HomeMy WebLinkAbout940309 NTL-1839 BRETT BATES 1012 VINEWOOD AVE BURLESON, TX 76028-6782 WARRANTY DEED 000240 JAMES DYER and SUSAN DYER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES., Grantor(s) of ELK GROVE, County of SACRAMENTO, State ofCA, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANTto BRETT BATES, AS SOLE OWNER, Grantee(s) of BURLESON, County of JOHNSON, State ofTX for the sum ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract ofland in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: LOT 47 OF STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 18 RECORDED MAY 3, 1979 AT DOCUMENT NUMBER 523540 AND MAP NUMBER 236, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and taxes for the year 2008 and thereafter. Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this \.Q. ~d. t.-\ 2008. ~~ SUSAN DYER State of \...,J ~()rY\~ f\.~ County ~L ~ r\Cð \ 'f\.J ) On '-º ... dL( ,2008, personally appeared before me JAMES DYER and SUSAN DYER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Dyanna PaIkeI' . NotarY PuQIIÇ. county of .. ~~.......of Uncoln Wyoming My comm\lllOl1 ~I J\.rI8 29, 2011 Res'. . ~c..o ~ ExpIres: k ,;). c:t 'dO II ~~ Not P blic RECEIVED 7/312008 at 3:26 PM RECEIVING # 940309 BOOK: 699 PAGE: 240 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NTL-1839 ' BREIT BATHS 1012 VINBWOOD AVE BURLESON, TX 76028-6782 WAAAANTY DEED JAMES DYER and SUSAN DYER, HUSBAND AND ,WIFE. AS TENANTS BY niB ENTJR.E'fŒS., Granto~s) ~fBLK GROVE, Co~ty ofSAC~NTO; state qfCA, hereby CONJI'E'Y AND WA..RRANT to BRETT BATHS, AS SOLE O~~ ~l<Pltee(s) ofB'URLESON. County of JOHNSON,:Stau. ofTX for the sum ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND V ALUABLB CONSIDBRATION, the fono~ described tract ofland iD. Lincoln County. Btabl of WyomiD,g, hereby releasing md waiviø.g.aU rights under and by virtue oftbo:homelrtead exemption laws of tho State of Wyoming, to wi1: LOT 47 OF STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 18 RECORDED MAY 3, 1979 AT IJ:QCUMENTNUMBBR 523540 AND MAP NUMBER 236.lN TIm OFFICB OF THE CLElU<, LINCOLN couNTY, wYOMING. Subject to easements, restrictions and. rights of way ofreeofd, and taxes WI," the year 2008 and tb«caftcr. f; Witness, the hand(1I) of said Gtantor(JiI), this' .?-<-( . 2008.. JAMES DYER ,~~ Wh h-H-,)ðtJJ7 Sta~Of~ ..... .. CO\IDtyof .. ..' . . ~.J. . ~ On /';)<f . 2008, pcraonally appeared be1bnr JJ1v fÁ:MBS )) 1 J)l(iu~d SUSAN DYER. the si of the within ~ent, who duly acknowlcdpd to me that)¥Y' executed the same. . . . . ---., 3M..). . .. . ~ding: -5~~ ~~ NoœrtPul>ß_ GRÈGêAMÊRÔNH~lff~·· ExplleS: . ;;t ?tðlf . 0 COMM. # 1512890 ;:¡" . / . CJ ~ . NOTARY PUBLlC-CALlFORNIAOG) . ~ SACRAMENTÓ COUNTY ~ -v ~ -S~~ ~ ~E};.~2:30~ t . 00C2.41.