HomeMy WebLinkAbout940236 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) PARTIAL RELEASE ..--.----...------. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That 1 st Bank A corporation, of the Counly of Lincoln and State of Wyoming 'J' I ' b . I h 17 d ¡.April eerli y lwt a cerlaln mortgage, eal'lng ( ate t e ay 0 Alpine Development Group LLC made and executed by,.. ,_ " 1 st Bank as IllOrlgag,c __, to ___,_.... (;:00900 , does hereby ,A,D.2007 .---.-.... ...-.-- . 'I I' . I 't' I /'$783,000.00 as l11ortgagee, conveymg certall1 rca estate l1erell1lllentJOne( as secul'lty or tle payment 0' ___ __,as therein slates, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex,Oflìeio Register of Deeds of Lincoln C S' f W' I 26 d fApril ____......,__ ounty,. tate 0 yomll1g, on t le ____ ay 0' 2007 in ßook .,_ 65~_.__._ of Mortgages, at page 788 , ;,nd mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: PARTIAL RELEASE: LOT THREE (3) OF SNAKE RIVER JUNCTION TOWNHOMES FIRST FILING, RECORDED MAY 28, 2008 AT DOCUMENT NUMBER 939352 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. RECEIVED 7/1/2008 at 4:07 PM RECEIVING # 940236 BOOK: 698 PAGE: 900 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. wilh a note secured thereby, and the a/brelllcntioned debt, fully paid. satistìed, released. and discharged and in consideration thereof'thc said mortgagce docs hereby release and l uitelaimunto the said Illortgagor the pÅ“mises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 1 sl Bank has causcd lhese Presenls lo be signed by its Branch President ------..----..-- and ils corporate seal to be al1ixed, this ------_,26.... day of JUNE _____..0 A,!), 2008 Sigm:d. Scab! and Delivered in the presence of BY ----- Its üs in space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage, Counly of_ On this,.._,____,~_....._ Pem1.X) ones day or_JUNF ___,__,20_08...._, be ()re Ille personally appeared lo llIe personally known, who. being by me duly sworn, did say thUl he is the 1 Sl Bank Branch President or and thHllhe seal ai'lixed to said instrument is the corporale seal or said corporation. and thut said instrument was signed and scaled on behulforsaid 'l '.. 'D' d ,<.I cashier corporatIOn JY aulhUl'lty 01 Its l30ard ot ¡rectors an sal aeknowledg.ed said instrumcntt\) be the frec act and dced of said corporation, d2<f:, __ day or~_, ^, D, élQQK__ _~4J {!--.G1U4:~--------- Nolary PWi] , , A D",,?OL__ TI-IE STATE OF WYOMING, County 01'_____,... .} ss, This instrument was tiled ¡br record at A [), 20 , and duly recorded in l300k _ __,__o'elock _M" un the onl'age _____ ,_day 01'__ County Clerk and Ex-Otlicio Register or Decds No, -.--..-.. -.--..--- Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk ----