HomeMy WebLinkAbout876590 State of Cor er Recorv (tn compllonce with the CO_/9..NE~ PERJ~ETUATION AND FILINC. ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 19770 Section 56-11-1D1, et. seq., and the Ru~es ond Regulotions of the Boord of Registration for Professionol Engineers ond Lord Surveyors.) Reverse side of [his form moy be used if more spoce is needed, Record of origino] survey ond citotion of source of historic [nforrno[ion (ff corner is lost or obiiteroted). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found ond/or monument ond occessories estoblished [0 perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relotive Iocotion of monument, occessories, ond reference points with course ond dis[once to odjocent comer(s) (if determined in this survey), Me[hod ond rotionole for reestoblishment of lost or obliteroted corner, S89'10'32"E  2608.86' (Meas.) '~ T19N sRI113W ...? 1944 ~- 6th PM -.~ ..... ~ '~2;: r~ ~ ~:[ F~ND ~E MONUMENT FOR ~IS 1/4 0 ~,M u~ C~NER OF MINIMUM C~OL ~ICH IS A S~ c:;) U.S.A. ~RNMENT ~R~Y BRASS CAP ~ ~:.~,: ~ IR~ PIPE PRO~UDING ABO~ ~E ..... ~ ~ND 1'. ~ERE IS A MOUND ~  ST~ES 2' IN DIAME~ BY 0.5' TA~ 4' T19N RllSW SOU~ OF ~E MONUMENT. ~ERE IS ~SO ~/~ A ~T STONE 0.5' S~ ~ ~E BRA~ S11 ~ S12 ~98~ C~ M~UMENT. ~IS IS ~E MONUMENT mh PM F~ ~E 1/4 CORNER AND IS MARK~ AS SHO~. S2~1 mE U~UM[U~ Sll ~ S12 :~ IS M~KED: c~ 1944 T19N R115W S24~1 S11~ S12 194¢ SCALE 1'=1000' 6th PM SEARINGS ARE ASSUMED BUT THE ¥(3N~ENT IS F(31~ D~AWN BY:. COUNTY: LINCOI_N Date of Field Work'. 08/12/00 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DXAOP~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record wos prepared by me or under my direction 4, 5 s, 7 e ...... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lB, 19 20, 21 22, 23 24, ~^ Ulnt::h Englneel~lmg :nd and supervision.