HomeMy WebLinkAbout940258 6010816649 Name RECEIVED 71212008 at 2:24 PM RECEIVING # 940258 BOOK: 699 PAGE: 56 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO; Address 1356 Hardeman Rd. City, State, Zip Thayne, WY 83127 LOG056 Escrow Number: R08·00436A·PS Special Warranty Deed THE GRANTOR(S) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-3, Asset- Backed Certificate.q. Series 2007·3 for and in consideration ofTen dollars and other good and vlÙuable consideration ($10.00), in hand paid, grants, bargains. sells, conveys, and confinns to Craig Smith the following described rea] estale, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming: Lot 149 or Star VaDey Rancb Plat 18, Llneoln County, Wyomlnll" delcrlbed on tbe omclal plat flied on May 3. 1979 as Instrument No, 523540 ortbe records orthe Lincoln County ank. SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions, covenants, reservations, conditions and agreements, if any, of record. Assessors Propert)' Tax Parcel Account Nurnber(s): 12-3418-05-2-07-10800 The Grantor(s) for itself and for its successors in interest do by these presents expressly limit the covenants of the deed 10 those herein expressed, and excludes all covenants arising or to arise by statutory or other implication, and do hereby covcnant that against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by. through or under said Grnntor(s) and not otherwise, it will forever warrant and defend the said deseribed real estate. en-vicing '";, .:.:'::.\~ '~: \ I: I ~~: I,..'".:, t .",;" """ç, í.) 0\ ¡:) () :'", .>' \)t.>·······.L J)-' '~;.. :,:", ..\~... ..'~ 1':\ to -". Jot .~;; ':' 1:.:>,: "",". ¡... " ...,\ ~, . t ,.'.... ~ . , -~ . j ;;; .: "0 c) "-=.:::, ': (.'). '?: , -. =..... ") I\.r~.... _ .. \~:"~ì': 3{{ó~¿~} -.;~~. \.\>'~ ., ..:~. () f·',. \... t·...· #'... .~:; ":;·,";"'0 .~....q...~.,.<.) .,::: . ";",' 'N 0 ¡ ~. <.\ . ",.;;, Illlllff, IHI 11 \\4,':"\ \' Dated ~!;¡¿'!ðÖ Wclls Fargo Bank, N,A. as Trustee for Option One Mortgsge Loan Trust 2007-3, Assc\-Backed ificstes, Series 2007-3 OOQyQ57 STATE OF ~ /r';Þ-Yl/<';I } ACKNOWLEDGMENT _ Attorney inFacl. Corpora.. r"'\.r 55. County of \./J....~ On this R day of ~ ,~ before me,lIte undersigned, a NolaIy Public in and for the SIBte of G..I ¡hfVl,'..... . duly commissiooed and sworn, penonoJly IIppeBJed -S::J ~ 10 me known \JJ be the A'll f ofOplion On. Mortgage Corporation, Attorney in Fact for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-3, Asset-Backed Certificates. Series 2007-3, and acknowledged that helshe signed ili. sarno in hislher capacity IS oCOplion One Mortgage Corporation, IS Marn.y in Fact for said principal and aclcnowledged that helshe signed ili. same IS hislher free and volunlaly act and deed IS Attorney in Fact for said principal for uses and IWJJ08CS therein mentioned, and on oallt stated lhatthe Power of Attorney authorizing Ibe execution of this instrument hIS not been revoked. D. MICHELLE TROTTER Commission # 1591901 ¡ Notary Public - California ~ Orange County My Comm. expires Jun 27.2009 G [YEN under my hand and officioJ seal the day and year firs rtheSl8teof {!¿¡!t~'/1I¡" JUN 2 7 2009 MyappoinÞnenl..pires