HomeMy WebLinkAbout939846 - _0' f , ,., RECEIVING # 939846 BOOK: 697 PAGE: 468 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY 000468 AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER WE, LOYD F. LAKER, of Blackfoot, Idaho, DARLA MAE NELSON, of Grover, Wyoming, LOA JUNE NIELD, of Afton, Wyoming, and VIRGINIA SHUMWAY, of Freedom, Wyoming, as tenants in common, being duly swom under oath, state as follows: 1. That we, along with Frank J. Laker, deceased, have a life estate in certain real property in Lincoln County, Wyoming, said property being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 200 feet South from the Southwest Comer of the SEl/4NEl/4 of Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., and running thence South 17 rods, thence East 17 rods, thence North 17 rods, thence West 17 rods to the point of beginning. Said tract to include said horne, improvements, and other outbuildings. 1 ..., :' ~ A copy of the Quitclaim Deed by which said life estate was reserved, which was recorded in the Lincoln County, Wyoming, land records in Book 526 PR at Page 84 on July 7, 2003 as Receiving No. 891351 is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. 2. That Frank J. Laker died in Freedom, Wyoming on June 27, 2003. A copy of the Certificate of Death that issued for Frank J. Laker is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. 3. That the death of Frank J. Laker has terminated his life estate in the property identified herein. 4. That this Affidavit Regarding Termination of Life Estate is submitted pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 34-11-101. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 12th day of June, 2008. [Separate signature pages follow.] AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER PAGE 1 OF5 j I 'I J "I ,I : ,¡ :'1 i , .j .' I STATE OF IDAHO ) ) SS. COUNTY OF BINGHAM ) û00469 ~~4 ottk..- SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 2- day of June, 2008, by Loyd F. Laker. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I r ~ ". / .' t , 7[" , - , ¿'"~.. NOTARPUB~ :)R My Commission eXPiIeS}tvv--i /!r;J.:~ AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER PAGE20FS 000470 q~¿~. ~. DARLA MAE NELSON STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the .L.2..... day of June, 2008, by DarIa Mae Nelson. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COUNTY OF wYoMING LINCOLN M\CII252011 ....\5510N ÐlPIRF.s M ' M'ICO"'....· -=---- ;;Commission expires: ~ ~~ wøfl) OTA YPUB ' AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER PAGE 3 OF5 ~ . --- - ' -:-Lv~ A JUNE NIELD STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) \300471. -1~ SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the I&~ day of June, 2008, by Loa June Nield. ~oY?~ NOTARY PUBLIC ;J ;)0// WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,...........,,.......,......' GERALD l. GOULDING - NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires May 2, 2011 ~~..''''''Cf'. My 'ommission expires: AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER PAGE40F5 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) (;00472 SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 3r'/ day of June, 2008, by Virginia Shumway. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF" STATe OF UNCOLN ., WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16,2011 My Commission expires: ð7}6 It¡ I AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TERMINATION OF LIFE ESTATE OF FRANK J. LAKER PAGE 5 OF 5 .? /\ VR 2-89 11/99 15M 21, MANNER OF OEATH 0:,:,:,.::..... o C«M ... ..' 001__ - .::..~v ".¡J - 210370 This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming, DATE ISSUED: J,t q~#~ Lucinda McCaffrey' / Deputy State Registrar This copy is nol valid unless prepared on paper w~th a~r~~j:~av~J;b.ò:f~er, displ~9f.~g;~:he d~f~~:·~~al an~:!~~gnatJ~"~kthe Depuiy S~ate Registrar. LINCOLN CO NTY CLE 1< BOOK 5~~~RPAGB~ QUIT CLAI~f§~.p 03 .JIll, - ì MI 9: I' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that FRANK J. LAKER, g~tt;q~:~f, ~in.c9~lf! ~ . :. . .. . ~:- ~ . :: .: County, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other valuable consideration, in û00474 hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quit claimed unto the said VIRGINIA SHUMWAY of Freedom, Wyoming, LOYD F, LAKER of Jackson, Wyoming, DARLA MAE NELSON of Grover, Wyoming, LOA JUNE NIELD, of Afton, Wyoming, and LANE F. LAKER of Thayne, Wyoming, as tenants in common, grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, propel1y, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to aU the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: The East half of the Southeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of tbe Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty Seven in Township Thirty-Five, North of Range 119 West of the 61h Principal Meridian, Wyoming, Reserving however unto Grantor a Life Estate in the following described property: Beginning at a point which is 200 feet South from the Southwest Corner of the SE1/4 NE 1/4 of said Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 119 East of the 6'h P,M. and running thence South 17 rods, thence East 17 rods, thence North 17 rods, thence West 17 rods to the point of beginning. LESS THAN: Beginning at a Point in the South line of said SE1/4 SEII4, being the Cotton Gin Spike marking the South corner of the Sanders property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 442PR, 011 Page 248, of said record, said point being 208.71 feet 889'18'55"E, along said South line, fro'm Cotton Gin Spike marking the Lloyd B. Baker PElLS 698 2000, location for the Southwest Comer of said SEJ/4 SEI 14; thence NO'43'I 9"E, along the East line of said Sanders property, 323,81 feet: thence S86'29'20"E 424.57 feet; thence SO'34'19"W 302.87 feet to a point in said South line; thence N89' l8'55"W, along said South line, 424.85 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 3.053 Acres ofland, SUBJECT TO: A 33-feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, along the South line of the above described property, being Wyoming State Highway 239. TOGETHER with all improvements and appurtenances thereon, Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceplions, easements and rights-of-way of record, WITNESS my hand this~ay of July, 2002. , c1Jl f AJ) () :J Ûo )_1 1 F~~~~, LAiŒR THE STATE OF WYOMING) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by FRANK 1. LAKER this~day of June, 2002. My Commis . e s m hand and officiaJ seal. CHhfsTlNA K, ALLRED· NOTARY PUBUC County of' & SllIle of Uncotn \U Wyoming '1YCqm~s 'o...n 13012005 f~~ ~ Of)ßJJc/ NOTARY PUBLIC Frank J. LItker Deed Page 1 of J