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RECEIVING # 940310
BOOK: 699 PAGE: 242
State oC WyomIng
Space Above 'ThIs LIne For Recording Data
(With Future Advance Clause)
1. DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is µ.H4-~.QQ~.................................... and the
parties, their addresses and tax identification numbers, if required, are as follows:
BURlSON, TX 76028
o If checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for additional Mortgagors, their signatures and
acknowledgments .
ALPINE, WY 83128
2. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure
the Secured Debt (defined below) and Mortgagor's perfonnance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains,
conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with power of sale, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO
L: !
The property is located in .............................. ..lJ~.ÇQ~~...................... .......... at !l.4IM~P'r,1A~.ÇlijÇ~~.. .............. ............
..............................................................., ............... .~J:4~.V~.l~¡;X R4~.Ç~... ............., Wyoming ........ .&~!71.........
(Address) (City) (ZIP Code)
Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian rights,
ditches, and water stock and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at
any time in the future, be part of the real estate described above (all referred to as "Property").
3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at anyone time shall not
exceed $ ~.8JP.QQ·.QQ.......................................... . This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and
charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the
tenns of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perfonn any of the covenants contained in this Security
4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The tenn 'Secured Debt' is defined as follows:
A. Debt incurred under the tenns of all promissory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(s) or other evidence of debt described
below and all their extensions, renewals, modifications or substitutions. (When referencing the debts below it is
suggested thaJ you include items such as borrowers / names, note amounts/interest roles, maJurity dates, etc.)
@1994Bsnk.r.Sy.tems,lnc.,St. Cloud, MN (1~BOO·397·2341) Form RE·MTG-WY 11118/94
(pege I of 41
Jun 23 2008 15:34
B. ^It fuluro advaw:eJ from Lender 10 Moft&ligar or oiber f\ltllI'C: obligationi of Mol't.¡agor In l..cQdér·under any proml18oty
polo, CQntrnçt, IIlIaranLy, or other evidence of debt execulmllr)' Mortaøaor in favor of Leider ~ af!i¡r'lblJ Sepurity
IlIIItrument whetber or not this Security ÚIIlnlmt:ut ÌII speçjfiçllÜJ referenced. If mDfC !baa nile' person sigDB Ihll Securily
IlIIItnunØIII, each Monaa&or· agRC1I' that this Security IlIIIlrIImellt will secum R11 future iclnlleel alll1 fllllirø oblipuolJII
Ihal are 'glven to or iacurn:d by any om: or more MOßWQr, Dr any 0110 or more MortgØ,lor aød cthen. All !llture
advaoϿ aDd O!\u:r JilWR obLlgauoDl ai'o secured by this Sewrity !Dlt\1llll0at. lIVen thoilth III or pan ilia}' DOl yel be:
advanced. All falUm advllaœt and other fIIwre obli&atioDl IUC sCQurod a. If mad~ anihi:'. d8I!: of tbill Security IIISt.c1mu:ut,
NotIû.ø, ill!hia Sa:lUÎty IIIII\nun.øDt .ball C:Ollltll.ut.e: I. cømmibJJeut 10 IDIIke additiolllll or tutun: 1_ or advQIIgIII in lID)'
lImDuul. Any such CORII1Illmont mllll be agreed In iu a se~ writing. .' .' . . .
C. AU oblipliolUl Mortga¡¡or OWI:.I In LOlldor, which JUay !awr arÏlc, 10 1h~ CJltnnt 001 prohibited by ~"', im:IUClng, bUt DOl
IiI1litcd 10, liabilities for ov'enlraItl rolatloa to 1Ul)' depDJit aççollllL agreemeDt between Mort¡a¡¡or ami LoDder.
D. All additioDRl Suml advNlced and eJCpelJlCr iacurred br Lewter tor Inlurlag, preserY~ or Dthmvùo protecting !be
Proporty and III value IDd any other suma adY&IIcecl and oxpeDJea Incllrred by Leader ul¥lcr \Ju temll of 111.. Security
'rm. Security tlllll'lllllllllt will not secure any oth.ct debt 'if LeQder fall, 1'0 ¡¡tve any required 1IOIù:c of the righl of reaclsBlolL
5. P A YMENTe. Mortgagor agree! that aU pøymeau uud.c¡' the Secured Debt wÜ1 be paid wheu due aQd in aeeønlance with tbe .
tel1I\S of the Secured Debt IUId this Sec1Iri~ lnstrumont.
Ii. PRIOR SECUJUTY JNTElUI:STS. With regard to aoy other .DlOrtBagO, deed 'or trust, s~uritjt aglCCl1lCJll.. or QtJ¡er lIel1
documont tbm tWIIted a prior lecudty IIII0rell or clÎl:llmbrl.DCC 011 tho Property, Mortgagor 1I,CtCC.: .
