HomeMy WebLinkAbout939739 Form 3000-3 (January 1999) ,,·:uNITED·STATES, DEPARTMENJ: OF THE INTERIOR BUREj\JJ',¡BF'LAND,MANAG;EMENT FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004-0034 Expires:, December'31 ,:'2001 ASSIQN,MENT.:OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST INA LEASE'FOR,OIL.,;AN:D:·:GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Lease Serial No. W '05929 (A) (:,o;;œè Mineral Leasíng.Act of 1920(30 D.S.C. 181etseq.) Act for Aéqtili:ed Lands of 1947 (30 D.S.C:. 351-359) ,. -.QeothermalSteam,Act ofl970(30;U~S.C.l00l-1025) Departtnent'of:~tI1e'Jnter¡:drAppropriations Act,OiPiso31Year 1981(42' D:S~C. 6508), Lease Effective Date (Anniversary Date) 06/01/51 :NêW SerlaLNo. Type orprlnt;:þO!:alnlylnlnk:;<antLslgn "In Ink. -' ...r;;·· p~RrA~ 'ASSIGNMENT 1. Assignee* Bryan A. Mau S~t 7437 Dallas Drive City, State, ZIP Code. Austin, TX 78729 *If more thair onc assignee, check here U and'list'the nämè(S)ä.rid'address(es)'~or:älr'adpìtiöna1aSsi~son the:rev~Isë~df thisf~rm orona separate attachedsheètofpaper: .' , "", ;".', '", : " Tlùs record title aSsignment is for: (Check one)6a Oil: and 'Gas Leasejor 0 Geothermal,Lease 'Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appr;pri¡j~ej' 'l*rR~orä"I'itJ.i:,G:a':bV~rtidingRoYalty,paYment out of'productio~ or other similar , , , . ~', .>:,." ~-c ,,:::~~r~~;~~~!l~~~ _ "., .' '., , Land~Ðescii ' tii:)Q';' '.;::: -, ,:" "",;/ :,::,æe,,~ënt:;:of"iIhte];est~ 1>'> ".,,-,f': :",\w;~~:~'i:!P.&tfênfìrð~~' ".;,"""," " '" :==.~~:=-Do=:;.i~~"':"...;;;~,'::;'F~or'~:,~~~,~ ,reserved , ,or1conveyed f ) t. ".1." . a ,b c d e Township 19 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M. Section 22: All Sweetwater (E 1/2) and Lincoln (W 1/i) Counties, Wyoming Containing 640 acres, more or less .2500.2500 None n,.. RECEIVED 6/13/2008 at 10:10 AM RECEIVING # 939739 BOOK: 697 PAGE: 20 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY :F:OR\:a£iM':US'E?ON,~\Y--;Ð9t.~A.;¡;:WRI,1\E;BELOW THIS LINE "Co', :.,... ,. ,"';,. .:,:nNItEIl~;SÎìíW~riFi~CA' ,",. . This assignment is approved soJely.foradministratlveporpoSes. Approval'does not warrant that either party ~o this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this ,lease. '0 Assignment,approved for above described'Iands; 0 Assignmerit'approved for attached land description Assignment approved effective o Assignment appro~ for land description indicated on reverse of this form. By (Authorized Officer) (Title) "\,' Tear PART C: ØSNERAL INSTRUCTIONS Tear 1. Assignorl Assìgnee(s). must complete ,Psrts Al.1IDd iA,2,and,Part B. A]l,parties-to So, If any,¡pa,ymcnt'ou~.ofproductìon' or sími1ar intcrclitS, ammgemcnts or payments assignment must:sign:as, follows~:The,assignor(s) ,mustlIla111J@y..siW);,orjginal" "have¡.previouslyd)Cenfcreated>iOut>:of.,:tbedi1terest.,bein~'assìgned~ .or.j.f,,1iD.Y r.such copies and the assìgnec(3)"must manually.sign,atleast l'of'the'3 "origmaJ.:copies. ,pa~.œ'~,IIIC~!'Y.