HomeMy WebLinkAbout940060 NTI.-192S PETER J... WBLIœR PO BOX 314:9 ALPINE. WY 83128 , WARRANTY DEED HBATH PROPBRTIES..L.P., A 'fEXAS L1MITBD PARTNERsHIP, Gramor(s) of DALLA,S, Coµnty of, State ofTX, hereby CONVEY AND fJ'.4.lllWM'to PETBR L wwœa;1Dd PAIGE A WELKER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, OnIntce(s) ofB'Th{Ä. County of LINCOLN. State ofWYOMJNO . fbr the sum ot'TBN OOu.AR.S AND OTHBR GOOD AND V ALUABLB CONBIDBRATJON, tlie following' deBmibed tJ'açt of land in LINCOLN County, State ·ofWyomlng.', hØ1'Oby nleaøJng and waiving ill rillb1B under ,1U1d. by virtue of the hoU1elteld exemption laWl of the Slate ofW~ming, to wit: LOT ~ (15) OP SHADOW DANCBR..BSTATBS, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ACCORDING TO THAT PLAT FJLBD AUGUST 11,2004 IN TIm OFFICE OP THB COUNTY CLERK AS PLArNO. 173-C.' " /U )49 If q (;>Ò0296 Subject to CIBSIIQ1~. re&trjctiona and rights ofway of record,'and taa 1br the year 2008 aDd ~, . , , . , ' . w_~~.)~~~~~. RECEIVED 6/24/2008 at 4:24 PM TIlPROPBK, , . . RECEIVING # 940060 ' By:RlC~W..HJ3ATH BOOK: 698 PAGE: 296 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. ~ Sw.øt!ð~æ .) Countyóf. 'J t? ~), , ~ \ I .~OÒ8 ,RIœ:.um W HBATH ~naUy appeated befoœ me known to ~ to be the partDer(s) ofHBATH PROPBR,11BS, LP.. the partnership tbat. mœpu1ed the within ~ BDd who. duly aoknowled.gcd. 10 mo !:bat &ugh partnembip executed 1be same. ' Rellding; UCilla ~ 11 t a'~ ~Publio _---~ . . '" ,...,~"...,,...,~"-' \ . ExpIlU. 15, I ~ . 0 OJ r:.~~";~...~ AMELIA D. TURNER \ . \ ¡ '~"'\ "10 \ NoUIry PuÞI!C \ , ~ 'ª* ~. STArE OF TEXAS '. ~ \. ~ v.. eoinmlMlQn IJq)lfet 08118109 t } .....~ III' 1f":J " -"~ \_;::::.r~-_......---- --. .