HomeMy WebLinkAbout940003 PROOF OF DEATH AND HEIRSIDP STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln } }SS: } ÜOOi64 Clara M. Dayton of lawful age, being duly sworn, states: of Cokeville, Wyoming 1. That the statements hereinafter set forth, including answers to questions, constitute a true and correct and complete statement of the family history of the person hereinafter named as "decedent" and of the estate of such decedent. 2. Name of decedent Edvigie Maninfior. a/k/a Edna Maninfior 3. Date of death 1/4/1976 Where Cokeville. Wyoming 4. Was decedent married or single at time of death Single Did decedent leave a will No Has estate been probated No County Where? City State 5. If decedent was married one or more times, give the following information (list names in order of marriage): LIVING OR DEAD DIVIORCE PLACE OF DEATH OR DIVIORCE NAME OF SPOUSE (IF DEAD-DATE) (DATE) (CITY, COUNTY AND STATE) August Maninfior 12/19/1972 N/A Cokeville. Wyoming 6. If decedent had any children by any spouse, give the following information: NAME OF CHILD ADDRESS PRESENT AGE SON OR DAUGHTER LIVING OR DEAD (IF DEAD-DATE) Clara M. Dayton Cokeville, WY 81 Daughter Living Alma R. Brandt Rock Springs 77 Daughter Living 7. If decedent had any children by adoption, give the following information: NAME_OF CHILD ADDRESS PRESENT AGE SON OR DAUGHTER LIVING OR DEAD (IF DEAD-DATE) 8. The above children who have died had only the following children (natural or adopted) and other heirs: NAME OF NAMES OF SPOUSE ADDRESS AGE DECEASED CHILD AND CHILDREN LIVING OR DEAD (IF DEAD-DATE) N/A 9. In case decedent left no surviving spouse and no children or children of deceased children, give the following information: NAME ADDRESS LIVING DATE OF DEATH FATHER MOTHER BROTHERS & SISTERS 10. Affiant states he was well acquainted with [mancial conditions of decedent and knows that decedent died solvent and that all debts against the estate were paid. 11. State you relationship or acquaintance with decedent and how long and how well you knew the decedent and the decedent's family Daughter. knew her mother her whole life (!¿~ Ð If'" // - Signed' ~d/ Ø( cp.z:: Clara M. Dayton -- RECEIVED 6/23/2008 at 1 :04 PM RECEIVING # 940003 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 164 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK KEMMERER WY. t;J ~" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;51 - day of , 2008. By: Clara M. Davton Further affiant saith not. STATE OF WYOMING) )SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN) IN WITNESS WEREOF, I have set my hand and official seal the day and year last written above. My Commission expires: ¡1) ¿TV . ~ ó<D II , lr