HomeMy WebLinkAbout939650 L'Ov667 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Vern B. Crook and Leone C. Crook, QUITCLAIM DEED husband and wife, Grantors for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIM to the Vern and Leone Crook Family Revocable Trust, dated June 9th, 2008, Vern Crook and Leone Crook, Trustees, Grantees, whose address is 111061 U.S. Hwy 89, Etna, Wyoming 83118, the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue ofthe homestead exemption laws ofthe State, to-wit: Parcel A: ') ~, ,,¡' That property as more fully described on Exhibit "A", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Parcel B: That property as described on that certain Warranty Deed, dated May 1, 1965, as more fully set forth on Exhibit "B" a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. With respect to W.S. § 34-2-122, as amended, Grantors hereby state, represent and warrant that the said Trust was established by written instrument executed the 9th day of June, 2008, that said Trust has never been revoked, and that said instrument transfers upon said Trustees, all powers set forth in the Uniform Trustees' Powers Act of the Wyoming Statutes. WITNESS my hand this 9th day of June, 2008. ¿tA'1' 8 ¡Jð~ Vern B. rook :.t /? r" / ('--o-T'---e. L. {/~ Leone C. Crook STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) RECEIVED 6/10/2008 at 11:32AM RECEIVING # 939650 BOOK: 696 PAGE: 667 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN The above and foregoing was acknowledged before me by Vern B. Crook and Leone C. Crook, this 9th day of June, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln State of Wyoming BECKY BARBER - NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires August 31,2010 Prolesslonal Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Aoglslratlon No, 164 Idaho RegisaraUon No. 3990 Ulah Aeglstratlon No, 1670 Nevada Aeglslralion No. 6605 SCOII A, Scherbe' Wyo, Aegl.lralion No, 3889 Idaho ReglSlratlon NO,,8026 Ulah Regl.lrallon No, 372111 Marlowe A, Scherbel Wyo, Aeglslr.lion No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Alion, Wyoming Big Piney. Wyoming Jack.on. Wyoming Lava HOI Spring., Idaho Monlpeller, Idaho Of;:) t-1 t:-.~J ~'::" It a q ~ , ~J~ 303 DESCRIPTION FOR DON M. CORSI, ET AL. NORTHERN PORTION OF THE NEY..SWY.. t.'Ov668 To-wit: - - All of the NE'i4SW'i4 of Section 27, T36N, Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 429 of Photostatic Records on page 28, lying northerly of the centerline of Swimming Pool County Road No. 12-108; ENCOMP AS SING an area of 1.5 acres, more or less; ing Pool County Road No. 12-108. EXHmIT A "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" WARRA.NT. . ~" _-FORM NO.9 ,.~.. "'." . . , CO __~_________________~_~_~_~~_~_~__~J__£IÇ¿J¿~fi~~%.Ç..~~<!_~~~~_~~fÇ_!iç¿~f!~ç¿ç¿~_______________________ MIllS COMPI\NY, 1HE~IO^, . ':.',"'~' -·.·'~'·!~'\I:.~~'-~ ..: -';.--. "~':::'~'~..~;"~,_'!";.~'.~I1'~~'.~\"~' ;_:,'. . .~._ .. . ¡1~' WARRANTY DEED (Ov669 _____~__________________________________________llUUituaDUd_ilrui_~e~___~_______________~_________________________ grant6r_-s-_, 01. _______________________________________Lin.cOl.Il_____. -. ------------_____..____________County, and State oL__-;.__..:__.w.y.QJ:ning..__~'...________.. for and in consideration. oL..______________________________________________________ ____I~lL~_Il9__,g91Lº.9_:.=_:.=_:.=..:.=_==.:..=_==_::_:.___:=~:<t'_: _-_::- _::_:.___: ___::_=_-_:.::: _:.:___=_:. :-=.:_:.:_:.:_::_: _ DO LLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. CONVEY AND WARRANT TO___,._____~__________________________ ____~~-------------~------------J[~~-~It(2(2~~-~~C2r{~-~~--c;Jg_()_()~_-------------------------___ ____~_______________________________J1~_~þ~ªIlq_~_ng__~i~~~--º~-tb~--~!ltj~~-tj-~§-------------------------------___, grantee _.P.._, of. ______ _________Litl-çºJJL_______"'~--.,,--õ:.':- County and State oL___ ____F .Y9}]:Ü!l.,g __.____ ______ __ ______ the l.oUowing described real estate, situate in_____________ ___ ____.Lini:.oln________________________.._,_ County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving aU rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption ~aw8 of the St"te,. to-wit: ¡ t' " ¡; Beginning at point One (1) which is 460 feet South and 28 feet West.',of the NE Corner of tl?-~ SE1 /4NEl /4 of~ection 27, T .36 N., R. 119 W. of the 6th P. M., Wyoming and running thence S. 0°0' E. 720 feet to point No. Two (2); thence N. 23 °O'W., 800 feet to point No. Three (3); thel1.Ce 'N. 90°01 E., 325 feet to point No. One (1), the place of beginning and con- taining 2.68 acres more or less; also beginning at point No. Five (5) which is 460 feet South and 464 feet West of the NE Corner of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 27, T. 36 N., R. 119 W. andrunningthenceS. 23°O' .' . E., 137'£eet to point No. Four (4); thence S. 86 °45' W. J 45Q feet to point No. Twelve (12); thence S. 79 °251 W., 800 feet t() point No. Eleven (11); thence S. 60°301 W., 490 feet to point No. Tcim, (10); thence S. 80° la' W., 300 feet to point No. Nine (9); thence S. 49°10' W.,,¡'30 feèt to point No. Eight (8); thence S. 0° q' Eo', 190 feet to point No. seven (7.); thence S. 9,0°01 W.;,2854:feettopoint N9:' Tl:¡.~rteen (13):; tl:¡.ericè N. 0°, 01 :E~, 856 feet to point No.. ',Four!.cen(li); the,µce N.. 90:"°1 E.,. 4744 feet to point:No. .Five (5). the point of beg'inning and containing'7'O.52 . _- _ OJ' '. . . acres, more or less, , Together with all improvements, ~water a~d water-rights, ditches and, ditch-rights. ; ! ~ !. WITNESS___..~Ulr________ hand__sn_..~ :t~8_____1ßt£____day ol.__________M. .ª.:y..--~----. :-__..'~'-. _. __. _~...'...... .9__6. .5_. . ,/f "~.fl/4 r;?, ", . " .' ¡ :kJ' " .',.., , ,_ ", ___ ~. . (... . , . I . . ,,-~.-i..:¿-----~-;: --"'~-+ --,..,---&--.,----1....----- . , \. " .:," l":" ( f') { t :. .. ,. '.. 'z. ' .poO·· v l:',£,.·'··r \ ' k.. {." -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------.--- ._------------------------------------~----------~~------ ::~t;T~ ~~-:::~::~-------------~L--------_ }~. On thi8_____..~_____LB.t.__________day of________.!·Mä~c.."..--oO..---..---------.., 19_6.5.., before meperaonally appeared ..----:-----------J---~------~__l(eJlruatlLJBL__}1íiUb~~ltrui_1G1~_~fLJtLal~£U)~-_______________________ ..----------______J__..__~_______________~________~_bl~§_b~_n5Ì_ªJ1g__~_~_~~____________________________________________ to me known to be! the' person..ß....._described in arid who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that__the:y..__ ------------ E~_~----~-------- executed the same as_~_th.eÌ1:.____1ree Act and deed. (' , . '//--#-/ ____-;:-q__ nTARy_.EUB.LIC____________________ .....' : My 'çommiasion expires on the,___ ___.:;i'~ífÚ':'___~_day of ..__..~-;;?;¡;¡;;.~i.:a..-~---------------, A. D., 19~Z.. .. '·:1:1~>,_.:..,.::,,:-~, l/// ¡;/).',', J" .>".~,... .,...,~".,.\~~_...""~:'1.!-'j~ ·..:I·~A.·~·.~·~·:"~-":·r, . ;;'!.~.JIJI.'.~..... ... ""' _""'1,~ ¡ ,ff¡· ~1l~t\1! I ~ 1('