~ . 3 --....-----....- )AID PARCEL 135 N. ---... f---- \ (;00 3S it \ \J --... \ 'vi :U :þ \ 'vi i¡Ü n \ \'l ~ \ IRAIL.t:.R 1£,tAP. $(\'1\1 '\ r-'" ~ --J PARCEL 135 ~ '2.'5" 'vi ., S 79·15 ~ DIAMO DVlLLE LAGOON I PARC \ -0 \ J> /Ü ( , \ n rl ~ '\ \ 'vi ( \ r-> ~ \Ù ADDmONAl. SOlml TEMP. CONSTRU EASEMENT , 2.2.* 'vJ 79.07 fi .0' WIDE 1\ 1\-..__ ----- ... ---'" ----- .. _____rL. '" 40 o 80 J . 4185-8 2007 Dvm. Sew" R.hab\Drowln .\proJect\!!u"",t Ugol.d"9 2 21 D8 Scole: 1" = "~I Crank Companies, Incorporated Consulting EngIneerIng at Land SurveyIng 41 US. HWY. 30/1811. DlomondvUl., Wyoming BOM 365 Dlomondvlll.. Wyoming 63116 PHONE:(307) 877-9D93 F"AX:(307)877-6351 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BURNm TO TOWN OF DIAMONDVI SHEET 1 OF 1