HomeMy WebLinkAbout940175 bUIU/IOll¿ EASEMENT 0007:12 Frank B. Borden and Kittie L. Borden, as Trustees of the Frank B. and Kittie L. Borden Family Trust dated February 19, 1997, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant and convey to Thomas Concrete Products, Inc., a Wyoming corporation with principal place of business located at Fairview, Lincoln County, Wyoming (mailing address: PO Box 87, Fairview, WY 83119), grantee, the following described non-exclusive, perpetual right-of-way easement for the following purposes: 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement is for the purpose of providing a perpetual non-exclusive right-of-way easement for ingress and egress and all underground utilities from U.S. Highway 89 for benefit of the property described in Paragraph 3 including the right to install, construct, reconstruct, repair, replace and maintain a roadway and all underground utilities, and including the right to inspect the easement. 2. Conditions of this Easement. The conditions of this easement are: a. It is a common easement for the mutual benefit of Grantors and Grantee and their respective lands. Grantee shall not fence the easement without Grantors' prior, written consent. Any and all utilities installed in the easement shall be underground. If Grantee should ever be granted an easement for access and utilities on the north side of the Dana Place Building, Grantee shall release the portions of this easement that are located on the south and east sides of the Dana Place Building. Grantee shall hold Grantors harmless from any liability, injury, damage or claim by any person whomsoever using or traveling upon the easement, whether or not such use is with or without the permission, consent or knowledge of the Grantees; excepting, however, any such claim arising from the use of the easemen.t by the Grantors or by persons using the roadway with the express permission of the Grantors, b. c. d. e. RECEIVED 6/30/2008 at 12:38 PM RECEIVING # 940175 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 712 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00071.3 3. Property Benefited by Easement. This easement is for the benefit of the following described real property of the grantee in Lincoln County, Wyoming: That real property more particularly described in that certain Special Warranty Deed dated October 12, 1991, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 27, 1992, in Book 306 PR, page 452, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by this reference. 