HomeMy WebLinkAbout87657403012225 876574 WARRANTY DEED C. W. JEPSON and GAYLA JEPSON, husband and wife Grantors of Jackson, County of Teton, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: SALT RIVER RANCH, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company Grantees of 2401 Lake Park Drive, Suite 555, Smyrna, GA 30080 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights -of -way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. State of Wyoming LO! 4 PR PAGE 624 WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 10th day of Oc -r, A.D. 2001 STATE OF WYOMING :SS Gay a Jepso County of Teton On the 10th day of October A.D. 2001, personally appeared before me, C. W. Jepson and Gayla Jepson, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. LAND TITLE COMPANY RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY fY CLERK 01 0fT Al 0 7 Notary Public My commission expires on C H A d'd3 _J%9 z ;o T abed V VT.TUY9 laanzvnanz ;o zuTod y oa TVzayd pzpoTox® FTvs ;c aUT1 acan *41 buoTe aoo; SP'pZt. 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'6 u0t3025 PT29 3 00 arq nos a'4 buTNarm duo =swag rule adTd uoaT_ 3a3000jp .Z c 3o bujuvTbae :Jame= PTDT3 1661 a uo pasvq 'S sv oegTson put burxoAn A.lanoa uTozuT7 3o 4aaro aq;, 30 2 01'73° 244 LIT BCS aped 't!d >8i xoog u T pep.1 pa uaasvM atm uT pagTazcap buTtaoAM /zuno° u1o '•};'d 4139 '415ttt! 't19C.L '6 0 o7; 00 S 3 ;as 0 42 pup /MS aWa 'V 7 'E :3 azo7 2! purr ;o _oeaa 2115 tt°2Zd1110530 7Y037 „b„ 1ISIH 2 Legal Description. Sac. 9 T]6N R119W. continued. Thence cw+tinuing along said vest line, southerly, 61.63 feet along a curve concave to the west having a radius at 810.00 feet and being subtended by a chard at S 00' 45' 00" W, .61.61 feet to a point tram. which tt a east corner of said Section 9 is 1470.62 feet north and 836.61 feet east; Thence S 85. 30' 01" E. 250.98 feet along the south line of said excluded Parcel; Thence N 25. 55' S1" E, 227.64 feet along the east line of said excluded parcel; Thence S 419' 30' 53" E,.306.72 feet to a point approximately 50 feet east of the east bank of the Salt River; Thence Parallel with, and 50 feat east of the meander of the east bank of the Salt River, secondarily described by the following eight courses: 5 26. 05' 19" W, 385.84 feet; Thence S 18' 47' 15" W, 98.23 feet; Thence S 37' 19. 46" W, 255.65 feet; Thence S 28. 07. 34" W, 192.54 feet; Thence S 6 4'.50' 10" W, 124.60 feet; Thence S 27' 74" W, 152.40 feet; Thence S 16. 06' 22". E, 292.14 feet; Thence 5 55' 59' 02" W, 165.09 feet to a point on the south line of said Sec 9 Thence S 99. 46' 38" W, 1780.01 feet along said south line to an iron pipe with brass cap marking the south h corner of said Section 9; Thence•canttnuing along the south line af. said Section 9 S 89. 44' 49" V, the base bearing for this description, 669.79 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with and subject to covenants, easements, and restrictions of sight or record. Each above called for "point" is manumented with a 5/8 inch diameter rebar with cap inscribed "PLS 3831". 4:00 tk/ Richard W. Greenwood Wyoming Professional Land Surveyor 5467' June 25, 1991 EXCEPTING THEREFROM: SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO page 2 of 2 626 ULSCR1P'1'ION FOR BILL AND GAVLA JEPSON F THE JEPSON EXCEPTION �T 087kijr Prolauiwl Land Surveyors Paul H. Son.Ael Wyo. Registration fib. 184 Idaho Registration No. 3000 LOM R.giatraeon No. 1870 Nevada Regietralion No. 6806 Scott A. Soiled*.) Wyo. Registration No. 3880 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Marlow* A. Swroel WW. Registration No. 6366 Surveyor ScMA.I, LTD. Mon, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Sprigs. loan° ,w.Ser. Idaho To- wit: b27 EXHIBIT "B" That part of the SE1 /4 of Section 9, T36N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: COMMENCING at the easterly most northeast point of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 298 of Photostatic Records on pages 175 to 177, S07 °57'51 "W, 1300.72 feet, of the northeast corner of said SE1 /4; Thence N89 30'53 "W, 306.72 feet, along the north line of said tract, identical with the south line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 