HomeMy WebLinkAbout939473 DEED ÜOv264 MCKELL PORTER and LESA DRANEY PORTER, husband and wife, grantors of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to THE MCKELL AND LESA DRANEY PORTER FAMILY TRUST, dated May 30if'2008, MCKELL PORTER and LESA DRANEY PORTER, Trustees, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ) ~ , Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate orin anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this ~ day of May, 2008. RECEIVED 6/3/2008 at 10:50 AM RECEIVING # 939473 BOOK: 696 PAGE: 264 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ??¿5f/..dl. ~ . MCKELL PORTER ~j /!J (jJt9t.izJv LESA DRANEY PORTER STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTI OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by MCKELL PORTER and LESAJiRANEY PORTER, for THE MCKELL AND LESA DRANEY PORTER FAMILY TWST, Dated May 3ô , 2008, MCKELL PORTER and LESA DRANEY PORTER, Trustees, dated thi&.: day of May, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: (5...5,ò1 HEIDI BROWN· NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My Commission Expires August 5, 2009 ....--.-- Page J of J \i ~("I...r,,'\r"I' w...--·-·· -..... ..-. - . . 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Thè Tecording of thiS deed le to contlO t the de.d 0:1 1:ecord in 1 Qok 240 FI:\ pale 563 in the Office of the Clerk of Ll"èoln, County. )1', RF.r)~ IV I:\; ,INCOU! COUNTY CLEf!l\ , \ 98 hUG ¡ 9 !IIi 10\ 2 ì ' 852502 MARSHI~ \\,,0(:.. KEMME.nE,l~t wYor'l1\NG t 'I DOOK~¡~ ~í\{ n 02 -., .... ¡; ;1 'I '1 W!'/.'NIU5.___.Q1J.r......... ~.tlCl..8__.___ t),¡¡..Bth._u.d.¡r 4_~-_m.M_...m.......~-.9t:.:.... ' ,.~.~~~)..~~...._.. , .,' .tt:~__J._--'f:i:k~........__..._...._..., I II !I 11 I' i; 1\ I II Ii ~ I ...... ........ ...... .................... .... .......... ............ ..-... ..... ........ WI __....... ......... _........_ _....... _.... ...................... .......If... -..... ............ O '" ..... ~__.~..:......_._I:.~~ ""'qi W ..~..- S~11\1;¡!lf ".J?~D&.-.~ ..:. } , II. CQI\ 'b' o! __!.J,~n___,--- .,,,, """,,,, ""mm,.. ... "1",.",,.. >""., "" ',_!£I~ts:r-"""¡---., 1\1 __I 19L. :\ , \ I :.....~__ Valo>, S. POt't6t U,¡,_...!th ,__"/II)' 01 June - - ~~:~, M:r ~cmm\..I(Jn f' Ii Ii 't;.Ov265 II· I i I I \ I ' I , ~ _ '~'.,.'" :''1''0.. '1;\\ '.. .I'!W'.''WNI'''_" I\"/III\,....·,..........·..*"'.....~~'..·I": " :r_ú~,;,:' " '.' -' (i·, ,.";..:':,:'~:_~..', I t; u ' I V . "V \,/ '" I I oJr r',1 ~ 11'"V~lj 'v'V v~~:\I\ 1'1 I) , 't J'" f) r· V ""'\ ----.....