HomeMy WebLinkAbout939724 Whl. neorded maD 18: DONALD AZBVBDO 286 N. MAIN S'I1ŒET THAYNE. WY 83127 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS- ('0000:1 That WB. ROBBR.T A. W ANNBR AND SERBNA K. W ANNER.hBve made. constituted BDd. appoinœd. IIDd by these pl'alellts do maG, çemstftuto IIDd appoint DONALD AZBVEDO, 0Ull true and 1aw1ùl Attorney tbr US IIIld in OURIIIIIDC, placo 8Dd sœ.daDd for OUR ute and benefit: FOR TIlE PURPOSE OF BXBCUTING AlL DOCUMBNTs CONNBCTBD wrm THB SALE OF PROPBR.TY LOCATED AT 168 PRATER. CANYONDlUVE STAR VAl.LBY RANCH, WY 83127 LOT (40) IN PRATER. CANYON ESTATES UNIT FOUR (4), LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING.ASDBSCRmBD ml ms OFFICIAL PLAT THERETO RECORDED JULy 6,1970 AS DOCUMHNT NUMBBR 423838 AND MAP NUMBER l58 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. - C{ to ask, demand, sue for, RCOver, collect and reëelve aU such IUIII5 of money, debts, dues, accounts, lepcics, bequests, Interests, dividends, amndties and d_ds wIudsoever, Bille now or sbaIJ hereafter become due, owing. payable, or belonging to US, cd haw. UlC IIIld tIke;lIlllawfil) wl)'IIlIDd mecs in OURnlllM or oIherwiie. for iIllI recoVCIY thlU'llOfby attachmecus, arrests, dUtress or otherwise, and to compromise IIDd agree for the Slllll&; III1d BCqUittBnces or other sufficient diacharps for the ume, for US and in OTJ.R.uame to make, aealllDd deliwr¡ to bIrpin, çoatragt, qree for. purchase, receive IIDd take lllllds, tenoments, bereditaments end aocept the seizing md polllellllon of aU land&, and all deeds BOd other IIII1U'BIlCI:I in the law thereof; IIDd to lealie, lot, demise, b8rgain, sen. remIae. release, convey, lDOl'tgap and hypothaœte, _ IBDds tcncmcDIS and hcrcdilBmcnts, upon Booh tonns and conditions and under such covenants 111 HE shall think tit. Also III bargain III1d agree fur, b\Iy, soU 1IIOJtgtIge, bypothocate, and In any and every WI)' and mauner deal in and with soods. WBlOS and merchandise, chooses in action, and oiller propert.y in poHestion or in action, and to make. do and transact aU and every kind ofbUiineas ofwbl1 nature or kind IOIIVI l'. IIDd also for US IIDd in OOR name and as OUR. act and deed, to sign, leal, exCtlute, deliver and acknowh:dse such deed&, covenants, indentures, agremnents, DUll'tga&es, hypothocatlons, bottormic., charter pm1Ia. billl of ladin¡, bilil, bond¡, notes, receipIII, \ evidencea of debt;, relcucs IIDd IIIItIafiJction of mOl1ßøge, jUdgment-and other debts,and such otber inltl'U1neMS In Writiug of whatever kind and nature II may be necessary or proper in the premises. - GIVING AND GRANTING unto DONALD AZBVBDO said AttOrneY full power and authority to do and perform all and ovmy let BOd thJng whatsoever raquisill and J\eoissary to be done in and about the premØelJ, as fully to aU Intenlll and parposes as WB might or could do If pmonaUy prtIsellt, and IIWE am here\))' ratIfYing and çoni'inDiu; aU that OUR said Attorney, DONALD AZBVJn)O shallla.wtully do or cause to be done by -vIriue oftheae presents. ~ ~M~~Lf~ ~T A. WANNBR SERENA K. WANNBR State Of~ County 0 } 8s: On \:\ ~-- /.p I 08 , persQIUIUy ftPPellfOd before me ROBBRT A. WANNER AND-SERENA K. WANN1!B. ....dDIy.-.. ...1hot1HBY "'!J:. =-g::ø .~......,......._.................. ..............................."'too '...,..................__ NotaJy Publio ' p , , Nolarv Pl'blic Slale 01 Oklahoma , ~ .... : _,:0- "':'. DIANE M. ROWLm : : ~;. C"."m¡~.¡:>n ;¡;, 02004748 : , .; .:.' S,mi,,,,ra Co., Oklahoma ~ ~ ~."... , , Z Ccmonission Exp. 03.15.10 ~ ....,'~-~---~~,~~-~,~~-....,"'~ RECEIVED 6/12/2008 at 12:52 PM RECEIVING # 939724 BOOK: 697 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY