HomeMy WebLinkAbout940136 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE vuun Il:ù' nl:\JunUII'4U This document is being recorded solely as a courtesy and accommodation to the parties therein. land Title Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy content thereof. Wells Fargo Bank of Wyoming, N.A. fka First Security Bank of Wyoming, fka Star Valley State Bank hereby releases all of its right, title and interest in and to the Mortgage dated June 17. 1980, by Briscoe Roberts akd L. Briscoe Roberts and Brenda Roberts. husband and wife. as Mortaaaors, (referred to below as "Borrower"), and between the Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (referred to below as Lender), filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wvomlna on June 30. 1980, Book No. 166 P.R. ,Page 407 ,No. 541853 covering the following described Real Property, located in Lincoln County, State of Wvomlna (the "Real Property"): See Attached Exhibit" A" \,>00522 WELLS FARGO BANK OF WYOMING, N.A. By: President Its: STATE OF Wyoming ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 6/27/2008 at 11:57 AM RECEIVING # 940136 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 522 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF Lincoln This instrument was acknowledged before me on June 19, 2008 by Jared B. Gleue, Community Banking President of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. My Commission Expires: ~- /Ç'-JOIO NOTAR~ PUBLIC: / / ,/ -i>~/ /J (J çrf t/J~(>r" C~ HEIDi L. CLAYE . NOTARY PUBLIC HltkMAA Iä.ndlìtle _C9mpany SINCE 1904 County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires February 15, 2010 Lots 112, 31 4 and the South Half of the North tIalf (8 Y2 N ~) of Section 3, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth (6111) Principal Meridian_ . EXCEPTING THERE:t"ROM thOse parcels of land being e;1Ç,c~pted in the original vesting Warranty Deed recorded March 21, 1979, in Book 153 P.R., on Page 557, as Receiving No. 521547, described as follows: Commencing 30 rods South of the Northwest comer of Lot 4, thence East 95 rods, to the County Road; thence meandering along said County Road, to the Section line; thence Wc:st 9S rods; thence South to the Place of Beginning. Exceptiu.g the South 56 rods of the East 120 fods of the S ~ N Y2. \":Ov523 EXCEPTING THEREFROM that parcel of [and being described in that certain Deed recorded March 21, 1979, in Book 153 P.R., on Page 559, as Receiving No. 521549, described as follows: , . Beginning 1,390 feet South ofllie Northeast comer of Section 3, Township 35 North, Range 119 West and running th~cè South, 150 feet; thence West, 726 feet; thence North, ISO feet; thence East, 727.feet, to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that parcel ofland being described in that certain Warranty Deed recorded November 21,1988, in Book 267 P.R., on Page 309, as Receiving No. 695688, described as follows: ' I ! Beginniu.g at the No~weBt comer oftbe Northwest Quãner of the Southwest Quartet (NW V. SW Y-.) of Section 3, Township 35 North, Range 119 West; thence running 1,055 feet, East; thencè 900 feet, North; thence 513 feet, East; thence meandering, Northerly along County Road, 1,080 feet; thenc.e 1,568 feet, West; thence 1,980 feet, South, to Point of Beginning.~ . -" .# . ,.", EXCEPTING TBER¡EFROM that parcel of land bein~ d~sC1'ibed in that certain Quit Claim Deed recorded December 30, 1993, in Book 343 P.R., on Pag~ 218, as Receiving No. 776625, described as fol1ows: . .". Being a part of Section 3, Township 35 North, Ra.nge 119 West of the 6 th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East buarter comer of said Section 3 and running North, along the East line of said Section 3, 965.61 fe~, to the Easterly prolongation of a Westerly.Easterly fence line; thence South 89°31' IS" West, along said prolongation and said fence linc, 1,954.46 feet, to the intersection thercofwith a Southerly-Northerly fence line; thence South 00°56' 11 West, along last said fence line: and the Southerly prolongation thereof, 2,278.07 feet, to the South line of the North Half of the South Half of the East Half (N Y; S Y2 E Y2.) of said See tion 3; thence North 89°54'3~" East, along last said South line, 1,743.62 feet, to a point South 89°:54'33" West, 248.00 feet, from the S 1/16 comer, betwcen said Scction 3 and Section 2; thence North, parallel with said East line of Section 3, 1,322.92 fe et, to the North line of the S ~ E Yí of said Section 3; Conw'\illnom Schedule A Palo 2 (If .3 v....---....Q· EXCEPTING THEREFROM that parcel of land being described in that certain Warranty Deed recorded August 8, 2001, in Book 470 P.R., on Page 295, as Receiving No. 875150, described as follows: A portion of the property referred to in the Warranty Deed record in Book 153 P.R., on Page 558, within Lot 3 (NE ~ NW !I.a) and Lot 4 (NW y.. NW y..), of Section 3, Township 35 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being and more particularly described as follows: (.100524 Beginning at a. point in West line of said Lot 4, said point being 434.71 feet, South 01 °21' 14" West, from the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Scott A. Scherbel (PLS 3889) 1990 location for the Northwest comer of said Section 3; thence South 89°02' 56" East, 1,588.92 feet, to a point in the Centerline of Roberts-Wolfley County Road 12-109 Right-of-Way; thence South 02°32'28" West, along said Centerline, 70_12 feet; thence North 89°02'56" West, 1,587.47 feet, to a point in said West line olLot 4; thence North 01 °21 , 14" East, along said West line of Lot 4, 70.09 feet, to the Point of Beginning. - , ;¡ EXCEPTING THEREFROM that parcel ofland being described in that certain Warranty Deed reçorded August 8, 2002, in Book 496 P.R, on Page 164, as Rt\ceiving No. 883096, described as ~M: f Part of Sectiòn 3, Township 35 North, Range 11.9 West ofthe~6th P.M., Lincol~ County, Wyoming, being mOre particularly described as follows: ;': . Beginning at the intersection of the East-West centerline of said Section 3 and the centerline of the Roberts-Wolfley County Road 109, and running thence N~rtherJy, along said County Road centerline, 873 feet, more or less, to a point which is also a Soµthwest·comer of property deeded to Leigh H. Perkins, et aI, in Deed recorded in Book 267 PR, on Page 309; of Lincoln County public records; thence Westèr1y, 442 feet, more or less, along the boundary line of the said Leigh H. Perkins, to a point, said point also being on the boundary line of said Leigh Ii. Perkins property; thence South, 900 feet, more or less, to the centerline of said Section 3; thence East along said centerline to the Point of Beginning. .. .~I Commll/11Q1\1 - Schad.ulc ^ I',gll J ot'3