HomeMy WebLinkAbout940098 t') FROM .::;;' 1.....8'!t: Hor-Izon (M'O;Í.¡)JUN 18 2008 18:07/ST. 18:0B/No. 71500000481 P 2 ./ 60 081p894 , ~ : "i , ISpeCIFIC POWE~ OF ÅTTORNEY . TO REFINANÇE A LOAN SeCURE9 BY REAL PROPERTY , : i , ! Ü00420 I THE TAT!: OF WYOMING I COU TY qF LINCOLN " KNowiALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : ; j ¡ : : THAT I,. J~MES C~STEEL, of the .Cou' t ~f LINCOLN, :State of WYOMING, as qf this date and toy this document do no matie, constitute. and apPoint J NJIFER CASTEEL, of LINCOLN County,:WYOMING, ,m)1 true and lawful attorn y-in1fact, to act in, manage, and 1c "duct all of my ~ffain;,¡ and for that purpo~e for me and in my name, place and st ad, ¡and for my use and benefiti alrd as my act 8rnd deeql, to do and execute, or concur wit, persons jointly intere ted with me in the doing or execµtihg of every ~ct, :~eed, or thing I c:ould do or execute in connection with the exerci e Ofjthe power granted herein, i~clrdin9 all or any [Of the f¡0llowing acts, deeds and things: 11. ¡ To refinance, the her~inafter described¡ ,real p~operty (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") tog:ether with all im provements !a~d personal property situated thereon, to-wit: : , I ' ¡ I 225 CIRdLE D~IVE AFTON, 'WYOMiNG : ¡I;, i , 2. : To pay all cost, expen~es or other claims; to make, sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver a Note an~ Deed of Trust/Mortgage cq¡verìng the Proper:ty to or for my bE,nefit and to bind me pumuant thereto, on SUrh form or forms and pursuart Ito such terms a~ provi~ed by the lender; . . i .' 3. ¡ For me and in my place and stead to execute a1W and all instruments pursuantto such Loan, Note and Deed of Trust/Mortgage, ~Tdud, ing, but not liimited tp, closing statements, disclosure statements, water dis~rict notices. waivers as ma~ bþ (required inCid~nt to or pursuanl: to such:loan; i I I ; ';, ' , I" ; 4. ' To take, hold. posses~, ~qnvey, lease, I~t, or otherwise n~anage any or all of my real, personal, or mi~ed property, or any interestl in¡ it or pertaining !tb it; t~ eject, remove, or relieve tenants or others persons fro In , and recover possession lof~ this Property QY alll~wful means; to maintain, protect, preserve, insure, rel'f1ove, store, transport, repajr, I rebuild, modify~' or imþrove the same or any part of it; and to dedicate easements; ¡¡I ;! t 6. I To make, endorse, gL~n~ntee, accept,! 'receiV~, sign, sieal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver assignments, agreements, ce~if~ates, hypotheç~tions" checks, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, bonds. vo~chers, receipts, releases, an<¡l such other ins,trlJments in writing of whatever kind or n¡¡lture, as may be I : I . '. pr9per; , , ' 6. i To make deposits or ih'J.estments in 'or Withdr$als from any account, holding or interest which I m~y now or in the future hav~, ~' r be entitle~ to:,: in any banking, trust, or investment institution, including po~tal savings depository office , ~redlt unlol's, 'savings and loall associations, and similar institutions; to exercise any right, option, or þriilege pertairiing¡ to it or them, inc:luding, but not límited to, the authority to bOfrow money; and to open or ¡establish accolmts', hOlcjihgs, or interest of whatever kind or nature, with any of these institutions, in my name!or in the name þf my attorney-in-fact or in our names jointly, either with or wit~out right of survivorship; I : .' ! ¡ .' 7, : To engage and dismi~s ~~ents, counsels, atto~neys, accounta~ts, an~ emploYBe~i and to appoint and remove at pleasure any s4bstltute for, or:any'sgentiof, my attorney-¡n.;fact m respect tel all or any of the m~tters .or thi.ngs mentioned in; t~is document arid upon any terms that my attorney-in-fact shall think fit, in connection with the Property; : ! ! : ¡ : ! , 8. ; To do any and all other ~cts as may be necesm:iry to complete the refinance of the Property; , RECEIVED 6/25/2008 at 4:09 PM i , ;: RECEIVING # 940098 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 420 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IO-14·,:rS FROM rGr ¡ Ü00421. LI_-I--..n , ~,,.,....) -'UN 18 2008 18: 07/ST. 18: OB/N~ .............000481 P 3 I ' 'i I GI~ING AND GRANTING to t~i~ ~ttorneY-in-fact full po~er and authority to do and perform every act, deed, matt r, an~ thing whatever in and about Imy estate, prop~rty a~d affairs, as fully as I might or could do if personally prese t, tHe above especially enumer~t~:powers being 1m aid ~nd exemplificatiori of the full, com~lete, and general powe gra~ted in this document, and n;ot!in limitation or definition of those powers;~ and by this docl/ment ratifying all that y at~orney-in-fact shall lawfully dp 9r cause to be dþne, ¡ . THis Power of Attorney shall nbt!terminate on disability jof the principal and shall survive and continue in full force and leffect, should I for any rea~~, be declared ihsane, ¡ or shoulcl I be pnysically unable ':0 take any such actio S, on incompetent, hereby ratifyjl1lQ ahd confirming all acts, performed by my attorney-in-fact ¡'respective of my futur me~tal condition. The attorneYri -fact is hereby :authori~ed to indemnify ~nd hold harmle~;s any third party who cce~ts and acts under this Pow~r 1fAttorney. ¡ . ,¡ ¡ The rights, powers and authOrjt~ ;of said attorn,y-in-fapt to exercise any and all of the rights and powers herei graf' ted shall commence and ~e lin full force anq ,effec:tj on the d¡¡lte of ex~cution of this instrument, and all such right , powers and authority sh~lIi remain in full torce a¡nd effect thereafter until this Power of Attorney is revok do terminated by my actual wrjtt~n notice, provided sue;h notice is; placed In the U.S. Mail clnd sent certified, retur rec~ipt requested to: ¡ ! ; ,!.! ; ¡i., Lender: 100 SOUTH 3RD STREET Address: WORLAND. WYOMING· ~ 1 ; .! i AttÌ1: 'i<AR8NiLEBOEUF i ¡ ¡ ¡ i .; ~: : or to any þther third party by a dUly!filþd revocation or termination with the County Clerk of 1. NCOLN County, WYO ING. ¡ : ,: ' 'I I I I i J ! Signed this _ day of _, 20~. -f-""~'- ! Print d N me I STA E O~ A./oI-TIf ¡J,4KClT# TY pF 'KIJ-h1Se t i ' !WITNESS i I I' I i Þrinte~ Name J ' i , I i ' : I T~e foregoing instrument! ~as acknowleaged ¡before me on. this, the Ie. day of I , 20 O~ ;, by J.4- h1 tC; ('Îf-~ TI2Il l , who declared the same to b: the person/persons granti~g bf a Durable Power of AttomQ 91 "j : ¡ ! .. f.~~ M~-rURþ'" , I : ' " My C mmlssion Expires: i ; PERftY GARSKE i No1ory Public $tOte of North Dakota: ' My Commls$loQ ç Ires June 19,2006~ b~j CA-/Z-skE Printed Name of Notary : i 10-14- OS " .I