HomeMy WebLinkAbout876603 State of ryoming Corner Record (Jrt compliance with the CO~,VER PE]'bPE~'UATION AND FI~N~ A~. W~ming Stotute~ 1977. Sectio~ 36-11-101, et. seq., end the Rules end Regule{ions of the Bo~rd of Eeglstretion for Professionel Engineers end Land Sure.rs.) Reverse side of [his form m~y be used if more sp~ce is needed. Record of original survey ~nd cltoUon of source of historic information (~f corner is lost or obliterated). DescripUon of corner monumen[otion evidence found ond/or monument ond occessories estoblished to perpetuote the ]ocot~on ef this corner. Sketch of relo[ive Ioc~Uon of monument, eccessories, end reference points with course ond distence to edjocent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method end retionole for reesteblishment of lost or obliterated corner. ~ ~ T20N R112W ~ e CC T20N R112W T20N R112W ~--~ ::]:5} '"' FOUND ~E M~UMENT F~ ~lS CORNER ::::::' ':J;:;?; ~';:' ~m20~ m~2w COMMON TO 2 SErmONS ~ICH IS A U.S.A. ............. ', ~ ~/4 GO~RNM~T SURLY BRASS CAP ON AN IRON T20N R112W ," ':, PiPE ~ICH PRO~UDES ABO~ ~E ~ND ! .... 6th PM 0.8'. ~ERE IS A M~ND ~ STONES 2' IN ;;~=:/:' ....... MONUMENT FOR ~E C~NER AND IS MARKED ~- AS SHO~ BELOW. ~ T2 1 N IS MARKED; S36 J S31 T20N El12W S~3 T2ON R112W S3 T20N R112W [. ? 2615.34' (~eos.) N88'43'~"W 2620.96' T21 N R112W RlllW S36 ~ S31 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS T20N R112W · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. SCALE 1'=1000' 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. BEARINGS ARE A-e~SJ_l MED BUT · ~Z UONUUI~T IS F-a~ RELA'IWE DRAWN BY: COUNTY: LINCOLN Date of Field Work:. 07/25/2001 Office Reference: CI~O~-~S .~ND.~'~¥ ]~.[AC~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record was prepared 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 by me or under my direction ........... ,~ Ulntnh Englnee~'lng ~nd and supervision. , /,±,/ t L' | I_1 , /,~,/ , LI/ I--T--J--I-- i--F*'I--T--i -I-T-r- i--T-I--I- i -F-1--T--i -1--1 a SEAL ~ I /I . f/ I .I I IT I /I , I/ I , I / I---I- ~- +-I--I-- J---I---I-- +- ~--I- -I---~--~- + --I-.~- J---F--I-- +- L--l---I D ~ i ~ , ~ ~ 83 Sou~ch E00 E~s~: _.L_ J_ _L- -J-_ -J_ _~ _J__ -I- _L- _J._ -~- f-~ 8 ~-+-~- g -~-+-k-10~-~-e 1 l~-{-h 12-b-~ ~ -T--KD- --Fl--T-- 'n--t--F -T-F-1- --F-]--T-- I~--l--~--+--I--~--T--t--I--+--~--I--i---~--~--+--t--I--+--l--I--+--;--t---I K Telephone Number: 43:5-789-1017 .~