4. Description of Easement. The easement is described as follows: That part of the NE1/4 of Section 23, T34N, R119W, within the Incorporated Limits of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described on the attached "DESCRIPTION FOR THOMAS CONCRETE, INC. FROM FRANK B. AND KITTlE L. BORDEN FAMILY TRUST, DATED 19 FEBRUARY 1997 THOMAS CONCRETE THIRTY (30) FOOT ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT', which is incorporated herein by this reference. 5. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights. The grantors hereby waive and release all rights to the described easement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the é).7 day of June, 2008. -1 1 <Y" Frank B. Borden, Trustee 4~ ~~.~~~£~ Kittie L. Borden, Trustee 2 STATE OF WYOMING 00071.4 ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this ¿:)7 day of June, 2008, before me personally appeared Frank B. Borden and Kittie L. Borden who are the trustees of the Frank B. and Kittie L. Borden Family Trust dated February 19, 1997, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustees had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustees acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. -Ail~k!~ NOTARY PUBLI My commission expires: 9 -)5 -- J) County of Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming My Commission Expires September 15, 2011 3 (r.'r" . 'þ ",...-- .. DO ... -----~.."'..~..' -, " RtWQfIOt!(¡I . .. .T,an...Z 7·¡".L9-9 ~..., ': IN nOOI( .,,~9.~f~..cv.r:~:~~2 " ·,,~.."n, '¡'(YO, ....11:3(..('11 "Lr":';"~"'I''''' ""lID:: CLfAK kW', 'I :'I~.' ¡¡; ,.., ,..'"... ... ,. ~. f'fWIll'~'1F \ .1""""".. ' .\ S!'EJJIAL liARRANTY DEED (c"r~-:~a :'~ ,P'o:p~) '" ,..~·~1, '1!. , ¡SALT RIWB r::N"Ti~RPRISES ~ :nter. M Incli:-~n3. c:.>rporÐ.tion authorized to d.o "b'lsbelßs 1':1 th93tnte of Hyom;!,ne;, IÜth p'l:incip t,l place of bU91n9ßs a.tP,O, Eox 270, Thayne, ~!tomiflg, CHANTOH, í'or.' anct in. consideration of thta sum of Ten a.nd No/J.OO " j)ol~is (:jJlo.no), nl\cl othe:r. ß'o\~:1 and va.lua.hl,' coneidera.tiol', the reoc.ipt NherÐof is 00071.5 hara':Jy Fl.cknowledf.ÇGd, CONVEYS a.nd ·1fAilRA~TTS to! ThOJIIZI.S Ooncr<)te, Inc., Gi!ra.ld ThOlT.MI, .l're~1<1'iÌ1t, .I:'.l . tjl)X ~fl'/, dounty of J..incQ,1.n, 'l'ho.yne, \1YQlnlll\:J' LI)12'7, G.ranl:.ee, LI1~ follol·,ing ttesc:r.1.1,..,:;1 rôl,Ü r}:.:1:¡¡:ta. 'IIi tm\t<.> in tn<'! Co'~n1:y of LinC01.n, ::sta. te of ;':Y'Jmlnr~ I 'lnc.\ T~OrQ plI.rti.cuarl;y dsgcd.bed .\1.13 follM/13, to-I,ritl "5'n ~,..',(, A ?M:'~ i m\ of 't,ht!J N\yt.N~~' 01' UfJct·\ on ZJ. T)¡~N. 1'.1191'1, 6th p, M. . Thaj';¡e I Lincoln C0l1n1;y, Wyollllr1~. I~o:re p!lrtiou1.a:r.'ly (1c!3o'!:'lbed as foll:::mn: nA¡;~nnin8' ,Ü n,·pòi.n't l'lh~d\ ill !J 171;\,)ll,l+7" u:, 'iì.58.S7 !~et, th~nç~ S 89°00'12" E, ::1)+7, 5 f(!9t fr'JIII t,hl!\ l1'U' r.n)"ncl' (It' n'~f.\t,ll)1'\ ;;», '1'Jlm, 1111911, t\t.h P.. (,1.. \'lyrJm'.T1~ (:1,'\\.(~ i)e81nnlM'i p ~i))t ¿"l~IO bl);I.\16 0(1 tllQ 3"uth bouM..'1.r.~· line of 3. 2,000 llC'rœ tract of land desö:t:'ibèd il1 '" HA.'\"7:'I'_nt.y Doed. dr.\.torl tho 30th d.1.Y of Juno, 11)82, r¡i"",n 'by Chrj"'~1nfl 1~. RI:li)",~'t,,) «('\Itl:\ 1i!·¡t'1.ot,llii'1 i1öhO~1t.r¡), I), M ""~ 1..:'1 )r\~m,·.n, (.('r.',1.nto'\:' I t,~ }i'¡.'/j,lIk E. Hm.'døn ~'ld Ki tt ¡,II L. DÓ1'dG'l\, ·:l.liilb"11,:L .:\n~l \Il!~ hy ·l.h(1 '~n\:.ll· ~·~iE';';! r;:;r:.mt.IJI~':,þ ¡~nr.1 i:,,~tt1¡~;~ nc;¡I) OO',?," 111. ~~~·7.,'j i'aei". from the SI:I1.1th"e!Jt Corner therÐof, !mid aOtlt¡'Þ'ür:;·t, C01.'t'Lrt:t,· \)t said 4 I 000 ß,C::"~ tnot bl,irl!S r,',n.rk8~t 1.W I1.n 3.ron p1po ¡¡¡Qt ~ t tho 1nt.erIJ8ct.loll ot' a. NOT.th-8Qu·~h :t:'fll1CiII line wi t.11 f), f.l!!n¢e-l"l'I¢ r.\1~nin{; ~!Jt). ~nd y.'1Jnl'1i11¡S thence N '00 01' 18" rn, 176 fSAt (to the North bQund~ry line of H&i~ ~.OOO acre tT.&ct 0.1' !¡¡,nr.l), ttJenoc tl 89°00 t ¡;¿,. ~l. p¡;¡,r¡J.lln.L ~I~:th ¡)¡Ü,1 r'moo ;Un6 l'l.InninrT, i!;¡¡.at, ;!4,'.; í'eet., t'J a cornor /ijlll'k¡¡¡l b,y a 1m , iroTl pi?t} , thl'lno.:';fj;' 0°01'18" H, 176 f¡we, t." o!\, CO~·M1.' marked 'by ~ al~t 1'1':'011 p1p~j thence N 89r.1DO'J.2" H, 2/+7.5 feet, more or !um;, Ln !¡IIO pni.n'·, nï I1r¡¡.;tnnin¡J;, \'1nr)ai./·;'t.~b(t of 1,\~(Jf)·,..crill~f :r¡:;t'(~ ,')'t,. l!l)~:;'I ('th~ 1,nOO I\,():::'(! tr.'~~t l)einl': c,m.ve~'ed hareò'l Lo ¡,h'l fP.'aI1~rm hn:r.';j;.i.n b&in(¡ "toM IiJå' ot' 't.hB.t ? ,\)00 l.I¢,:e trl1.C; c0!11m;(/!ri to Fr,'3.llk E. Dorden Ilnd Ki tt.le J.. 11orl.tan r ~litr.h¡¡'i1ll [i,ML wi:!:' ), ,,~. Oh:ds,ti '¡'It ID. n,~~).,:tn, ... :iJinf.¡).1J ~lor~I)·1\T or¡. tho J(li'. ~ c4\yo f JUI1.~ 1~1~2) 1:,cr;e'tMr I,ai'l 1'Ia.t,.')r ri~rltl?> !vnd. 5.i';lp·r:,')vr!~~ntl~ . ÁrHt 1111'1.'¡,:IW fU'J:t\'¡I~): ({),'(.¡ntin¡,; 1mt,=, ·"hr.' ¡:¡J:i1.nt,r.'e \'¡r¡.:-Ql1i, "nd 1 ts tl\Jccessora a.nd' as:3igns, a pe¡'p'atual ,'50-foot-:si-:i0 ;r;;\.ght- n f-',m,y n".1IAmAnt'I to 11H flhl'l.rA\1 l'lt tll t.ha ¡¡:ra.nto:.'tI iI.nd ~·i.\nto:r.8' :p!'edt~ceEl!'l()r~' j,n in'~erl'!8t, nndtheir hairs, ¡¡¡UOOSOGIJrG, and a3.!Ü~, 1"0r. .\.ngro~s o.nd ftsrOß.. to ami rror.1 th~ U.S. HìI~inri.\.Y F)9 r t,O,!J;fJt.hrw wHh the T'i.,ght, to hI) ¡;hiJ.'C'Rd wHI1 LI1~ ¡,;"o;-¡¡,:'1 ~1J:I"fS f.!.nd thoJ\J~ 111'U,:t'11£!;;-:JJ:"", heir.:s, "W;(.'el!,'~1.1:t·¡J l.ul:1 :!,!;lI<.ic;"r:\, 1.1.1 ilR:p:r.JVC ~lncl m!J.. \n't.,J,.tn t\. ro·~uh'Ï~Y ,a.1.f.1nL~~ tii\id .l;,j \,J,fll~ (J " WiL,y t i!.¡t~ dt,1emod. ~1~edodf ovel', ac:::ol¡:¡, :!I,mt along a. ';O-!:)ot-\1id.e t~~ri1' Ol~ 411d 1,:lh ~I~ '-'~rI-L,~~·li.r:r, .i:.1 liIO,:-e:¡ j;lIu:tiClthu.':ty dl!'si\):!.'i1,o.;1 .;.:~ !,>llm's; , nOf,,::innln¡r, èl.t a p:¡int, :'òhich :1;\ '(»).) fUe:JL Sou.L ¡ ,If ~hl' j{~ COX'1')('!:!:' ~)? Sp.ct. '.."n ;"1 J. TJI+N. RlJ.9tl' I 6t.h P. ¡.¡.. ¡f.Y'.Htj ~Ie; (D¡t:'..r.l he~innb':,,: T'1)~Ll'\t, ~J~'tni:' 16~ :f'Is:I~I', 'Nn.,..!.h :11' 1.!1I-1 SIlIl!,\I:·Itt~L C(1):'n~~ ÿf Po t:r..<J.ct, cêlnvcyed ))'f Chll)~l( a l[. ):;,n" I oL me I to Ji")~",:~I~ 11. DrlrrJ/I;l), At UX, hJ'!~ (:,w']"',ct\",~ Wl.I.rJ:'I1.:J~Y ;)ecdcb.tod Nova:r.bl3r 2:3, 19A?) , ;q,nri :r.unninG th/)n.ce &"'111:. lój f('H~'~, mo1;'C! ot' 1015:; I to I,\. H1!:6t. Ì),~umlar:: line, of Q;!\.1rl .ûo·J:<'len 't:.ract., l'J.od e:,;t.cmdi,'l'Ig 2) fM'~ ðt.cl'1 ~id~~ o'f' s,!J.5.d c&I",terline. AnlL IJ,),!W ¡'fI'ant,lTlg'·I..\pto th~ gr.a.rl't.f!l'! harl)in, and it.::; 611Cce:.-.o·;>rs anl"l !:\':S3i.¡r",~ I 1:1. 1)(!1:Pr: '~u!\.J, JO~ foo+'..w~,dc r.·~~e;hi.i"r.>;f-H{I,y (H\:¡¡c:n\lm"t I to he r:hn.rp.:!. :rHh t.h0. gT!\rltot'::'1, ami their Ì1F1irB ::\llQ015::O::ïOrß, i?n~l MI:!!ign~., 'fo:: in,?:'t'~:):;. 1\:1,:1 /!!I.;r.~~ ~ to::. !w:l fro"\ t.iJ e U. 8. H.i.~~hq,:\,'l,:19 ('11;:\ !Jlr.~ ')o-rlll1tl~~;I~r.1 ·rÎt~.II. or 'fI:::'I~ \J~·J~!~;r:~¡:f (¡ ..tn. "the¡ rv:::-/~:>o1.'1(~), t'')¡5~ 'tJ¡'~T \/Hrl t1'\r: l·,'J.(t.l\., to ¡1,,} ;¡h!1,:r:a~t I·¡ith t!;e t~rr\nt.o·r.:J, iU\fì tho', r he t'r.'I~, Cillooor;r;rn.·('1 r and :¡'CiF~' t:'\f~, ta OOH!:, ~~·I.lOt and ~;~in i,~ln ~ : :(¡;:¡tl.i:~Y :tl1c), !rl~) t.all 1,nr'l ,~.1 \mdl\l:,:- £\T,11õ1'Jd \Jti1:i.tr :l\ rH')1,1; IIolonLi s,Ü(ì ;¡o..root~¡li(J.1I :::-l~;ht of ~:f~Y, r.:J dO:,)IIJ'.'.,L 1I'ilt:ltn(\ Lly ~tLï:'¡:¡ I f;¡,Ür;L ,d,:}\\. or Ij';\y 1:1I~j.'l::'; ':'Vo!,r I ",,1~1.'rr l;', ¡~,rI.t '~,l\1!'1~ t.i1', ~;"::"'~~, )0 feot of/)'t'''-l1tc:!:';¡¡' :D1:opl!rt~ :('J:~ßI t~o 1!:!\,!1It ')1,1\ of. ·r.h~ <'\'rl):r-"/!lItTl t.:':¡, '.,\,~ ~ . 5?- r"o 1:-~·,.1.dl} ~1.gh to of \1tJ.Y' - 1 '- WfW'd ~O:9~ V6r ~ 6n~ ,,; ò cd P £. </;3':1... A1NnOJ NlOJNIl ~O~£-¿¿8-¿O£-1:X~3 ,t .-'} "/(';.)u (I"Ü·¡ iCut end oOin£: the 1·;;~t bound!~ry line o'f thM, tra.ct of land conveyed. to thr:J lJo:\:'d.o:'\s by tl~e Da.lma 1'I.Y 3:d~i Corrœ::t.ion ¡f~¡,J~ra.nty Dae!\ .-In tc9d NovGl~,¡bor 23. 19~).