HomeMy WebLinkAbout876592 State of ryoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CO]~VffR P.E-P.-P. ETUATION AND FI~N~ ACT, W~ming Sto[u~es, 1977, Section 56-1S-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engbeers and Land Surveyors.) Reverse s~de of this form may be used ~f more sp~ce is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historic informoUon (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumen[otion evidence found ond/~r monument end accessories established to perpetuate the Jocetion of this corner. Sketch of relative Ioco(ion of monument, accessories, ~nd reference points with course ~nd distence to odjecent corner(s) (fl determined in this survey), Method end r~tionele for reesteblishment of lost or oblftereted corner. sae'54'oo"[ 5282.23' (Moas,) ~4N El12W ,, C.~,[ Sl ~20 T24N Rl12~ ~ [ )~ ::-,SS~one9~ 0~S2 S29'S2~2S2B1 6th PM F~ND ~E M~UMENT FOR ~IS C~N~ C~M~ TO 4 SECt,S ~1~ IS A ~T MARKED STYE ~ICH MEASURES 1.~ ~DE BY 0.1' ~ICK AND PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E GROUND 1.0'. ~E IS A MOUND OF ST~ES 3' IN DI~E~R BY 0.4' TA~ 3' ~ST ~ ~E M~UMENT STYE ~ERE IS A GALVANIZED PIPE 3' TA~ 1' N~ :;~ AND A ~OMING DOT ~R~Y CAP 2' EAST ~ ~ ~E M~UMENT STYE. ~IS IS ~E ' MONUMENT FOR ~E C~NER AND IS MARK~ ~ AS INDICA~D. ~ T24N R112W CO S29 I S28 ~E MONUMENT ~s ~o,: S32 ~ S33 atone 6th PM SCALE 1'=1000' B~RIN~ ARE AS~UED BUT R~ DRA~ BY: N~ COUNt: ENCO~ T=~, ~2w S29 stone 6th PM~ NB9~9'I~"E 264Z~' T24N R112W S2~.~_~28- - CO, Nm MONUMENT SYMBOLS $32 ~ S33 · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. stone 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. *IHE ¥ONUME3dT IS FOR Dote of Field Work: 08/08/2001 Office Reference: CROSS .rNDEX D.[ACR~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepered by me or under my direction I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 and supervision. /~ , /~i,/ ~ c,/,~ , /~i~/ , L~ /* UIn~h Engineering ~nd r-r I-T-F]-i-U]-T-i ]-T-C I--T--F]--I--F]--T--I q-19 --6 --- 5 --- 4 --- 3 --- 2 --- 1-- C L6nd Surveying l_'"_L ' J_ ' I ' _L ' J_ 'J /1~ I /I / I/ I ~1 / l/ I /I ~ I/ I /I / ~- 7 ~-+-P 8 ~-~-~ 9 ~-+-~lO~-~-~11~-~-P12-P4 ~ I I j m / I t I I I L I I I / I I I t I I I / I / Vepn~t, U~Gh 84078 r-r--T--F~--T--Fq--T--, q-T-Fq-T-Fq-T-Fq-T-F~-IH /~ i m /; i ;/ ' ; mira ~ Il, i ~/ , ] ~ /J