HomeMy WebLinkAbout938693 Warranty Deed Keith LeRoy Kyser and Ellen Rose Kyser Husband and 't'ife Grantors, for and in consideration of TEN ($~O.OO) DOLLARS and other Good and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: 000608 Pauline Schuette A single person Grantee, whose mailing address is 822 3rd West Avenue, Kemmerer, WY 83101, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit: Lot 16 of Block 2 in the Lincoln Heights Subdivision to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof, together with all buildings, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereto Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or in use. WITNE~S our hand this .d~ day of \--U--\t.; ,2008. State of ~OB--\l }")<'o County of L\~(~ ¿0I%ÿ t,¡J~ Keit eRoy ser ~~~ Elle~ Rose Kyser ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Keith LeRoy Kyser and Ellen Rose Kyser, husband and wife, this <JµD day of ~ Lf---' 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. ~\\\\\"( ur"11111. ~~ \\'é.R11Vt$' í"~ ~"\ ~~ ~ .~ 0 ~ ¡§ ~, ~OT~ (p ~ :::: ';, , Ii '." .... 0:::. - ðIr_~"'" r,_ == '-Ir~~ (I):: - .~... - = en "'''"'"' ~. ~_ == 'S"'" ~ '~:r::".....~ " S ~ 7" lISLlO - 0' ~ ~ ~ .."....~ ~ ~ Oþ VtfyO~' ~...$' '11111111'" i 1 \ \ \ \\\ '\ ~~ ',W2J1~-' , 'Á . ~:ry Public My Commission Expires: <t:O:fl'.:t';e~ let í é:D-to RECEIVED 5/2/2008 at 3:09 PM RECEIVING # 938693 BOOK: 693 PAGE: 608 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY 1