HomeMy WebLinkAbout876594 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compJiance with the COP-,~R P~RPETUATION AN]} FILING AC~', Wyoming Stotu~es, 1977, Section 3fi-11-101, et. s~q., and the Rules ReguleUons of the Bo~rd of Registration for Profes=ional Engineers end L~nd Surveyors.) Re~rse s~de of ~his form m~y be used if more space is needed, Record of orlgincl survey end citction of source of historic informoUon (if corner is ]os~ or obliterated). Description of corner monumen~etion evidence found end/or monument and cccessories established t~ perpetuate the locution of this corner. Sketch of relative locution of monument, accessories, ond reference points with course and distcnce to cd~ocent ':~.,.. comer(s) (~, ~termined in this survey), Method end r~tioncle for rees~oblishment of lost or obHteroted corner. ~v ~:~,:~, sa~'~'OO"E .......... T2~N Rl1~ .... S2g ' S28 .... '~;~; stone ~ ...... 6th PM ~:~ ;;L' c.,:, FOUND ~E MONUMENT F~ ~IS C~NER ~ uL~ COMM~ TO ~ SEC~ONS ~ICH IS A SET <"'J' ~ ...... '~;~:: MARK~ STONE ~ICH MEA~RES 0.8' IN ¥,~2 DIAME~R AND PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E -~ GR~ND 0.4'. ~ERE IS A M~ND ~ .... STONES 3' IN DI~E~R BY 0,2' TA~ 2' ~ST OF ~E M~UMENT STYE. ~ERE IS A GALVANIZED 1/2" PIPE 0,2' TA~ DIREC~Y N~ OF ~E MONUM~T S~E. ~IS IS ~E MONUMENT F~ ~E C~N~ AND IS MARKED AS INDICA~D. T2~N R 112W S 1 ~.ff mE MONUMENT ~ ~s FO~: S30 ~ S29 '~A stone ~ 6th PM SCALE 1"=1000' B~RIN~ ARE AS~M~ BUT R~ DRA~ BY: N~ COUNt: LINCOLN T=~N ~=w n.~ S29 S29~28 Neg~9'14"E 2642,~' (Meos.) T24N R112W Sl --~j~20 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS S30' S29 · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. stone 6th PM * A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. IHE MONUMI~IT IS troll Date of Field Work: 08/08/2001 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction 1 2 .3 4 5 6 ? 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 Uln~ah Engineering and and supervision. C ~J- 6 J--I--L 5 J_¢--L 4 J_¢_L 3 J-¢_L 2 J_~_L 1 -L4 c L~nd SuPveyl~g /, ,/, ,/ / /', ,,/ ss So.th eOo