-...--- u-.a......-........... \ . .". .., ]I ""'. . ..... ""···"';·0Ò¿'2G6':';:"""·''':,'"'~ .Þ-O WAARANTY I liED-fORM NO. t . _Oft. . ~$~." ...ij)#,j . ....: ..;.......--...,." ...._,-,.,."\;.:..,';:,..'.."..,._-'-"-'..,.,~"''-:,;'-"_.",.",,,,.. IN~... .~. ,PG~Ir'T"" WY~. CORRECTIVE. 01')'" n ......I~ WARRANTY .D,EID NO. . G5b'Ûl:,l.:~ .I!U,""", O. WI.DI. -.,., :. .. . ,':,..., ¡: :lfL V1N " PnRT¡:~ :Inti V41 Q.'i f:: POf:TEI:? I:IU5~,ßND ANn \lIFE 563 'I ."" " . I. I: Ii I I ! ._.......I......'......,W....~.._.. ,..... ., ,'. " grantor..!.., of ' LI~COlN ,': County, and State of WVOMING Ifol'andinO)~derationof. Ten ~n~ n9l1QQ Callð1"S l$10.00} and other goad and' val Liable 'cö,;s1derðt1Qns ,,' ',. DOLLARS i I I i II ¡I . II il II II I, " Ii II II Beginning at the·1ntersect1onof ·Sectio.ns30.29.19.20. T33N, R 118W. 5th P.M. !! and proceadine West, 1320 feet,' thence. South, 1320 feet to the Point of ::,¡' Beginning, also bei"g the northeast ·corner·of ths·$W4NE4 of Section 30. T33N, R l1aW, 6th P.M.. thence r"nn1n9 South. 1650 feet, thence Northwesterly' 34°59'3111, 2014.07 ,faet. more. or less to the north line of the SW4NE4. thence .' East, 1155. feet to "the point of' be.gfnning~conta1n1n9 21..875 acres, . : more or less, .", .,.' ",.'. '..".,....,; '. ' :¡ , ,I " 'i Excepting that parcet prev,1òusJy dee,ded:::' to;said"grantees ~ecorded 1'n,Bock ~l62 PR:r page ,333',Ofrecords in the' Off1ceofth~' C,l,irk of Lincol" County, that parce' I, containing 1.01 acres~ mo.r,e, ~r,-?,e;F$.:.." " ¡; The ric:ord1ng of thh d'eedi s ,to' correct the deed on record in Book 188 PR !¡¡¡ pagi 25 in the 011iceof ~h.èC1erkO,f.~t.nColn Count",.. ,~ ,': 'I"I:I'!~ :.lr:,~\:;·:1 ',: i,," :} , ~:. ,i,l; :'/"1 i,i,il . ,: ';',',j ;1, H, . "J " ~~~7 I ", ,'~!;:;." 'Y;""~ C:'~¡ '-:::' , .: I I . . ,~: ,';~" ~t ".,' :~" .' " .'~ , I " Ii ,f . ~\,'~ ' , ",. i: !i ' ::, I ~; , ".1 ~~,.:!;; ! .1 !i . . "'1'.' 1, ,~ ' , , I. .\~;. I' , ·II.~~; .: I,,~" ,":?L'" !¡i ¡. ,¡", , ¡ "'::¡' . ~ , . ' ";1 I. !! ,(;:-. . (," ·,L~;. ;', I. 'J~ II ¡: t~;, '·1 ,';~}"~;/~I':\' ·,1'" "r~ II ~il"Ù~h' ,~~;~I','june 11!'1 ,'; 'j '. 'I ;' , '1' Ii,' ;~ : Iii "~::--~ 'ii " ,. 'i I>. . !"... ii :':.,:. In hand pal( , rølpt whereot is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO MCKELL PQRTERAND L~~ð'Dt PORTER husband and wife. by the ent1ret:tes· ' ., ' , .... ~.:'.. . Sfantee..s- whose Iioddr_ Ia. G~o~~1" I, ~,Jl'U~p . the fol1owin,¡ described real eøtate,lSituate in . . L 1nc9l n' , CoW1ty and State of Wyomlne, hereby releasin~ and waiving ILlI rights. under ~ byvlltue of the homaete4d exemption laWl ~ the State, w·wit: " " '. ',,' ..,' ,.' ,. " .' , , I I', . i ~. I I ¡ I . , I, ha~tI S ~ .' ; . . I . I I r ,ç ¡ , .:" t~.. ¡ I ~; I I r I,', I,. I" I ¡V .I- 1.1 .1 :¡ ,. :,' ,'. Ii ;~ "'" 'I i . I " ¡I ~ !. 