HomeMy WebLinkAbout939918 u ~ È- gp 11 'Is ]0 () ~ . ~:;;; >. bJ) 'õ '8 c :.8~>' 8~ "" u .- '" =~ 0 dI -" CJI S@'" ~2 a èS .... "0 .- "'~ "... 0 ~~ ~ (j:J COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR GOVERNING BIG RIDGE ESTATES State of Wyoming ) )ss. ) 000773 County of Lincoln WHEREAS, SANGAM, LC; Cynthia H Allred; C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC; Rolene Kennedy and Eldin Kennedy; and Castle Rock Dodge, Chrysler Jeep, LLC, , Robert Hammond and Lisa Hammond, trustees of the Robert and Lisa Family Trust, and Custom Construction, are the owners of record ofthat tract ofland situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, the legal description of which is: The property as described in Exhibit "A", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Said property hereinafter referred to as "Big Ridge Estates" WHEREAS, the undersigned desires to place certain Cövenants and Restrictions on said Big Ridge Estates for the benefit and protection of the undersigned and those purchasing lots in said Big Ridge Estates; WHEREAS, the undersigned desires that this instrument shall defme the Covenants and Restrictions upon said Big Ridge Estates and shall be incorporated by reference into the deeds and contracts to persons purchasing lots in said Big Ridge Estates with said covenants thereby intended to apply to each lot and to run with the land through subsequent transactions; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL l\1EN BY THESE PRESENTS that all property as above described, subject to the following listed Covenants and Restrictions, to-wit: 1. SINGLE FAWL Y USE: All tracts are subject to these restrictive covenants and shall be used for single family residential purposes onlr, it being expressly understood that no commercial activity shall be conducted tfereon. In addition to a family residence, the owner shall be permitted to construct guest quarters, stables, barns, and other appropriate buildings and improfements for use and enjoyment by the owner, family members, relatives, and gµests. This covenant shall not be construed as allowing or permitting any ownerl to construct or allow any structure to be placed on any part of the tract by any othr person or to allow the owner to lease, rent or otherwise allow such other persoþs to occupy any part of the premises. I i TEMPORARY LIVING OUARTERS: No owner shalllpermanently locate a camp trailer, mobile home or any other fOlID of temporþ living facility or structure upon the tract covered by his deed; provided howbver, such owner may 2. RECEIVED 6/19/2008 at 1: 13 PM RECEIVING # 939918 BOOK: 697 PAGE: 773 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (: 0 07't¡I 4 establish and use temporary living quarters in such manner for a single period not to exceed twelve months while permanent residence construction is being accomplished. 3. IMPROVEMENTS: All improvements placed or constructed upon the premises shall be in strict compliance with all applicable building, zoning and health rules and regulations. All improvements shall be of new construction. 4. SIZE OF PRIMARY RESIDENCE: No primary residence shall contain less than 1500 square feet of interior living space on the ground floor level. Guest buildings, bunkhouses, barns, stables, storage and other appropriate buildings shall not be affected by this size requirement. 5. BUILDING MAXIMUM HEIGHT: No building shall exceed Thirty (30) feet in height measured at any cross-section of the building fÌom original grade to the highest point of the building not including chimneys or other minor projections. No principal building shall have a flat roof. 6. BUILDING SET-BACK LINES: No building shall be erected nearer than 50 feet fÌom the fÌont or road-side boundary line, nor nearer than 50 feet fÌom any side or rear boundary line. No building shall be located on land that has a flood hazard. 7. FUTURE SUBDIVISION: Any future subdivision of any of the property located within the Big Ridge Estates, shall comply with the applicable regulations of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, and any future subdivision will be required to comply with any and all regulations pertaining to said subdivision, including access and roadway provisions, density restrictions and any other restrictions. 