HomeMy WebLinkAbout876601 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compJionce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ~4CT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Secti{sn 56-1~-101, et. seq., {snd the Ru~es and Regul{stlons of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors,) Reverse side of this farm may be used if more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). DescripUon of corner monumentation evidence found and/er monument and accessories established to perpetuate the Jocation of this corner. Sketch of relatlve location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (ff determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. FOUND THE WITNESS MONUMENT FOR THIS 1/4 CORNER OF MAXIMUM CONTROL WHICH IS A U.S.A. GOVERNMENT SURVEY BRASS T20N RI12W CAP ON AN IRON PIPE WHICH PROTRUDES 1/4 ?:' .x ABOVE THE GROUND O.g'. THERE IS A ssi s2 1944 MOUND OF STONES 2' IN DIAMETER BY 6th PM _ 0.8' TALL 3' WI[ST OF THE MONUMENT. ,~,,J THE MONUMENT. THIS IS THE WITNESS 1/4 T20N R112W R112W S .~.~3 T20N S5 T20N R112W S9~ S10 1/4S~-0 S3_~_S2 6th PM %X& 6 2615.34' (Maas.) 2620.96' (Mae&) -- WC R112W S4 I S3 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS SCALE 1'=1000' 944 · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT, BF. ARIN~ ARE A.~ MED BUT 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT, RELATIVE MONUt, I~T IS FOR ORAWN BY: NdM COUNTY: LINCOLN Dote of Field Work: 07/25/2001 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction ......... , , Ulnt;ah En~lnee~'lmg ~nd and supervision. /~J ~ /~2~/ ~ L~/~j ~ /~/ ~ Lit kJ- 6 J_*_L 5 J-*--L 4 JtL ] J_*_L 2 J_*_L 1 L4 c L~nd Surveying l ' ' 4'. '-1-' -[ ' J. ' 1' ' ' ' ~--~m-+-b~--T--Hd--+--~--+-Pfi-+-P~--+--~d-+-p~--~ ~ Teleph~e Number: 435-789-1017 I-- [ I -- I I -- I J' [ I -- I I ' I