¢'under;.this;asstg¡µuent¡"includc.a1-_gìving File three, (3)comp]etcdcopies',of.this,,fonndn,thepropcr.,BLM.,offi,.c,c,.for; C!lch fulldctåîlsu to'8II1OUIIt"met11ddnfpaymcnt, and'otbel"pcrtin~t tcmu; lIB provided assignment 'of recorcÏtitle. For a transfèr ot:overridiIÎg'roYá1iyili~~paymcntunder-43;C~,,3106",3-l35.;,;or.i3241. out of productìon or otbci similar .interest or,paymcp.t,AiJc:·;onc Cl)IDanually, signed 6. Thoi]éasC IICcount<ml1lit';IiJc·"iíf¡good..staî1'ding~before"this",8.Šllìgnmcntlcan' be ap- copy of this.form. The ~.fi1ing .fee" (nonrei'unpablè;)imust.accqmpany:~the>.;proved"as',provided~under 4S',CFR:3106»lUld"324L nss~gnmcnt. Pile, assignment withfu nìncty.(90), day.s af'tcr,date" of .execution,ofr 7. Assignment. if approved, ',takes' effect on the first-day ;of the month following the assIgnor. ,dat'c'-öti'filingiÌÌ.tlWPr¥t'JBC~roffii:e'.·If'a-bOnd is ~1 ,it,,~~þc fur- 2. Sepan¡w form must be used for each lease being affcctedby thiussignment and;lûshèdiþriOr.'tò;'iiPPrò~åFotthe..;lûISÌþíinêtit. " .. " '<'" for each, type of intçt'estconveyed. .. , ' , 8. ,Apw:qv~,of lISI!ignmcnt"qfIeÇ.oßi¡,tìtle:to l~% o(~:.portionof;tbe:},~srt!'Iands 3., InJtcm No.2of 'Part, A, describc,Iands"affecttd (SecA3' CFRi:3'¡;06;<~'l35:~;.or "crcâtè'à;~1eases'öf'lIæretii~'andthe'8:ssij~I)êd;~1:bUt'~;!~i~e 3241). Fotcol\UD]) ;b, c" d,..and :'e,C1itcr>the~interest''CiprcsSè:éf;aS.a;pè'rcentagethê'tëÍíiiš :aûd'éonditions'òf th'ëJi:åSeaniiiver5ár'YdàtC': for'purpoSes ofþayiDent of total·intercst·in the.1Case;,e,g.",if.;assignor:a.ssigns one-:quarter' ofa 20% in- of~qa.I"rental.." ... , tcrest"enter 20%Ü1,columnh, 5 % ,in column 'c. andTS % in column d. 9~ÖVe'rri¡fu¡g:royaiti~payin.èntout'ofpÌöduction or othersiDii]¡ir~'of transfers 4_ If assign:mcnt:isto more, than 'one'.assignec",cnter each.assigneë's'l1BIDeacross ,mUlitbc.fi1cd;with BLM, but will bcacccptcd for record purposes'olÙY: No offi- , coI\UD]) d,.e,andfncxt~the ~ve,intercstbeing~c~~v:>,ed.~ list ~ciäJ. apptoval' will be given. n,""...a- .....t..l_...__.. ....&__... _..I..a~....___1 ___~___,_, __ _____..._ ~ _. - . -. - .- -- ..... .-. ... _. . .- - - -- - - ..... _. _ _, ._ 4_ ... _~._ ,(Date) -.... -.- . .. ,,!). ........" ,.,'( ....:.O:OJ:'................ AUTH.O~.ïi¡;~:Ç:3_0};Íl:'S::E .18i\et,,$eq; 30U :S.c....Ux.).J;.~~~;·,:42.:{tS.<R:~~6~Ä~; , . '. '. :,~JNG-J1\/FØRMÀi'JJIØN__If:alhequesteIHnforma_ P~~iL::~~~F::;~¥~~Qn:isto;be:,~s~;¡.O'~p;~~~s.;~~~~:~~~:~ ,'::;tige~·asSigDIDent:may.!Ilobbe,.pproved. 'See"reguIations at ''':''-;;'';~-''"'''. . ....;;:i;;G"i'''''; ~.........., "" .- - - - -- _.- --:...,-~::-:--.~--:~.- - - -_.._._."':""-".~.._:_----:'.._- - _.~--- - - - - -- - - - -- P Al'ERWORKRED \.CJ',S:rATE~NT 1. This·jDform~tÌon is, be.¡¡¡g\coliected pursuant'tmthe law. 2. This,~nformation·wilf be:used.to create and, IIUÚlItain,a,recordof'oiLand: g!l:ìlgcQt,herma11ease.activity. ' 3.;R~P.~µ:¡:~tQ¡iÑs're.q~est.is: required to.;obtain ,benefit, , 't:·· <'·.:¡T{!~ ';:" BLMI.WQ'uId:like'you~t9l>knolw thal\ YOu' ,do not'have'to'respond to:tßišibtimlyfôthe? Fede¡;a:J;:b.g~ncY' spQUSore¢informatÍoß.' collection; unless' it,display&~a;currentlì; vali~:Q~ì(<:?n~l-.numi?,e~.. I NOTICE- .' '~.. '\'.. ,,:j~;¡;':~~ ..