8. SANITARY FACILITIES: Each sewage system is the responsibility of the individual property owner and shall be installed at his expense and shall be constructed in conformity with the laws of the State of Wyoming, and no privy, outside latrine or other like facility shall be permitted. Owner shall refÌain fÌom causing any water or pollution emanating fÌom his premises. 9. WATER: Domestic water supply is the responsibility of the individual property owner and shall be installed at his expense. Said supply shall conform to standards set by the Wyoming Department of Public Health. 10. EXTERIOR: Any structure erected on any lot fÌom material other than wood, stone or brick shall be painted or stained with earth tones on the exterior. 11. LIVESTOCK: Livestock may be kept on the property, but limited to one animal per each 5 acre (Example: 5.49Ac. Shall be considered SAc., and 5.50Ac. Shall be considered 6Ac.). They must be cared for so as not to constitute a nuisance. 000775 12. DOGS AND CATS: Dogs must be confmed to owners area and not allowed to run at large. All dogs and cats shall be cared for so as not to constitutes a nuisance. No lot owner shall be allowed more than 2 adult dogs to remain on property. 13. DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS AND GARBAGE: No debris, garbage, or like materials shall be stored upon any part of the premises, and shall be removed therefrom and disposed of in a manner not offensive to other owners. No nuisance or offensive, noisy or illegal activity shall be done, suffered or permitted upon any lot. 14. HUNTING AND DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS: the hunting of game animals upon any lot is prohibited. Target practice with rifles, shotguns and handguns shall not be allowed. No fIrearm of any type shall be discharged in the proximity of livestock or buildings of another owner. The killing or rodents with small caliber guns by the owners of the lots will be allowed only if proper safety precautions are observed. 15. FENCING:. All fences constructed on a lot shall be constructed of natural log poles. No barbed-wire fencing is permitted. 16. WATER RIGHTS: Any and all water rights associated with the Big Ridge Estates shall specifIcally run and be appurtenant to the specifIc acreage for which said water rights are adjudicated. 17. ZONING: All zoning and other laws, rules and regulations of any government under whose jurisdiction said land lies, are considered to be a part thereof. 18. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any of the property until the construction plans and specifIcations and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee as to the quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of exterior design, and as to location with respect to topography and fmished grade elevation. The exterior construction of all buildings and all grading incidental thereto shall be completed within 12 months from the date issuance of a building permit as herein provided. All construction and alteration shall comply with the provisions of the following standard codes and their offIcial amendments: Uniform Building Code, current edition; International Conference of Building OffIcials; National Plumbing Code, current edition National Electrical code, current edition; National Fire Protective Association International And with such State of Wyoming building, safety and health codes as may be applicable to the property. Variance from the tenns of such codes, and in 000776 substitution of applicable codes may be made only with the written approval of the Architectural Committee, hereinafter provided, having been fIrst obtained. 19. BUILDING PERMIT: No building, structure, sign, fence or improvement of any kind shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any of the property until the plans and specifications therefore, including plt plans, have been approved in writing and a building permit issued therefore as provided by the Architectural Control Committee. 20. THE ARCIllTECTURAL CONTROL CO:MMITTEE: The Architectural Control Committee hereinafter constituted shall have the following duties and authority: Approve plans and specifIcations, including plot plans, as being in conformity with the tenns and conditions hereof and to issue building permits therefor; to grant variances of and make substitutions for building codes as provided herein and authorize variances of the terms hereof where necessary and not injurious to the adjacent property owners; authorize removal of trees; authorized the use of temporary residence during construction as herein provided, and to enforce the term hereof by appropriate legal action. A building permit granted by the Architectural Control Committee shall be conclusive evidence of the compliance with the terms hereof for the construction, improvement, alteration and use by the permit. 21. ARCIllTECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE MEMBERSIllP: The Architectural Control Committee is composed of Cynthia H. Allred, Charles Fu1lmer,and a representative of Castle Rock Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep LLC, SANGAM LC, and each of the above named members shall serve for a term of three years, or until his successor shall be elected. In the event that an)' member of the Architectural Control Committee shall become deceased, fail, or refuse to act or otherwise resign his offIce, then in such an event, his successor may be appointed by the two remaining committeemen. Thirty days prior to the expiration of the term of office of the committee hereby appointed, said committee shall cause to be issued to each and every record owner of the property subject to these covenants, notice of the expiration of the committees' term of office and within fIfteen days thereafter, said record land owner shall nominate and vote for three persons to serve upon said Architectural Committee during the ensuing term, and the three persons who shall receive the most numerous votes, shall be the committeemen for the ensuing term. Each record land owner of the land subject to these Covenants shall have one vote for each lot owned by him. In the case of multiple owners of a single lot, then in such event, the vote shall be equally divided between and cast by individually, each.of such multiple owners. 22. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSIllP AND VOTING RIGHTS: 000777 Section 1. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: Every owner of the property, which is subject to assessment shall be a member of the association. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any lot which is subject to assessment. Section 2. VOTING RIGHTS: Each owner shall be entitled to one vote for each acre owned. When more than one person holds an interest in an acre, all such persons shall be members. The vote for such acres shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event can more than one vote be cast with respect to any acre. Section 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The members shall annually elect a Board of Directors consisting of three property owners within the Big Ridge Estates. 23. COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS: Section 1. CREATION OF THE LIEN AND PERSONAL OBLIGATION OF ASSESSMENTS: Each owner of any property in the Big Ridge Estates by acceptance of the deed therefore, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and to pay to the association: (1) Annual assessments or charges, and, (2) Special assessments for capital improvements, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided. The annual and special assessment, together with interests, costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. Section 2. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENTS: The assessments levied by the association shall be exclusively used to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the property and of the homes situated thereon. Section 3. MAXIMUM ANNUAL ASSESSMENT: Until January 1 of the year immediately following the conveyance of the fIrst acre to an owner, the maximum annual assessment shall not exceed $ 5.00 per month, per acre. a. From and after January 1 of the year immediately following the conveyance of the first acre to an owner, the maximum annual assessment may be, increased each year not more than 5% above the maximum assessment for the previous year without an assenting vote of at least 51 % of the membership. (;00778 b. The Board of Directors may fix the annual assessment at an amount not in excess of the maximum of such increases as are allowed herein. Section 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR CAPITAL I:iMPROVEMENTS: In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the association my levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement, including fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of three-fourths of the votes of owners who are voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for this purpose. Section 5. NOTICE IN QUORUM FOR ANY ACTION AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTIONS 3 and 4: Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under Sections 3 or 4 shall be sent to all members not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. The presence of members or of proxies entitled to cast three-fourths of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of such special assessments. If the required quorum is not present in person or by proxy, no subsequent such meetings shall be held more than sixty (60) days following the preceding meeting. Section 6. DATE OF CO"MMENCEMENT OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENT: DUE DATE: The annual assessments provided for herein shall commence as to all lots subject to assessment the first day of the month following the conveyance of the first (!.cre. The first annual assessment for acres purchased thereafter shall be adjustþd according to the number of months remaining in the calendar year. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each acre a~ least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment. Written notice of the annual assessment shall be sent to every owner subject thereto the due date shall be established by the Board f Directors. The association shall, upon demand, and for a reasonable charge, furnish a certificate signed by an officer of the association setting forth whether the assessments on a specified acre have been paid. Section 7. EFFECT OF NON-PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: REMEDIES OF THE ASSOCIATION: Any assessment not paid within. thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest from the due date at the rate of twelve percent (12%) pr annum. The association may bring an action at law against the owner personally to pay these same, or foreclose the lien against the property. No 6 ( ( 000779 owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by abandonment of his property. . Section 8. SUBORDINA nON OF THE LIEN TO MORTGAGES: The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage. Sale or transfer of any acre shall not affect the assessment named. 24. RIGHT OF ENFORCEMENT: Enforcement of these Covenants shall be by proceedings at law or in equity to res1rain violation or to recover damages against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant. 25. EFFECT OF NON-ENFORCEMENT: Failure by any proper party to enforce any of these restrictions shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same breach or as to one occurring prior to or subsequent thereto. 26. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: In the event any covenant or restriction herein contained or any portion thereof is invalid or void, such invalidity or voidness shall in no way affect any other covenant or restriction. 27. ATTORNEY FEES AND COURT COSTS: In any legal ac1ion taken by the undersigned or any owner against any other owner for a violation of any of these provisions, and if it is detennined by any court of C9mpetent jurisdiction that the offending party did violate thé same, he shall have assessed against him by such court, a reasonable sum for the successful party's attorney fees and court costs. 28. DURATION OF COVENANTS: These restrictive covenants shall be perpetual in nature, but may be amended, superceded or cancelled upon the written filing of 2/3 vote of all owners of real property above described which are subject to the same, and the weight of each vote shall be in the proportion that each ownership of acreage bears to other acre-Qwners. 29. SIGNS~ No sign shall be permitted on any lot except a small sign with the owner's name or a "For Sale" sign, no larger than 24"x 18". DATED this ~day of Îìo VLvV\\-:U(-.20~ 7 SanGam, LC ~ Castlerock Dodge Chrysler Jeep, LLC , ./1'1 \ Paragen Investment ~ oup , 7 ~~ eratmg ager Ü00780 BY: Title: Cindy Allred Tim Allred *BQhBah C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC BY: Charles Fullmer, Operating Manger Rolene Kennedy UTAH STATEOF~ ) Sal t Lake ) SS. COUNTY OF ~x ) Eldin Kennedy /J ~ The . foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ilL ~ , Operating Manager of SanGam, ~ LC, this ~ day of 1Vl't , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. ..