~, 11:10:1 ilpprr)y, J.r¡1';I:~(tl.Y 16:3 feet Ea.st from tho Hel'>t boun,ia.ry li,1a of tht: N¡'¡'~NEJ~ of s,lid Section 2)) to t.hf!!' I·jest boundü.ry 11M of. the 1.000 acre tnLct of land beine; convßyed hereb,y, the North b,)und.ary l~,ne of ss.id )O-foot-¡..rirla rlt;ht of ~rü.:.r be3.rI(-; mO~:G pal.-t,.tcula.:rly de~cr.ibQ1 ~G follows: 00071.6 i3e~;innine; c), t the Nort!1h'oat CCl"nar of the l.OOO /lcre ~r.!l.ct be,i.hf; convayad her9'~J' .to 't,hl;! t~ra.nha ~ !~rÜn (~ð.l1 UQ:rtlmast Cox'nor bœinð S 17°01 "+:r ¡¡:~ ',958.-97 fect, thl3l\cG S 8'ì°O~ '12" E, 2L~7..5 .reet, thGnce N 0 01'18" 'E, 176 tMt fro::; tile ~i:- Co¡;on<3r . of Section ~) T}',N, R1l9H, 6th P.¡.¡., Hyoming), I'lnd rUrlninl) thenclG N 89000'lZ" \~, Zh7.5 t'eet., mora :n,' hiSG, .~,o the tIorthsacl't COI'ne ]: 0:' t.!1I1.t t:C"u.'::t ot .l.and conv,,)',,;i by t.hil Da.n"s t,;) the l3o,rdens i.n tl1f.i.t Correction \'/aI'nnty l)eH~1 da. tad November 23, 19F.12, and CO~1t.;.nt\.!.~lg I{c;¡ t'lrl,y, .!Llona tho!! Norl:.h bounda.ry lilla of sai:! Bord.en J?r"1'o!!¡:ty, .113 feet, ¡;¡OZ'oII or l-e:i:lli J trJ the! Irorth:;¡¡¡:¡t Corner thGl.t':'J()r.. 'oI,t¡d flx'tl!lr:ldll'H JO feet, ,South cot $!Ü,¡ N'o1:'th bOlll1<ia.:::-y lines. Suhject t.o thP,l r&3tr:'ct:l.on and c)ond:\. t:Lr.m th~t no t'a:1ca:; sh:ÜJ. b"!! c:onst"r1tct.~ct aCl'O'.\5 ,j,\1.)I' ('J:' tor:" rtgh'~-o:,r.'-~I':.LY e'i(ln::':~š'1t!j decòc:rï;,c(Ì, ¡Lbova un la I';(! 0 therld~~ AJJreod, in H'T.',t t,~ <ILl by the p2l.r1;iß$ h¡:rl:\to. !,iI1'N:!:;;;.J (i\u.~ h!'./l·.ls 't.)Üs _.,L..;t:.:ls.y of Oc tob~):r. 19'n. nr ifI'I':'/'æss 'mB¡¡¡i)Q~', ttlll! GrarltOl.· h?l.$ C,1.u,,~d. its om:'nOJ~''\. tEl o'~,¡Ll t\ì be . ~o'1rGunto a~frixG1 ~ '1n:1 thf~oa I,J/:a:::al'1 t~ t:) 1:>13 signed by' itll ( ul,y t1,\J t,ho ~i.~Qd ,;;\\¡¡';::f.I,:ti.~~.elr thilll_.,l''1.--- day of Oc·~obe.1:' 1991. . i~)"~'I..,.¡'¡';t);:..,¡:;Y ,:/ : /.:"....., ;')~:' ÞI·· ""~~:':'.: ¡'I'-;" ~ \. ·,.1 'I';,.:~'\;,;,,, , J¡;~l..~ ..........,....... .,( .;,..~.~~.: "..!..; t .. . .. . .... . "("'~I 'I", ,~~."." ", 't~';"~?,',: ~::" ',. ~ . :(;\~~\~.."~' 1:.1: SAI,,'r n:tV~Ji! dffr.mR.PriIS.€::i, Ill:]. Aif INiJ!A:-I'\ C¡;n:'C1:1ArWN . Q. J~. ,,' Ç? /l/:,i , .BY:,~ .'J..y .t~¿-.~ ta.Ck }/. E.1.J.h, .?roaidliln-t 3'rATE or~ ~;/10tjING: :ss. CûUliTY OF LmCOI.H: On this cla.v of Oct.ober, 1)91, ber,)):'!, ~:J pß:r.:~:·'~,LJ.1;'~1.P); "J,;r.¡¡;1 J!/.c!: 1/. m1lis 1,0 me, :6t!1rson!l.l1¡-k)'¡~1('l, \orh'" l)oill/1; by rn,~ duly !:JIforn, did, :say ~h¡¡,t he it¡ the p1:',n:i- de11t of SALT ~ìIVrt:,~. E[~"~~~PjUSŒ3, IHC'; ,ri.¡j. Indi!Llìi.'. C"rl)O~·tLthm ltl:tb()¡-i;;e:.1 t.o '10 \1ur:. t!'le~!;1 in thA fit,." te of \'IJ'c:nil1¡?; I "'l~qcr:i.r,;~d 'in ;-I,M] II11.1..")h /!:-<'C Cll't'oi ':1 I.ho fO:r.'~iP1"1) ln~tl"1 !I',rlllr., tha.t 'l;.he IH/;'LJ. ,:Lfnx:,~(i. '~o 1'.;¡¡,1fj im>t.rllrn'~lÜ '\.-11 I'.illl '1i.lr·..ol.·''''·~.e .¡\!t:&l III' r,¡r.iå (Inrpù~B,";.1on, .'¡,/)\ I,hat F'·A1,:\ iIH.ltrl l/llJ!lt I?!?"~ ~i:rnM¡ II.III¡ r,¡es.1ec!. i\\ ~IUIIiJ,.l1' "r S'.!.],: , C·,-¡,·\~\n;"/.i. i r.m by nIl th,~):'L t"y o:/' i t~ B('t!1.1~:l or' l>.i ,"'eù'~ol^!:I, An \ ¡!¡a 1\) ,.I.!1.0I,: \.;. ~llill ;~I:r<n :1"" IO:!ßC':!rl ~~ioi i/'lfr~r.'umant to bot.I'lt1 free a.ct r,.11ð. dllrilld (II' aa.1.d c,n-pora.t5.ul1. caven UI\'.: ,¡;'¡" III,)' hand tmd 1\~¡'~IIL,¡·i¡L:'.. Ele!J,l '~h\: -:;.a.y (J,Tt'\ ~'EJllr !"b:':;¡'~ .~;,)J ' ;¡r:.U:~"~l ~,n ,·'this norti'f':tc!õ. t~l, ,., (,11·....-.-.............,..........,............,.... ..,"~..~\.ot.,.,r'...:'I ~.... ~ 'r",..,. ,1,1,"" t., . ',',:, .'1,,,,.... \ ;, :~.:~~:.'... ~. ·'.t~;..~..," t.h ...... I .. 1'\"";.1'" ; '··'·.··...:·,.\"·.·.,.:'¡...:.I. ~~...:a.\..~\\. ".-.'u·:...."' '..,...... Þ.' -I;., 0' ...-- -.~\.. '- ~.", '"" .. \. .......... ,'" ",\ '\. ~' . ~~-.w.;"l~; . "'~.._.__.__\;.,~~~ ~~~ rill'l.. ¡, ",:I Pu b l:\.~ :1:; Com:nl/HJ;!.:m 1!1."il1.:t'lml ~:....?-.:"'.'.~,_~.._ - 2 - . ".' . 4?~ " )':¡:,; II i ::~~~:...., ';' ", CO/(;O'd £0:9t t76. (; 6ni:: tOt£-¿¿8-¿O£-t:x~~ AINnOJ NlDJNIl ProlessiOnall.nd Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Reglllfalion No. 164 Ulah Reolsltallon No. 1670 Idaho ReglstraUon No. 3990 Nev.da Registration ND. 6805 Scott A. Schefbel Wyo. ReglllraUon No. 3889 Idaho Reglstr.Uon No. 8026 U1ah Regl.lralion No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEl Wyo. ReglslraUon No. 536ð Surveyor Scherbøl.lTD. Mon, Wyoming Big Pinev. Wyoming Jackson. Wyoming Lavl HoI SpfIngs. Idaho MonIpe4ler, klaho DESCRIPTION FOR THOMAS CONCRETE, INC, FROM o 071.7 FRANK B. AND KITTY L, BORDEN FAMILY TRUST, DATED 19 FEBRUARY 1997 THOMAS CONCRETE THIRTY (30) FOOT ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT To-wit: - - That part of the NEY. of Section 23, T34N R119W, within the Incorporated Limits of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: COMMENCING at the western most northwest spike of that Borden Repair Service Tract as depicted on that plat of record in the Office of Clerk of Lincoln County with Instrument No. 860125 on the west line of said NEY., SOoo-03'-18"W, 851.61 feet from the northwest comer of said NE Y.; thence S88°-49'-22"E, 54.02 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, on the easterly, right-of-way line