~..' ',."~,.. The:~V:~PX:':-~~i9,f;"~W~'an,91t\1~.re.~1a.ti"Qn.~&~.,c;~~.48(\,!),;~,vjq,I;iiff.I!¥..y,,9UR~ ~fie4~~J:~p"9.'J'I.~~.~pn.m.coJ1nec;ü9.n;¡w,¡dl'lOf~~tion~~:~d.:~7y:>\thi$' oiltand:,~~,~~~~IJWa.¡;~1~e.;.~c;~rd"title-, .asS¡gnme.nt.aPI?li,ç¡rtíQn..;,¡ ',;, ;'<,': "",!,;":~,, 'R.O~,.USES:, \..0'\)021 .... . ·(Q,~C:~1!lli.u~c;p.tion of dle assignc:e'srights to the land 01" resourœs. . -,"'1J ;~"~"'~"., ".t. "':¡'~':I'." . .... ...~~·I.(·_'f1 '~;".' . . (',?#" '~~ÒJ1¿or,PlJblicinfo~tio~ in suP.port of notati.oDS,made onJand.:statu.s ,;~ ,'." i:}í§c:;;.manag,ement, dispo!ilÙ, and use of public lands and,rc:sourœs. '. .....\ .~ p: . , ~,:,:;!(¡~iìätel1edcral age.ncies when concurrence is req~ prior to '''''!ffiirt'''·.. 'k t. ' ~Þu.I)~:1ands·i01" re5OW'CCS. ;(~~~Infotwatioll¡\f1i9mïthe~ordandlor.':the'record will be transfcm:d to appropri- !af!:?:&:éde.talf¡'S~~lQ¡;¡illor;fo1'CÏgn'agencies"when·relevant to'civiI, criminat 01"regu1a- ~~qti'Prosecutions. ..:.... '.. .I,..:~,.... ~ ...._.... Part A (~ontinued):· .. ADDmONAL SPACE for Names and addresses' of:additionaLas$ignees',.in,Item No.1, if needed, or for Land Description in Item No.2, if needed. T,..' ·:<~.~:'I'~::':... ,~r.~:'~'~!~r~~~~":~;;.~ ·rt:;f:t';-:'tt. ~:.~~~ ;(~. ''''~:~1.~,~~·~.:.~~··~:7: ·..;.l:;·:."~~UI. .:.:.. ........_....i..-J-._~..::... "'1> ...' -./', ."":-'>f-," ..' ." ,'; :,,1',''' ~.;'.;" ^H ..;. .. ',.' .' j \ i \ '\ 1 \ PARTB: CERTIFICA:r:lON AND BEQUEST FOR APPROVAL . . 2., 1. The A~~:ígnor certifies.as owner .,( a~ ¡nlerest in.t~e above d:~¡~natcd.leasc; Ihath,~/sbc; hereby assi.g,n$ 10 Ihe above as~i,gnee.(s) the rights specified above. Þ/ssign,e.e certifies as follow.s~ (a),As.~ignee· is a citizen ofthe.UnitedStates;, an assoe¡iation o( sucb,cilizcns¡ a mun icípality; or a corporation orgaøized ul1dèr th~ làws' o f..th e' United s.ta,tes.or.,of any'Stale ,or,lerrito,iythereof. ',for Ihe"a,ssignmen t of:NPR-A leases,.,a$Signee is a cilizen, national, or 'f.esideot alien, oCtheUnited S~ates'or'associ;l'lio,n,'Qf:such:,cl.lizens, nalio.nal$,.r.c$ident al.i.ens:,o,r privale"public ocmunicipal c-oT;poralions, (b) A$$ignee is not,co,nsidered a minol",l1llder the laws:oÜhe.Statejn:wh:j,c:Mhe)ands:c~vercd bY:.this,ass,!.&!I.n:l,~p.,,~:):ue located; -(c:) Assignee's chargeable interests, ,direct and indirect"ÌI¡ each public domain and a~qu:ire~,lands se¡:iarate1ÿ,in"the'same.;Stàte;',do'·nol¡:cx~.e!7_d~< :6;O:,8,O:~cres. in:o,il.and.,ga$ leases,(çf whkh up,·to 200~OOO aC,res may be ìn oil :&ad gas 'opliol1s), or 3þO,OOqï-'acre.s"Jn '.¡'eàses'.Ìn eachleasJng·District.,i,n)~Jâsl!~:'.of;¡W:¡¡TCb.·:~¡i'!020'O;·000'acres \l\ay' be ia,:options, ifthi$ is an oil ani! gas leasdssl1edoinaccordal1ce wÏlhthe;MïlierarLeas.iil,gAct.o.t::¡'92,Q,..or·Sl,;20:0:'a~r.es;¡n allfõ,lle Slite iLiilis is, a g.~other.mal.le&'Se,(d)'AIl· parties holding all interest ill "the assigl1mell'! are o.th,e¡w,i;;e~,in'c:omp,üa'llce·>w,ith"the,regu'¡:l:Hons',G43'·OF-R:-'Gro'u'p'31 00"01' 3200) 'a nd''.\h'e autho riztng Acts; '(e) Assignee iSln COlD pliaåce with recla matioo' ·rçq.Q¡ieh{~~,I;;~Jor,a:J.I:;¡::e:iic[:it"¡il'and:.gas,leasc':h,o.1d.ings,auc.q.uJred by sec.' 17.