331 of Photostatic Records on page 620, to a "jog point" of said tract in Book 298, the Point of Beginning; Thence continuing N89 °30'53 "W, 352.19 feet, along said south line to a northeast "jog point" of said tract in Book 298; Thence coursing an easterly and southerly boundary of said tract in Book 298 as follows: S01 30'01 "E, 124.45 feet, to a point at the beginning of a circular curve to the right; southerly, 63.63 feet, along said circular curve, through a central angle of 04 °30'02 having a radius of 810.00 feet, to a point; S85 30'01 "E, 2.61 feet,, to the westerly line of Lot 7 as shown on the unrecorded .plat for the Proposed Alpine Retreat Subdivision No. 3, and leave said boundary in Book 298; Thence coursing the westerly boundary of said Lot 7 and of Lot 8 of said Subdivision as follows: S01 °30'00 "W, 155.96 feet, to the beginning of a circular curve to the right; southerly, 63.62 feet, along said circular curve, through a central angle of 04 30'00 having a radius of 810.00 feet, to the southwest lot corner of said Lot 8, and leave said boundary; Thence S84 °00'00 "E, 164.68 feet, along the southerly line of said Lot 8 to its southeast lot corner; Thence continuing S84 00'00 "E, 120 feet, more or less, along an easterly prolongation "of said southerly line to the westerly bank of the Salt River; Thence N25° 16'01 "E, 306.92 feet, more or less, along said westerly bank; Thence N18 13'12 "E, 164.11 feet, along westerly bank to the north line of said tract Book 298; Thence N89 0'53 "W, 110 feet, more or Tess, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 3.67 acres, more or less; The above two calls along said westerly bank are representative and only for the purpose of determining approximate acreage. The actual westerly bank of the Salt River is the boundary of the above described tract; Each "point" marked by a 5/8" steel reinforcing rod with cap inscribed: "PLS 3'831"; Each "corner" marked as described in a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; in Each "lot corner" being a calculated or record position With no monument found or set this survey;, All in accordance with the attached Exhibit titled: "EXI-IIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION OF THE JEPSON EXCEPTION TRACT WITHIN SE1 /4 SECTION 9 T36N R119W INCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 3 March 2000 as revised. 6 June 2 dification In any way of the foregoing description terminates tl$hlftl`Y surveyor AAA ENGINEERING 135PR349 135PR349 S8930'S.J'E 751.96' 298PR175 BASE BEAR/NG Jepson Tract 140.05 Acres 298PR175 (See Plat No. 358) Scherhof Ltd. far '296 Big Pney, !`}n. telephone J07-275-23.17 ✓ffatsd, iija. Bar 725 Afton, Alfa IMephone .507-995—.9.312 Likrown By Scott A. Scherbel Pate 3 March 2000 Fir AZ Mop Category jepsonexception.pro Fro✓d Boat Revised• 6/.x/5000 F o res4 D rive 1n n a_ co co csr g h• oy o 26/L 1 0 i 41 0 a) o o. u,1 a VO Lot 8 /5.488, Lot 7 1" 100' N89:J0;53le EXCEPTION TO 184PR538 WITHOUT REGARD TO PROPOSED ALPINE RETREAT SUBDIVISION NO. 3 PLAT Exception to 184PR538 as described in 298PR175 5 85;3001 29 8PR175 2�a $off Lot 7 190PR569 Lot 7 Lot 8 190PR569 Reeb 331PR620 Lot 6 NB8:J00070' .31200' Lot 8 S88.7000�" 2J886' Q /o° kt ci 4 v SB4 270M9 Z./84 Scr 1.20.14 0 Q 0 ry 4 LEGEND Apparent intent of exception in 184PR538 (Lots 7 de 8 extended to west bank of Salt River) Exception in 184PR538 plotted by mathematical calls only (does not close mathematically) a Indicates a Corner Record on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County. O Indicates a 5/8" steel reinforcing rod with cop. inscribed: "PLS 383 as shown on Plat 358 prepared by Richard Greenwood, PL55467 and on file in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County. Indicates a calculated or record position with no monument found or set this survey. POINT OF BEGINNING JEPSON EXCEPTION TRACT co o Q ea 0 (/.97.t) 298PR175 N89:JO:5J i' J0672' Port of the Jepson Tract XI' 298PR175 v, h /b- 0) 5 4 Reeb Tract 331PR620 ti cb cy �y� •c EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY c DESCRIPTION OF THE JEPSON EXCEPTION TRACT WITHIN SE1 /4 SECTION 9 T36N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING