HomeMy WebLinkAbout876602 State of Co r e? (In compJbnce w~th the CO~R P~ATION AND Flhtc A~, W~ming Statutes, 1977, Section 36-11-~01, et. seq., and the Rul~ ~nd Regulations of [he Bo~rd of Registration for Professbnol Engineers ond Land Surve~rs.) Reverse sMe of this form may be used if more sp~ce is needed. ~ecord of original survey and clto[~on of source of historic ~nformotion Of corner is Ios[ or obliterated). Description of corner monumentotbn evidence found ond/or monument end occessodes estoblished to perpetuete the )ocot~on of this corner. Ske[ch of rele[ive Iocotion of monument, accessories, ond reference points with course ond distance to od~ocen[ comer(s) (ff determined in this survey). Method ond rotionole for reestoblishment of lose or obliterated corner. ~9'41'17'E . T21N RlliW S3~29 S31 ~ S52 1909 6th PM ': ;:~--~ ' F~ND ~E M~UMENT F~ ~IS 1/4 .......... -- CORNER OF MA~MUM CON~ ~1~ IS A ~' .... U.S.A. ~NM~T SURLY BRaS CAP ~ u~ ~ AN IRON PIPE ~ICH PRO~UDES ABO~ ..... 7:/: ' ~ ~E GROUND 1.0'. ~E IS A S~EL ~ ~.::' ~: POST 5.7' ~ST ~ ~E M~UM~T. ~IS , IS ~E MONUM~T FOR ~E 1/4 ~NER ~ ~- AND IS MARKED AS ~0~. IS MARKED: S31 1 T21N R111W / --S30 ~ 1-4S51 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS SCALE 1"=1000' 1944 ·RECORD IS FOR THiS CORNER MONUMENT, BEARINGS ARE: 6th PM ASSUMa3 BUT · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. RE:LA'I~[ DRAVJ~I BY: NJM ~ MONUt~ENT IS F-~ COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work: 07/25/2000 Office Reference: CROSS INDEX DIACRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction 2 .... ,3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10, 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25^ Uln~cnh En~llneel-lng and and supervision. L--~- 6 .~_,_L_ 5 _~_~__L_ 4-~--*-L 3 ~_~L_L_ 2-J-*-~- 1 _L-I c Land SuPveylng _~J_- ~_;_- -_k;_ _LJ_z ~_~_- z_k~_ k~- 7 ~-+-~ 8 ~-+-~ 9 ~-+-~10~-~-~11~-+-~ 12-~H s I---~---~--+--I--~--T--k--~--+--r---t---t---F--q--+--I--~--T--t---I--+--r--~--~ K Telephone Number: 433-789-20].7 h-'~-~-~--I--~-J-~--I.-~.-~-~-~'~-_J ~_ ~" ..... ? .....