HomeMy WebLinkAbout876595 State of !tomi g Reco .d (Jo compliance with the CO~E.R P~'.RP.E'J'~AT]ON AND F]LINC.. ACT. Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Section 36-11-101, et, seq., and the Rules and Reguiatlons of the Board of Registration for Professionel Engineers and Land Surveyors,) Reverse side of this form may be used If more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historic informoUon (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found ond/or monument nnd occessories estoblished to perpetuote the Iocotion of this corner. Sketch of relotive Iocetion of monument, occessories, nod reference points wF~h course ond distence to edj~cent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method end retion~le for reesteblishment of lost or obliternted corner. ~ N88'4T56'W .) / 2620.96'N88'43'43"W~ FOUND ~E M~UMENT F~ ~lS C~NER C~M~ GO~RNMENT SURLY BRASS CAP ~ A S~L PIPE ~ICH PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E ~ND 0.8'. ~ERE IS A SET MARK~ STYE ~ICH ME.URNS 13' NOR~ ~ SOU~ BY 3' EAST ~ ~ST ~ICH PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E GR~ND 6' ~ 5 NOTCHES ON ~E SOU~ FA~ ~D 3 ~T20N ~mw NOTCHES ~ ~E EAST FACE, ~E IS A ~/~ S~EL POST SET 3' ~ST ~ ~E M~UMENT. T20N m~2w~ S9lS10 ~IS IS ~E M~UMENT F~ ~E CORNER AND 1/4 1944 6~h PM IS MARKED AS SHO~. stol s~ T20N R112W ~E MONUMENT S~3~ T20N R112W S4_~3 S9 I S l0 CORNER MONUMENT S'flaBOLS 1944 6th PM · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. SCALE 1'=1000' BEARINGS ARE · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. A~SUMED BUT "IHE MONUMENT IS FORI RI~ATI~ DRAWN BY:. N~ COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of FieJd Work: 07/25/2000 Office Reference:. CROSS iNDeX DI~CP~ Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction ,. ,. .............. ^ Ulnl;ah Engineering and and supervision. / i j I / I / I / I LI / I j I / I / I / I LI / I-J- 6 J--I--L 5 J--I--L 4 J--I--L 3 J--I--L 2 J_.,L_L 1 _Lq c Land Surveying / / / I ~-~, , ] / , _L __L_ _J_ _~ _±_ _1_ _L _~_ m_ _L _m_ F-~ T 'q T r T 3 FiT -I I F T -I H [-, ,-,-F ,-,-, T,-, ,-T-, ~-,-r ,-~-, 1-,-~ ,-1 .?'. ~ ~