(g) of,lhc.Mineral' Leasing Act;.and (f) Assignee is not iu violation of sec. 41 of the MiJle JAct. "', '..;.... ". ~:>\~~;;;Þ-"~~... ";-,;:-.:~f..:<~ ,"; .' ::: .,.' . ::"r·i\.':,, I·:', ........\;, ";;~".f1,1< .;~-...-:,;',.' 1 S:,;åsiii:g'ii irié ift;co ns i I. ··"t;~~1.~~~'·~;~:t~~,~~;;.;.~;~;;;.~"·':,}~~::;;ir.;;:;'~~:-,.~~~~:~:_;/:. - " . êèè:PWikc.ei6.f~a~Itj;,iiP.U,¿à.í;.J:e'le'nns:'~òn1Jiiions, sÜpùiä1ions and restrictions, pertaining to the (ease described .' ~ '.~ .. ~~':" 3; . . ' For geo.¡herma,!..~¿ši~,.nmel1ts, all ov,evidi ng ,royalty' ma~ not be less than'one-fo·urtb.(1/4) of ouè percent of the value of OQtput; nor grca,ler. than 50 percent of the rale of roy ally'þue;IO, Ihe.Jan'fled :Sta,tes.whCII' Ihisa$sig,n men!. is added,to all::prev,¡ously..~r.e.atedo:vçrriding royaHies..,(43('FR 3241). , .. . ._~ . .. I certif}L,that'the' $tatement¡¡ made hereÌl1 by' me are true, complete" and correct to !,he best of my knowledge and belief .md .are made in good faith. Exec~~~~trj;i:~ D day of ~ ð~ ,Z!K 200 8 Executed this ,) day of 5 ~ ·'·1;~ ~:.", .:~;~~~-. Frank A. Mau Nameqf.A.ss~gnor.as$hown on ,c:urrent.lease . ~ . Please type or 'prim Assi&u~~"""~'~ .A'.-~ -----" , ' ',.... or '-'Frank A. Ma u (Signature) , AttorneY-~cfact 2~165 (Sig¡¡atUre), preakness Drive (Assignor's' Address) <',;. Oaks RaI1ch-,.T:X; 78015 (City) ~~tate)· ,,",:.1 ,(~i\~:~c;)., .. Fai:¡; ... . .,~..~..."; .~200~ ~ BNlr- . . Bryan A." Mau or ,Attorney:-ÎD,fact A- A---- (Signature) (Signature) t~/d~i, I ,¡ Carol S Thompson My Commission Expires 04/10/2010 . ·f ... .,~: :ë, .....,.-.,...."..,....,.,"=,.."...,."''"'-=..,.,.---,.- Public r~pc.rting bu;de1.l for this fönn i~estimat~d to avemge .30 minutes per ~ponse including the time for r~viewing 'instructions, gathering and maintainin <!at and ~mpletmg an(d revlewmg,_ the fonn. Dlt"ect conunents regarqmg ~e ,burden estimate or ,any other, aspec, Lof this form to, U.S. Department of,the:lnteri.or B ure~u of Land anag~ment 1004:-0034), ,Bureau C1eamnceOfficer, (WO-63Q),ì!MairStop,AOLLS, 1849ìC:,Sb:èet;\~nW;, WaSlÌington, D.C. 20240. ' , Title ;18 '1lJ.;S,C:Sec,',lOO~ ~akes ita,crim.e·for any ,person knowingly. and willfully to;makcno.-any,IÐepartrn,ent or agency of the United States any false fictitious or ftaudulent statements 'or representations as to: any matter within it¡¡ jurisdiction. ." , NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT \...O~022 The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Sweetwater ) Frank A. Mau, as Assignor, and Bryan A. Mau, as Assignee, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the attached instrument and further who acknowledged to me that they executed the same on June 3, 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: August 1,2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, THEDAA,PORTER-Në>TÃRŸìPušüC COUNTY OF STATE OF SWEETWATER WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 1. 2009 ...........~........~ tl~ Th' da A. Porter, Notary Public