1 " I i .. ;1 " WITN:!S,.q , Oyr _I.... Sta.te of ,.I.JyQmi ~g County oj' ." , . }' . . sa.,,', . ':..'. !" ~"'.:~ ...~.:.~ ':'~t'· .< linen'" :. ,¡, ;".., ;:~"··,~"r . I"' ~~~';' ðO~:'fl~;~~n,~::!::'~.~~.."":=~",,. ,..-=I~ ~. i: 25 I: Ii /. I~ Ii Ii r ;1 ¡. ¡: Ii Ii " :i I: " I' II II 'I , Ii Ii II 1; Ii !I 600261 WARRANTY DEED . - u - - .,~.- ----- ------------~)YJ...:F;~~.YU:f:I!.-.Pg_·~,J'_~l1_~!1~;,y~Q::Cª-.-_E52SJ:~~.t___n__~_____ _____... ~_____ " huáband and w1fe ' , -... - -... .......-- -. _. ....- ---...............--------:---.......-...... ~------- -..--...-..-..,..~...___:J...;.___..._....___ ...._.... __... .._"',.~...-__...-...-...-_ _............___ (ranto~ _!- -/ (.. ---- -~--:'-"~-.------'~- -------,--____J:!!l:.q91rL ._____~____ ___________ _____________ __<:OIUlW, and state Df_____..___yf.. ~~~~j.____~.~_____, !or ad in consfd'Brllt!on ~!,..Ã.AA.ª'-~ª"_J~tqL!9.qJ:¿.9.l)_~!_~j$Jg_\,.9..ºt.!~..___ -~~-~!_j?-I?! ~.!~~-Y..~J.:!.~È.~~5 O~!J.?.~_~~..tJ.~~_!.~~_:_,:_:__':_ :-..;-~-_:_----~-:--:-=-;:-::-~.:h:_=.~':_:__.~ in hfl ,¡d þaJd, ! Il!slpt wh~rQ( .f ¡_hereby a.clœow!edred. CO:NVEYAND 'ffA!UUNT TO. ._.,".._.._._____________..,___________ ---- ._h_ .,;, n. -- -----------___~s:_Kg~~ -P...Q-R.I :§rL !\E:ªMJ~ _~!\J?' L _..F_Q_:B.l'_~~'ª'.A._____ __ _. _________ ____ -_n__n -' .;,.- _u -.. - - --- . ·------------------~~!Þ..!A~t.!~_~._~if ~~_ Jt.l_~_ ~ _ ~-qUr_ ~ä!!_'_..________ ------..-__.._____..-u __ _____ ¡l'....t\tls.!L_, w lOle IIddrel8 ,--_ç..r.9.YS1.r..~_l'fX___t! ~1~_4.._, ,_..___.._ ___________ -u__u.__,~______..________.._u___,___ _ .._un ...--.........--- ..,.....' ..._---........_--_.-._--~._---_...-...__..._---_...._- -- ...-.. - -...~,-.-._-~..... -....--......-- ~-......_- .,-,,--,~............._-_.... -...--..-.---...........-- ..--...-... the t~I1QW¡:n8' (,Iurlbed 11I1\1 clltate, 111tuatul J:!.--~---.-_...".~~__,_...____..~!~_Q91q_._.___.___..___..:.-u-..:-___Cllunty and Stat. o! Wyominr. hI: rèby 1'I!1u..m, and wai~n&, aU righI;¡¡, under and bjr yjrtu~ of the hQ~AI!Bt¡¡ad eXl!mpttQI!. lawl çf the St"tt¡ to.wit: Be¡¡innbg &t the intersection of S6ctions 30, 29, 19, ~O,T 33 N, R J 18 W, 6th P.M., a.r.d proceecilngthence SQuth 1650 feet, thence No,:thweste!'1J134°5~P31P from the Ea.USecttofi UJ16 of Section 30, T ~ ~ N, R 118 W, 6th P.M. , 2014.07 feet, mor. ,:)1' Leu, to the intl~nection p[ the North' .eetion Une of Section 30, l' 33 N, R 118 WI 6th P. M. J thence running East 115~ feet to th" point of begir¡ning, \, coni:a.tning ZJ., 875 aores¡ more OJ,' Lust $4.00 '", ' _...._ ¡''''."