HomeMy WebLinkAbout876588 (In compliance w~ih the CO]:~.E.I;I PERP/~UA~'ION AND FILINE. ~C7', Wyoming Statutes, 1977. Sec/ion 56-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Boerd of RegistreUon for Professioool Engineers and Lend Surveyors.) Reverse side of [his form may be used ~f more space is needed. Record~ of original survey and citation of source of historic informotlon (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found end/or monument and accessories estoblished to perpetuote the ~ocot/on of this corner. Sketch of rei(3tive location of monument, (3ccessories, (3nd reference points with course (3nd dist(3nce to (3djacent_ corner(s) (ti determined in this survey), Method and r(3tionole for reest(3bHshment of lost or obHter(3ted corner, seg'lO'32'E 2608.86' T19N R113W S24_S1 S11 ~ 512 1944 6th PM F~ND ~E MONUMENT F~ ~IS 1/4 CORNER OF M~IMUM C~OL ~ICH IS A U.S.A. ~RNMENT ~R~Y BRA~ CAP ON ~ IRON PIPE ~1~ PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E ~OUND 1.2'. ~ERE IS A M~ND ~ ST~ 3' IN DIAME~R BY 1.0' TA~ ON ~E N~ SIDE ~D ~ERE IS A S~EL POST 5.5' ~ST ~ ~E M~UMENT. ~IS IS ~E MONUMENT F~ ~E 1/4 C~NER ~T19N ~W AND IS MARKED AS ~0~. s~l s~2 . S1 6th PM IS MARKED: S12 1944 TlgN R1 15W S1 1/4ST2 1944 SCALE 1'=1000' 6th PM e~.~.ss ASSUMED BUT 1HE: MONtJME~r IS I~ DRAWN Ry. COUNTY: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work: 08/12/00 Office Reference:· C_l~O~?~_? .[.N'.D~,.zss[ .~].,4.~.!x~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction / I j ~ /t~ I1 I L I/I- ~ /I. t/ I . I/^ Ulnt;o.h Englneer'lng o. nd and supervision. kJ-6J--$--LsJ--$--L4J---I---L3J--~---L2J---L--LI-L-Ic L~nd Surveying LI ± I I I ~ ~ [ B5 Sou~h ~00 -I T F q T F Telephone Number: 435-789-1017