HomeMy WebLinkAbout876589 (In compJlonce with the CO_/'~V.E~' .P~}?.PE"/'[IA~'ION .,4~ID FIL]NC,. AC~', Wyoming Stetutes, 1977, Section 5§-11-101, et. seq., end the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professionel Engineers end Lend Surveyors.) Reverse side of this form may be used ~f more spsce is needed. Record of original survey end citation of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found end/or monument end accessories established to perpetuote the location of this corner. Sketch of reletive location of monument, occessories, end reference points with course end distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey), Method end rotioncle for reestoblishment of lost or obliterated corner. , , ~ssg*to'32"E ~,,~ i'l~ 2608,86' (Moas.) '~ ~ ~ ~ ' TlgN R11~W ~'> ~.5'; S2~1 T19N S~113W ..... Sl1' S12 1/4_~. ,~ ~ .... Ig44 .... ' lg44 6th PM '~ FOUND ~E MONUMENT FOR ~IS 1/4 C~NER ~ MAXIMUM CONSOL ~ICH IS A PRIVA~ ~R~YOR'S BRASS CAP PRO~UDING ABO~ GR~ND 0.8'. ~IS IS ~E M~UMENT F~ ~E 1/4 CORNER AND ~E BRASS CAP IS MARKED AS SHO~. ~E MONUMENT IS MARKED: T19N R113W 1/4 S111 S12 1981 SCALE 1'=1000' 6th PM ASSUMED BUT RELATIYE 1HE UONLMENT IS FOR DRA~ COUNTY: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work: 08/~:2//00 Office Reference: C. t1~0,~,~ .[N**D.~'z~ D.[AGP~J~ Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction 2 ........... 3 4 ~ , ? s , ~0 ~ ~= ~ ~ ~5 ~s ~? ~a ~s ~ ~ ~22~, 2~, ~ U~G~ [~IR~eP~ ~R~ and supervision. I I [ [ I [' I I I I -L -~- J- _L _~_ m_ _L _~-- I~ I I T I ] F1 I~ I I T I I Fi r p~-/~-f-~8~-f-~9~-f-HO~-~-~ll~ / ~ J ~ / ~ L ~ I ~ L ~ / ~ J ~ / ~ ~ ][~ L ~ ~ VePn~[, Utah 84078 r-r FT-F~-~-~a-T-~ ;-T-r -T-Fa- -rq-T- q-1" ~ La '' , ' '' , '' ......... ~--Fm--+--P~--T--Ffl--+--r~--+--Fm--+--P~--T--F~--+--r~--t ~ Telephone Number: 43~-789-1017 I- I I - I I -I I-