HomeMy WebLinkAbout940080 JH,ell Recorded retllrll to RECEIVED 6/25/2008 at 12:22 PM RECEIVING # 940080 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 333 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY C100333 Tally Mar.ie Nelsoll 1\ \ E:~ L{öo tJoyt", it 3~ go ? Lo~"-V\ ,LÆ~l,., '8'43:2.' Assignment of Title : '., . . , , . Know alllilen by th~sePresents: YhatAndrew .Iam7s rvÜchaelsohil, Assign' and la~rulöwner of , , aportit;mof Homestead Certi ficate/Land' Patent #66J d,escribed herein;, does herewith certify,. ànd d~clare that for~ S21. 00 silver 'aridothër goodandvalmiblé co'ns:ideratiori h~ assigns, grailts; " . and 'conveys ,,~he pòr!Îon ofpateritl homestead certificate # 661 and:all rights titlean.d interest' to,', '. TaIJyI\1arieNelson, aChrispan; p¡'e~entJyli,>:ing in Cache County~, Utah, ,to the following herein described tràct oflariq locatëdinLincolnCounty, .Wyom.ing,united :Sta~es of An:tericll:' , , , ' , , ',_. ( , " " . ..,', , '. .' ". .,. ,':, Desctip1ion:Beginning at 'a point 13 rods West:· fro,~' the"SòÜth. East Corner South West quart~r . ,,'~'ofJhe:'S~uth W~stqtÍariero(Seétion24 równshjpj2.NörtbRang~,.i19,W.6thP:M,'·årid ::"",' " 'rurining'th~nce'Nortfi '12 :rods, thenqe West 4.5 rods; thè.nce South '7 fQds;;thence \Vest6:5 rods, "thenceSouth: 21" fods' morèor less to t~e' ¡j~ÜlkofSwift Çrê~K' thence E~st 'Along thee9geof Swift Creek, 11, Jods?m()teor Jess, tö á point -hi line with the firsthùlNorth Thence, Nórth J 9 ,rods'~noreor le~stothe pöint·ofb~gitining.·'·, . ,. ". Witness thehandofsaid:..ncirew.James Mic~aelsohn, th~s 274tdaYÒf,t:iU~,~ in the year of Our Lord one thousand,pmehundred and mnety-:elght .".. ',',' , .~~. .. , , '~" 'o~· ~~,. . And~" e. Michaelann· . .... , , , Signed in the presence of , , , . . - . ~~C1~~. for signnture nulhenticntiol\ purposes only , .,..,., .~, ,,' ,8ÅR~'1:c;tENSEN '. i ' ,., M1c:om~':r..~kooo "SteÅ“ol uiãh '