HomeMy WebLinkAbout876597 State of l yomi g Corne Record On comp]ionce w~th the CO~R P~ff~UA~ION AND FILIN~ AC~, W~m~ng S[otute~, 1977, Section 56-1~-101, et. seq., o,d the Rules ond Regulations of ~he Board of Regis~ration for Professional Engineers and Land Surve~rs.) Reverse ride of ~hls form may be used if more space is needed, Record of origlnaJ survey and citation of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relative Jocation of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner,  - -- N 88'47'56"W / 2§15.34' (MeoW,s.) __ N88'4.T43"W 2s2o. 96' T20N Rl12W R112W S4~S3 T20N S5 T20N .1t2W s9 ' s~o ~/4s~0 1944 Bth PM 1944 S10~ Sll 6th PM 19~ .~. ~ ~ ~ FOUND ~E MONUMENT F~ ~IS 1/4 ,:.,;~ C~NER OF MAXIMUM ~N~ ~1~ IS A :;:~:: U.~A. GO~RNMENT SURLY BRASS C~ ON ~] AN IRON PIPE ~ICH PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E GROUND 0.8'. ~E IS A S~EL POST SET 5.2' N~ST ~ ~E ~o..~=w~ MONUMENT. ~lS IS ~E M~UMENT FOR ~/~ ~E 1/4 CORNER AND IS M~KED AS s~ols~ 6th PM THE MONUMENT ~s ~E~: S9 I SlO 1 T20N R112W 1/4 S9 [ SlO CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS 1944 6th PM · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT, SCALE 1"=1000' BEARINGS ARE · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. A~UMED BUT 1HE MONUMI~IT IS FOR DRAWN BY: N,JM COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work: 07/'25/2000 Office Reference; C~,OS,~ INDEX DIACRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 by me or under my direction / . / . / - / - / - / _/' ....... ^ Uln'l;ah Engineering and and supervision. - - -- - -- - - - - -- - '~J-6~--*--LS~--*--L-4J--*--L3-J--*-L~-~--J.--L-1 L4C Land Surveying llj i II . I/ I .i I i. I /I T I/ I -I/ ~-~- --+--[---{--'L--~----l--+--L--i--+--I--J--+--l----I--l--l----~--+--L--I--4 0 / / I I1 I I I I I Il I I / I l [ ' .[ '_t. '_i_' _[ , _I , 1 ~ ' ' ~~ ,~ ,B5 Sou'th PO0 LI £ j I L I j I I I ...... ±-- -- --L _.L_ J_ --L --1-- J_ r I ]_ I I T r I Fi I "] ~ I T i I F i I-.w- / -I-+-i- 8 -I-+-i.- 9 -l-~-I-10-w--t--.I- 1 lw--t--h 12-1--I s I I J I /I / I / [ L ITl / I / I -- I / [ / I / Ve~a[, U~o.h e4078 r-F i-T-~]- -rd-T- q--"~--F~--T--~]--?--F-~--T--~-3--~ H ~ ~ ' ~ --~ ' / / / / /.~ I'-~-]-+-I--I-T-t--I-+-r--I-+-l--~-+-I--I-+-k'-I-+-;--t-'t ~ Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 I ~ I i I -- I I-- ~ I -- I I -- I