..;...'"'~.,.. ,.... ,. r.. ~" ¡ f'\¡;C(;)f',: ",; , Jun~ ,l.o,..196Z···' ·9A" I \1'1 ttCOI\ ,18,SPR,. .' . 25 :....", ".:,"'" ~" \~!':'("}. I 5~ì.'8'3[)"1 ,'. ,,1'1" (:. ')v",r., ~.U i'f'-: I "h~.~.~-:':-"':'''~~~~~:: .~',~.~ .:. '~.____.._._~..J WITNESS.." .___º-':.1_'::__~__ hncl._~_____ tbl.-~_liL___d,y O~:l:__, _._.,. .;X~,~Jl-_u_:;;,.o-... __, ".aL , Uoo - :--~ O--~š?:a;:fir:L___~___~______ 1": '~---?7ji~,.j-wl- . -~._(~--~~~...~~--~~----~--------,,------- ....-.....-..... k .............. _ ---... -.. -.... ..--___.._...__...____ __ _____...._... OII...._ -:-: - ------- ..._-... --...------... -- ...----...-...-......... -.. .'...........- - - ........---.... e ": r--~:.L.~~.... ~III =.L State of _____ 'WYOMING Count-y of ~_ __ LINCOLN ~ loU. j The fC1'\!i'(li:Jg im¡trunlent vras a~kn(lwl~dged b~£(,'.r() me by..J.1..!lyin 'T...1'orl.O',£.,,;~LY~42:C§.!_..., Pot: t e:t' '1..... _If. _ . 'j' I: :¡ :1 Ii II " :,! , j " i I: 1, ;' I' .1 ¡! ¡! . !j II I. !I I I' " i, I: 'I I¡ :1 II ;! 'I ¡i tI /I i: I1V'1'vVI , ' ~ 101)'1'1" (.vve. v'''''nlll I..IIlVVL.1't VV YI..¡",r\l\ """IINT'" PIIIIIII:J-I'CnM NO. " '''.. ,~, ~1I1T:. ',· ...·IWU!!.~t..."'..J.f',:;o;:~~~....,...,., Ai~ 1'.~IJ'iI''''''''',''''lIltUi ,. 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I ,,' .,r· ~,/~ , nooruUti.rR MOS. ~ I I f I I I I Wl1''''IU....Ç~~........ hlndJ......~ \bl.~.1~h_...d.Y, Qt..JwL'm~..___~m_~.... ";;:aj'.!~ . " . . ..~:::,.. .~......." '. " .. -£.RÆ_~¿'~_. ~~.........._... ..... . ... ~..._,,- 11'''... ........~ -If ".... 'If..... ... _."'.... _.:. .......... .. ........ -.--.--- ......-..."..........~ "........... ..... .",,~... ....... ·....·11 ~...........~_A .4" T - ~ .d_.....~. _~ --.~ 1- -. " S~~a I ~ _.11~IJi_~._' , _} Ltncotl\ ' ' ilK, COlll1ly ot .,,_._~.__-:--- 1,'ho tOl"lIlIolnr ,!11Rtrumont w~. IUIlmowlldlJlð bOlen mo b~,...lkt'do lr...lg¡~I;-&n~r ,.-.,_.__. V l~ S. 1'~","u..._, I 1.9..9.8-., '__If _t. My Con',mlulOII JDJ :\h·.. ,_.....1.:L !..::~~<' I ~~"I:\t"') na ,\il't , '1l~p Otclur ,,"r~. ., r.' "':....'. .' ¥rnr..t~·'wr 1m'1':'r:nl":'t\'f'''''IW.-.e.1!I:' ~r '~""~'''f''~t', '; "I ,I..", I" " " """'~',~tt, , ' Î ,. 1, , , '. 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