ofV.S. Highway 89; thence S88°-49' -22"E, 123.14 feet, along the north line of said tract, to a point; thence NOoo-l 0'-19"E, 114.21 feet, along a west line of said tract, to a point; thence S88°-48' -OO"E, 30.00 feet, along a north line of said tract, to a point; thence SOoo-1 0' -19"W, 115.84 feet, along a line parallel with a west line of said tract, to a point; thence S600-27'-54"W, 45.74 feet, to a point; thence N88°-49'-22"W, 113,24 feet, to a point on said easterly right-of-way line; thence NOoo-13'-47"W, 25.01 feet, along said easterly right-of-way line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO A strip ofland within the NEY. of Section 23, T34N R119W, within the Incorporated Limits of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with the north line described as follows: BEGINNING at the northern most northwest point of that Borden Repair Service Tract as depicted on that plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County with Instrument No, 860125; thence 88°-48'-00'E, 113.00 feet, along the north line of said tract, to the northeast point thereof; thence continuing S88°-48'-00"E, 247.5 feet, along the north line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 400 of Photostatic Records on page 645, to the northwest corner of that tract of record in said office in Book 306 of Photostatic Records on page 452; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spike and referenced by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; "Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" prolt!lsslonllland Surveyors P¡ul N. Scherbet Wyo. Reglslfallon No. 184 Ulah Reglltratlon No. 1870 Idaho Reglsnllon No. 3990 Nevada Reg!I"11Ion No. 6805 Scolt A. Schefbel Wyo, Regi.lnllon No. 3889 Idaho RegIa~,1Ion No. 8026 Ulah Reglslrlüon No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Regiltrallon No. 5368 Surveyor Schlobel. L TD, A!on. Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming levø Hol Spring', Idlho Monlpeliftr. Idaho 1( ".' ". each "point" marked by a 5/8" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; 0071.8 all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT AND REVISED EASEMENT FOR CHARLES H. DANA REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 8 AUGUST 1990 FRANK B, AND KITTlE L. BORDEN FAMILY TRUST, DATED 19 FEBRUARY 1997 IN THE NEY4 SECTION 23 T34N R119W WITHIN THE INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF THAYNE LINCOLN TY, WYOMING", dated 8 April 1998 and revised 19 A . 20 . // .- y/ "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"