-. ..{:~,?r.,T.~~.. JEFFREY SEAMAN ·i?:'ì'-;. NOTARY PUBLIC · STATE of UTAH ~\ ". ~ 64 EAST 6400 SOUTH STE 100 ~~;",' /~.~ SALT LAKE CITY UT 84107 <¡:¡;:-:i;;:;·l COMM. EXP. 06/10/2007 ~ Notary Public STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by , of Paragoa In~:gEtmeflt Gre\:1P,~ castlercck rxx:ge O1rysler Jeep,"úl this _ day of , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. 8 ( ( L'0078j. ~~- erating ager BY: Title: ·······_·~~~~Q(f~k ~ ~ÅA^-{J...~ ./\ Tim Allred Cindy Allred ~BelJ BaiF C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC BY: Charles FuDmer, Operating Manger Rolene Kennedy Eldin Kennedy STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ~ r~ 1}e .. foregoing ins1rument was acknowledged before me by IV__ ~ ,Operating Manager of San~ t LC, this Z: day of 111" .2006. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Pub]j~ .. 'U1;f~~,,~... '. STATEOFWYOMING ) U\~~ :'1+4 SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN .. r ~ The foregoing instrument was ~ap.":L~ ~ ~OL'[ß\I!. k~I...H"'.(,..Ë..Q.. this ~'la.day of \'-..\ Q\./P ....~ça... . 20~, . '1 ~ Witness my hand and official seal. áCknowledged before me by . of Paragon Investment Group, 8 . ·oF..... ._""'.":""""_""" HOllY JASPERSON¡ /l'b NOTARY PUBLIC ~ STATE of UWI II' h 251 W. RIVER PARK DR.'215¡ ~;. ;m}' CO~~~~~PI~lr~.:f.~~1 0 I ,'," ""- .~...,...~ ". .,'o.u '"," . . ~~ erating ager ~.¡ TIm A 000782 BY: Title: c jj,;ct t{~ Cin~ Allred C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC BY: Charles Fullmer, Operating Manger Rolene Kennedy Eldin Kennedy STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) )J ~ TJ¡e . jòregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by '1t ~ ~ , Operating Manager of SanGam, ~ LC, this _ G day of /Vllt . , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. ß;ø.·!",~~ JEFFREY SEAMAN (¡.~~..... "~NOTARY PUBLIC · STATE o( UTAH ! ~ ~ 64 EAST 6400 SOUTH STE 100 ~. ...{.~ SALT LAKE CITY UT 84107 .,¡¡::£,>.- COMM. EXP. 06/10/2007 # Notary Public . :"Jõ'I"~~; -".;,.. :. ,"..",. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was ,2006. acknowledged before me by , of Pftfflg6ft hr..CMn1el'it Cre1:lp, - //1 c:astlerœk D::Xl:3e C1rysler Jeep, w:: this _ day of Witness my hand and official seal. 8 State of Wyoming County of Lincoln Ü00783 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Tim Allred and Cindy Allred this -5- day of f\() \ () "'^ \n....~, . 7 ~ß Witness my hand and official seal. STEPHANIE BARRUS - NOTARY PUBLIC County at LIncoln ~~f~ State at Wyoming My Commission EXPir::s August 3, 2011 '-6~¡"' '--: STATE OF WYOMING ) )8S. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Rolene Kennedy and Eldin Kennedy this _ day of , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public I I STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bob Bmr, this _ day of , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Charles Fullmer, Operating Manager of C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC, this _ day of ,2006. 10 Ü00784 ( ~?~- BY: Title: Tim Allred Cindy Allred ::Jlf- -Des BA~l'''' C..A. Fullmek" Family, LLC BY: ~ Charles Fullmer, Operating Manger ~. '~f-'\ Rolene Kennedy \) ~1c:L:- ~S>.. ~ Eldin Kennedy STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ~ Th~e oregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by N,~_ __ , Operating Manager of SanGam, t LC, this "G. day of Rift 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. JEFFREY SeAMAN j:í~ .. NOTARY 1'1J8UC · STATE of mAR \I , 54 EASTß400 SOUTH STE 100 ..~ ~~ SALT LAKE! CITY ur 8m? '" l.~ï?ð~ COMM. EXP. 06/10/2007 Notory Plilili¥ ... .,.~~r~tTtt,.,I.. tlIo'¡'. . . " '" STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTy OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was àcknowledged before me by , . of Paragea Ia"~Etm.eat Greap, ~ castlercck D::::d:]e Œu:ysler Jeep, u.c this _ day of . 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. 8 000785 The foregoing ins,trwnent was acknowledged before me by Tim Allred an y Allred t1ùs -5... day of C'\('\\IGt'CV\ \n..~. . 7 5~ STEPHANIE BARRUS, N01i Witness my hand and official seal. County ot I.lnooJn Slate of WyomIng " STATEOFWYOMIN':¡ / NG~ /' )~'/ COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) // The foregoing ins1rum t was ~¡fu~wledged before me by Rolene Kennedy and Eldin Kennedy this _ da'y,?f / , 2006. , f 'X' Witness my hand and offic!pl"seà\ /' . /' ~ (? " / "'. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by . , this ,2006. STATE OF WYO ) ) SS. ) Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public UTM STATEOFW¥Ø~ ) Cache ) SS. COUNTY OF ~amN )' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Charles Fullmer, Operating Manager of C,A. Fullmer Family, Ltc, this -LJlY2lay of f'A..-P.cf . 200! 'B 10 See (). ttfd-¡tJ f'ðe- ·...-,.,,'. ~, 000786 Witness my hand and official seal. NOTARY'UBL/C JENNIE LEE JOHNSON My Commiaalon Expjres 10-08-02001 150 Coventry ~oe L)gan, UT s..341 S 'FU ~~~ No . . Public State of Wyoming ) ) County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrrnnent was acknowledged before me this 17th day of June, , 2008 , by Ronald Onkes, President of Custom Construction, Inc., known to me as the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was executed for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity theTein stated as the act of said corporation. . /&~ft/'I3y~ NotaTY Public . ~~. commission Expires: 9-15-11 ,.....,,~ NOTARY PUBl.IC~ County of State of ~.. Lincoln Wyoming I My Commission Expire;) af¡ptamber 15, 2011 ~: ~~...- 11 ~4 erating ager BY: Title: ù00787 i Tim Allred Cindy Allred ~ Bel> Ða;I C.A. Fullmer Family, LLC BY: Charles Fullmer, Operating Manger ~ '\~U-€Ù Rolene Kennedy ~.. 'ß1cL:- ~".~ Eldin Kennedy STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) oregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by , Operating Manager of SanGam, t LC, till G day of ,2006. ~.~...J..t,.~ JEFFREY SE AN It?'.· ~ NOTARY PUBUC . STATE IJ "AH \3\ ~ r)~ 64 EAST 6400 SOUTH STE 1 "'+~ .....~.~ SALT LAKE CI'lYUfs4107 """,:'J1::i:';;;.l' COMM. EXP. 06/10/2007 ~. "';:¡';:'.:-¡~,;.t:., ,.'" >II'."¡.' STATE OF WYOMING instrument was this , 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. 8 owledged before me by PftfftgSR In"l/gstmlult QrnJtp,.. ~ tlerœk ~ Olrysler Jæi?; k The forego ins Cindy Allred this _ day 0 k'00788 t was acknowledged before me by Tim Allred and , 2006. Notary Public STATE OF WYOMING ) U '\11 tpl.-i ) SS. COUNTY OF I:;tN@ÐLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Rolene Kennedý and Eldin Kennedy this 5(t;. day of flov , 20ar Witness my hand and official seal. BRANDI LESTER, NOTARY PUBUC County of ø'~~~.. State of Uinta ~~;;$' Wyoming My CommissIon E~pires Jan. 10, 2009 t3fJ~ ?J~ Notary Public Th foregoing. instrument acknowledged before me by Charles Fullmer, Opera g Manager of C,A. Fullmer Family, LLC, this _ day of ,2006. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) _ day of oregoing instrum t was acknowledged before me by B6b D~l, this 2006. d official seal. Notary Public STATE OF WYO 10 . uy' _;':~~f//;'v~ i'J (C\,o... Ao-.""MCN' d ( ,Trustee L\ -Sex l·-t<À W\Q~ 0 .uruq1e~ Ii II '~e.. Råb.e, rc..V"\.· 'Ý T/'~:?-Þ,. BY: BY: 'rating Title: 000789 Tim Allred " Cin.dyADred ~Ji" U.k- C.A.FuHmer r BY: Cba.~,.PJJ'''i~~'' R.lene K..., £tdin KeilDed)t STAT£OF~O~G ) )8& COttNTY'O,tINCOLN ) C CtS ~ \ e ro ck\)O-~·(.ë ~r-ys~ r:r ~ef! I L c. ~7A1J~: 8 ":. .. '~"'--.: oregoing in'bWtnent was ~g M~naget before me by .. ijris. ·~da'P' of '-... 'iI ~ 2Ø06. ·.'\\litn:ê$sntJNllît"~/å.t1doffiçiM..sea1. Notary Public . .. ',\-\\.~ '... STATEO '...) \..):-t:~~ -w4SS" COtINTYOFlaKeOLfi" r ~Themregaing in~etlt was .. ... ··-Cf'/,"''''!;¡ 'l" ~m.~'''' . """""~f~"''L this -k-~'Øf .~O,"I~U,"(b~a.. . ,,200&.... .. .. . . ... Tl .,.. .... .... .. ..... ..~ Witness ntyhandandoffiøiatseM. before me by ;t); InvesttnentGmnp, [(YJ"ÃsfËRšõÑ¡ , i , , Ô\~ STATE OF UTAH ) ) SSe COUNTY OF UTAH ) 000790 /::7 The foregoing ÏDstnunent was acknowledged hefore me by ~ ~L:(~~rustee's of "The Robert and Lisa Family Trust" dated July 2007, this ~ day of ç~J' _. , 2008. . R08LVNWlLSON IK1fARrPflBUC. _II,., 4IIIN.IOOw. ...._ PROVO, ur ..... COMM. EXP. ...., Witness my hand and official seal. 000791. State of Wyoming ss County of Lincoln Jeep, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me byCastlerock Dodge, LLC by ~O~'r.lr Ç\\ \.eç~ ' this q day of ,] ( )I()'L. ' 20 . \ Chrysle Witness my hand and official seal. 'jfr!>au.!J.-/)rm.nA Notary Public My commission expires: ~h/:tY1 ~~.~,....... 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