HomeMy WebLinkAbout939849 rU:l,t:lvt:u 011 f/¿,UUO è11 ¿,...~ nVI RECEIVING # 939849 BOOK: 697 PAGE: 488 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY EASEMENT û00488 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that JESS DEE SANDERS, a single man, of Freedom, Wyoming, GRANTOR, for himself and his heirs and assigns, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to VIRGINIA SHUMWAY, a single woman, of Freedom, Wyoming, GRANTEE, and her heirs and assigns, a thirty-three foot (33') wide perpetual right-of-way easement on the following described real estate situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for the following ì j purposes: I " , ! 1. Description of the Easement. An Easement over the following described 33-foot 1,1 wide strip of land: the western thirty-three (33) feet of the property identified in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 3, 2000 in Book 442 PR at Page 284 as Receiving No. 864463, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Purpose of the Easement. This easement shall be for the purpose of providing a perpetual thirty-three foot (33') wide right-of-way easement for ingress, egress, and underground utilities to the property owned by Grantee, said property being that which is described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded on November 3, 1981 in Book 182 PR at Page 174 as Instrument No. 567992 in Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. Conditions of the Easement. The easement shall be used for ingress, egress and underground utilities. EASEMENT SANDERS / SHUMWAY PAGE 1 OF2 û00489 4. Improvement and Maintenance of the Easement. Costs of improvement and maintenance of the surface of the easement, including snow removal, and costs of installation and maintenance of the underground utilities, shall be paid by the person or persons improving and maintaining the easement surface or installing and maintaining underground utilities, and neither Grantor nor Grantee shall be obligated to pay such costs without agreeing in writing thereto. 5. Easement Runs with Land. The easement created herein shall run with the land identified herein, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of Grantee, and her heirs and assigns. 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights. Grantor hereby waives and releases all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming as those rights pertain or might pertain to the easement. DATED this /ð!f day of June, 2008. ~ UtZÆ.., 6~ J SS DEE SANDERS STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the IDA day of June, 2008, by Jess Dee Sanders. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: ð7!;,j¡¡ ~ ' M. KI;VIN VOYLES· NOTARY PUBLIC ", COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16. 2011 EASEMENT SANDERS / SHUMWAY PAGE20F2 '01' . -. W ~,RRANTV Dl~E.I} ... " FRANK J. LAKER ,'~ND GRACE LAKER. Husband and Wife, Grantors, of Uncoln County, Wyoming, for II consideration often ($ 10.00) dollars and othu valuable consideratio~ in band paid, receipt whercofia hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and W AlUlANT to: JESS DEE, SANDERS, Grantee, the following dcacribed real e.tate situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby roleqing and ~aivjng all rights under and by virtue of the Home8tead Exemption Laws of the State. ,to-wit: ' .. ... A portion ofthc SEI/4SB1I4 ofSecûon 27, TJSN, RI19W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Cotton Gin Spike marking the Lloyd B. B"kor PElLS 698 2000, location f~r the E1/16 Corner between said Sccti<m 27 and Section 34; or thence Noo43'19HE, along the West line of said SE1/4SEl/4, 417.42 fcot to an Iron Pipe set; thence 889018'55"E, parallel with the Soutb Uno of said 8E 1I4SE 114, 208.11 feet to an Iron Pipe set, thence So043'19"W, parallel with said West line. 417.42 feet to a Cotton Oin Spike set at a point in said South Line; thence N89°}8'SS"W, along lIaid South Line, 208.71 foet, to the Point oC Beginning, containing 2.00 Acres of land. ¡' TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 33-fcet wide Right-aC-Way Easement, along the West line of the above described parcel, as referred to in Inlltrument No. 488157, recorded in book 133PR, on Page 211. .. SUBJECT TO: A 33-r~~t wide Right-of-Way Easement, along the South line of the above described parcel, being Wyoming State Highway 239. In accordance with Parccl A as shown on the Record ofParcei Division Plat '. prepared for Frank J. Laker and Grace t,.aker by Lloyd B. Baku and Associates and Recorded on Plat R-C in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyçmhig. Real property and Improvements are sold "AS'IS." (.. '. . DATED thisó!1'rrt·day of February, 2000. I' ~~~c.ì £~ FRANK I..LA ER . ~'Jj~~': G C~ l,( 864l,63 RECEIVED .INC0t ~,I r:!,''Iwrv r:/ ':f' 00 HAn - 3 MJ 9: 0 \ " JEANNE \::,'¡\GN£f( KEMMEREf/. I'/'{OM/NG I)OOK.,9r~~;.l'R PAOE_Zli!.. II ... û00490 $l _.._.....--..~... -~. ,......'...~..._.... 'l~4 RiCORDtiD ,~ : Y.E;I l :¡~;¡;..3.. ,19 8.1. , . '^ !lA. . ..<1. IN BQOf{ ,...' ~~~~~AGa ~~ 4Et.lMERER, WYO, NO, ~G.'7..39,2" ,liUlABETH C, WADE. CI.ERI( mMÅ’AN~\1 DEED FRANK J. LAKER and GRACE LAKER, Husband and Wife, , GRANTORS, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: ROBERT H. SHUMWAY and VIRGINIA SHUMWAY, Husband and Wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common with full rights of survivorship, GRANTEES, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is 200 feet South from the Southwest Corner of the SE~NE~ of said Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M. and running thence South 17 rods, thence East 10 rods, thence North 17 rods, thence West 10 rods to the point of beginning. Said tract to include said home, improvements and out buildings and also a right of way for ingress and egress upon the existing roadway and to a width of 60 feet along the West boundary of the NE~SE~ of Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the 6th!, P. M.. Wyoming. WITNESS our, hands this ~~~day of ~~ , 1981. F~~~fY-J~ ~fia<-L Þ a£/l~ GRACE LAKER :g~Ai:h~ :OF wyOMING ~.~ ~-y- - !NDEX!1i:f1 J'~:i,:~',~ :t'.'· ~~." 7. .,. ... '~" ¡.¡ 'lJi.I1ç", .~~'''' ì "J.I" I'h..Jf.I,~\'~l:J was acknowledged before me Husband and Wife, this ~ / 5S. CQUN1'~;:'O.lj', LU¡CÓLN ;.\' ' I ì. '. . ..' ;': ...:',~~. '.:' ,/,' '.">~.,. , ". <' Itl'b:~ foregoing instrument :/:. ÞY F~K,' J":~'~~d GRACE LAKER, ;': ."".: :' ùl.?f"'d~ e.~~' , , 1981. : .#-~. ../ : P' "Op :.: "\ t': ". . '!V.L t ,. wt#mss my hand and official seal. : \;:;c:<:¡"::T> . ". ~.: " í.. Æ;¿~2-' ~ / NOTARY ~--- My commission expires: i~ H" /'7'r3 /7 / 000491.