HomeMy WebLinkAbout876599 State of ryoming Cor er Record On complionce with the COJ~JVER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, W~ming Stotutes, 197Z Section 36-11-]01, et. seq., o~d the Rules end Reguletions of the Bo~rd of Registrotlon for Professional Engineers end Lend Surve~rs.) Reverse s~de ef ~is form m~y be ~sed if more sp~ce is needed. Record of original survey end c[~[ion of source of historic informo[ion {~f corner is los[ or obliterated). Descrip[ion of cemer monumen~otion evidence found ~nd/or monument end occessories estoblished to perpetuate the ~ocdion of this corner. Ske[ch of rel~[ive IocoUon of monumen[, ~ccessoHes, end reference poin[s with course end distance to od~ocent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner, '~' , NBg'24'34'W N89'44~'42'W 2585.43' (kiea~.) / 263g.26' (Meas.) T21NS3R1111W T21N .111W ~ S3~32 S3 ~ S2 ~j ~ FOUND ~E MONUMENT F~ ~IS CLO~NG O~ (~ ~;~w~ ~ CORNER C~M~ TO 2 SECt. S ~ICH IS A ;:,( u.s.A. .N ENT AN IRON PIPE ~1~ PRO~UD~ ABO~ ~E 1/4 %] ~ ..... s31 s2 ]:.. ;~:~,~: 6th~'PM GR~ND 0.5'. ~ERE IS A M~ND OF ST~ES ~-~-: ," ..... '; ~ . :,i N~EAST AND A S~EL POST 5.7' ~ST ,~ ....... , .... ~E CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHO~ ~ :'-;~'2~ BELOW. T21N R1 1 1W THE MONUMENT .... IS MARKED: ..... ~ ~ T20N R 112W CC 1944 T20N R112W T20N Rl12W S~5 S3 T20N R112W S9' SlO ~/4S~0 S3 ~s2 ~ lg~4 SlO~ Sll /6th PM 19,~ 2615.34' '(~ NSB'43'43"W ,~-~ 2620.96' T21N R111W S31 s4--Fs3 T20N R112W CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS SCALE 1"=1000' CC 0 RECORD iS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. BEARINt'~ ARE 1944 ~SUUE= BUT 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT, RELATIVE 1HE M~IUMENT IS FOR ORA~N BY: Ndld COUNTY: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work: 07/25/2001 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DIAGP..4M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direc[ion