^. To malee all paymeDII wbt:n dUe ~ In pc¡fonn or comply with all coVell8.lI18.
n. Tn prè1mplly dellvÐ\' 10 LeDder Iny notice. tha~ Mort¡asor rCl:Civç ftonll'he, holder.
C. Not 10 allow any modif'ICIItiDlI Dr oxtI.IDBwn of, nor to request IUl}' flltI1rC advllllCCll uA4ar IllY note or agreemellt SCCl\red
by I1w LiCl1 doclDlleul without 1.0Qdor', prior wríltca COIIICot.
: 000.243
. .
7. CLAIMS AGAlNlST TITLE. Mortgagor will pay.1$! 'fIw:I, allelllllDtlmS, lieu, el1C\llllbranct:; ICQC pa)'IIKIIIÍI, ground reDIa,
utilities, 8IId other charaea œlatina 10 the Proþorty whvn d~e. Lender may require Mortr¡¡or 1'0 proVide to Lemler cOpic. of R11
notice. that .ud¡ lURDu~ Ìlro duo aDd the rece1pta evldencid; Morlpjor', paymout.. Mortgagor will dcfeod title to UIo
Property agal~1 allY cl.imI !hat wollld Impair Ihe lien of thl, 8ecurlty IDBtrument. M0rtsllor 1.8~ to aulgn to wder, lIS
rcc¡1ICS\cd by I:.cnder, aD.Y rÍhll, claims gr dofODlBl Mortgagor may have aS1Ùll1t puÜoI who supply I&b!)f or b!aterials 10 .
mHÌDbIin Dr improVQ the Property. .
ø. DtlE ON ÌilALE OR ENCVMBllANCE. Lendcr may. lit It I option, dedare lbe cutin: balånc:o of 11M! Secured DebL 10 be
Immedi.ately due and payablc Upollllu: crcatloll of, or !:OlnraCI for Ihe creatma of, a~ lieD., ellC\l1l\branço, lraD.lfer or cale of tbe
Pròpc:rt)'. Tbia ript Î/I nbjc:ct IQ the rœtrlcllolll ImpOled by fèdel1l1!aw (I:¿ C.P.R. 591), II applicable. Tbia cov~1It slulll
ruD wil!llbe ~OpDrty and ,hall remain In effect uulU ~hc Secured Debt I, paia ill filII BD4 this Sec:urlty IdSttUUlcDt· i, t'Clcal~lI. .'
9. PROPERTY CONDITION, AL'I'1!:RATJ:ONs AND INSPECTION. Mort¡¡~or witt blsp \IuI Properly 14 ~Dd conditioa 'aad
makc all n:pain tJiRt no \'IIUonably. DeeeIIary. Mortgagor ,hall Dolcommål or llUow allY waltG~ Impalrmelll, or dell::rio~tiOIl of
tbe Property. Morigagor will keep ~ Propcny free of DDxio\JI \V~, !loci graueI. Motq)agor agrees that tbe Dllture of !IJ.e
occupancy aid uso wID \lot substantially cJuiD;c witJ¡out LeDdor'l prior written couenL Mortsasor willlJQt pennlt any cbansc
ill ant lieellllc, rcstrictiye !:OvellNlt Dr ealemeDt ·wlthout LeDder's prior wriUcD. cOlIIICnl. Móngago~ wID IIOtJfy l.cndc¡1 at all
dcmalldø, procóedmgø, claims. NId a~loDl agalDl1 MOI1gÞgof, auEl of allY, 10.0. or dIutIII¡o to the Property.
Lender or bllller'l agedt£ may, at Leuder'a OptiOD, DQtQ\' thø Property' alany reasollllbl/:! time for lhI'I purpose of lDJ9cc:tiDl: lbc
Property, Lellder lhaiJ ¡IYO Mørtgagor DOUce at the time of or before 811 inapccnoll IPOCifying a rwonable p1lIpOIC for Ihø
in.p,çtion. ^'rIy lwpeetfon. of Ibe Property Ihal.t be r:.utin:1y- for Lcndor's bonøl'lt and Mortga¡:or will ~ no way rely on.
Londer'l.illspecllon. .
lÒ. AtlTB:ORITY TO PEIUi'O:øM. If Mortgagor faUI 10 pel1'o~ allY duly Dr &IIY or the çÒyeunta' cODtAlj(;d ill lhis· SCC1lrlty
IWllrulIlcol, Leader may, wilboul J!U!lce, perfonn.or CAllIe them 10 be perfol:lm!d. Mortgagor appoiuta Lc.udcr III .\\Orney LD.
tHe/. 10 aiga Mortp¡or', lIIIIJIe or pay all)' IIMOUllt _ary for perfoauaQÇO. Lender'. ri&ht 10 pcd'olDl tor MDrt¡aIJOr lhall
lInt C!,,!l\tø an obligation 10 perform. aIId Leuder'. fait..... 10 pcd'OIDl will not prectude Leader f¡o¡q c:¡¡crçl.lng any. of Lender'.
other rlgbts uDder the law ot thÛl Scelltlty IlIIJtrumont. If any coDltraálon. 011 UI,; Property ~ .dlleollliDued or IlOl. tllfried gn in I
tCIIl~D&ble: lII&D~r, l.ÐDl/Ðr may late all ItcpS Dccellaty 10 prol.cct LeDder's lecurlty IDterell. ia the Þropony. Includiag
'CQmplmon of the construction.
11. ASSIGNMENT OF tEASES AND RENTS. Mortgagor lrrevotalJly gmull, bargaÍlJ.!, conveys, tDongagell aDd warrants to
Leader l1li a4ditlolUll security aU the right, Iitle ami. jg!crwt in and 1'0 any allll aU exislina or futuro lea.ea, subl_I:.C, änd auy
other written or verbal agrccmCllla for thl! UIO aDd oÇÇupanoy of any portio", ot tbe Property, locllldia.¡: allY Ç1IlolIIJloll5,
reøewal.!, modificatious or aubltilutiol\ll ef Reh øg~eJll¡ (all retcm:cl IQ III "Leasei") ud tl:utR, iaallCl IIIId profits (1111
referred 10 aa 'Rcuta"). Mortgagor wUl promplly provIde Leade, with II'IIe aDd correcl copica of all cximng ADd futuro Leale..
MOrt¡¡Jgof mllY collect, I.'I.1Wlvo, e~ay aød \IIi/: Iho Rcmi so lC1ng al Mo~agor il oot ill default uDder the teaDr of this SCC\II'ity
IQIIlr\Iri1Qnt. . ". .' . . .'
Mortgl'lgor i.¡¡I1:1:1 that this aaaigllDll!Dt iii lmmedlatc1y effectiyc bc:l:wCðIl Iho' plltties 10 thø Sccuru:r. llUItlUmoDt. Mortgagor
IIgrcc. that this USiglllllcut is el'fççUve BII to Ihlrd partiea whell Leader !akoB affirmaLlve. actlou pmcn~d by law. and that this
&IIigllllleDt will remain In e!'teet dur1~ aD.Y ICdcmpligu porlC1d ullll1. the 8ccuICd ·Debt il IIItlIßed: .Mortgagor 8¡reCl t~1
Lender may take ac1Wll pO&ICIIliol1 IIf the property wilbout lbe IICCcuity of com¡now;ing legal actIol1 ami thallUrtual possession
18 deemed to occur whco Lender, Dr ill ageDt, noII1'Iel MOlf.gøgor of'dcflllÙt 81111 demands thát arty tmIaDI: pay aU fIIture Rènts
dirccUy 10 Landor. Oa rocelvlna lltlticc Df defalllt, Mortgagor will oQdorae anel ddi1>er 10 Leader any PlI)'lI1$lIt of R~IIÍII iD.
Mortgllor's pDl.CfRiou Nld wBl receive any ReI!/' in IIDst for Lcncler aDd will IIO! commiu¡¡1c the Rcnll with any other (bulla.
Any &mounts. CQU(!l,1t.ed. wID be applied as pl'l'lVidcd ill' UIÌ. Bøcurity IlII!rIIment. Mol1{:llo~ warraDtlthat no default eoci.ta ullller
tbe l.cIIJCII or any applicable laIId1onlll8DlUlt Iaw..Mortgagor. also &grees to ntaiøløin ami l'OQllinllIIIY. !cuDt to comply with the
tanns of Ibe Lease¡¡ aDd. appliClÚl1e law _ . .
1IJ1O.~ hnI¡""Qyol,,,,,, Ina., at. ClOUd/!lN ,..ao.al7.U411 "'"'" ftH4Y<õ-wy 11/18114
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Jun 23 2008 15;34 P005/016
11. ŒA.lillŒOLDS; CONDO~rtJMS¡ PLANNED t!:N'r.r DEVBLOPMl1:1'nS. Mortgagor I\jnIØII 10 wmply 'wlth the
provl.lolUI Df aD1 leue if Ihll Seçuri1y lJJBtrumem .11 011 1\ ICilKhold. If"tho Propcrty includQl II unit 'ill. a cOII¡omlnlwn or R'
plalllllld UDlt·dcveloll11Cllt,· Mortgagor wOl pcdbl'lll'lIil of Mo~r" dullel uader the çoveD,1Ul!J, by-~w,; òr regulBtmllB of
Ute ço~omini~ Dr plamncd uaJt dcvelopmcllt.
13. DEFAULT. Mortgagor wUl be in. .dc{¡ult If any party obUgaIe¡ 011 tl¡e Boçul':¡ Debt fails 10 maIœ pIIymOllt wheJl duo.
MOrlgagor will be II dc£alllt if a breach oecUo uDder the tcrJn. of thi~ Security hllltrumellt or allY other ¡OCW'IUJnt Wlecuted fot Ú 0 02 4 4
. !he purPOIC of oreatlJlg, ,ecurillg Qr guaralll¡ylllQ Ihe ,sççÌlred Debt. A /lood faith beLid by LeDder thot Lender It mY timo II
iD,r;ourc willi respect Ii:i IIny pOllan or entity. obligated on the 8c;çured Debt or that tile prorpCI:I, of any .paymcJJt Qr tile value of
.the Property fa' bripalrcd shall alll( ~DStJtUt,c IIIi ~C/Ú of default. . '. .
14. REMEDDtS ON DEFAULT. III tome Instance., fc¡cral aDd .tate law will reqÙlre Lcodcr to provide Morqp¡/lor with uoticC
of Ihc right to:cure ot other lloIIoeI 11111 måY establiah time r~ht.dnlcs wr foreclo.ure actilJnJ. Subjeèt· 10 llloøo Ilmllatiolls, if
"ny. LeDder may.81:1:elcfIIW Ihe Secured Dcbt .I\I! foreclose IhiB Secnrity Instrument b:i B manacr providcd by law If Mortllallor
I~ 111 default.' . .
. At the optiOQ Df Lon¡er, all·or an)' part of the agreed ftx:lllUld charges, aCÍ:racd ill!Orest aad principal lball becomc iuunedately
dlle alii! payable, after /living. notioo it'requlred by'law, UpOI1 the OCCllrrc1lC1.I or'a detault or aaytw thcn:llf\er. In addition,
LeDdót .hall be entitled to all the rculIxllC\ próvldell by law I tho !erin. of 1M Secnl'Cll Debt, this SecurIty Iostnlttù:nt I1l1d aÌly
relåtccl dOClllmolllll Includùlg, without IÎmilatlon, the power to sell the Property. All remedie. '!C distinct, ewnullativø aDd lJOe
c¡¡elUlivo, aad the LClllie~ Ip ¡:rrtltled 10 aU mmedicl provided lit law Qr .equlty, whether or DOt expressl,. lei fortll. The
aççeptance by Lender of any lum In pII.)'lIICIlt Dr partial paynumt. on tJJø Secured Debt "fIOr the b.1lAllØe ÍI duo or II accelerated·
or aflcr forcc:losure prooeeclill¡¡l· ace li1ci1.bal1lJOt CIIDI!Ïtu1l: II waiver of LCllder'l 'riglit to require ClIIDpløte!:llt\: of auy C1liat1n¡i
liefllult. By l10t IlJærciliDS auy !CIIlod,. 011 Motf.(;øsor', dofault, Lender doC61 DOt waive Lender', riht to laler cooaidcr the event
II dsfllUlllt II C!!nt¡nu~ or tJaq,pOWl agaili. . . .
15. EXP.ENSEs¡ .ADVANCES ON COV1!;NANTf¡¡ ATI'ORN}¡;¥B' FEES¡ COIJ..EcTION· COSTS. &cc:¡jt when prohibited
by law, Mortgagor agrcea'lo pay aU of Leader'. cxpelllel If Mort,¡:a¡;or bl'\1aÇhea any taVelQt In thJ¡¡ Seèurity Insll'umeat.
Mort~gor will IIIsD pay on demand BI!Y' amóIIIlI Incurred by LçDder for jMuríl1J, inspectlag, prcserviog or otherwiøc
protecting Ihç Property 8JUI Lender', JOÇ'\rtty Inrewt. Theio t!XPDWlf:& will bcl¡r iutorelt from Ihe data of !he paylt1Cllt until p4ld
III ruu at tIIo highen illltrcat I'IItc ill effect as pto'VÌlicd ill tile terml of lhe ScclII'Dd Debt. M0rtsasor 1\(1\1eJ to pay all .com and
l,1:>q11n'eJ IJ1OW'rcd by l.cøder ill eoIlectItIg, eøfol1líll/l or prolci;!il1l: Leader'. rl¡¡htlllnd R'I1Ie~ÎCI UDder WI Security IQRtrument.
Tl!ls amount may igçlllllo. bUI I. not limited to. roasol1ab!e attotll(:y.' fees. court tOl~. II/I¡ other legal expelllle.. ThJø BUlOUJlt
dO~8 DOl Includa auoraeys' f~ fDr a lIII!ancd employee øE Ihe LòDdor. 1)11 Security Jllltrnmeat sball ICIIIBÚ¡ in etreet uD1i! .
relCl\l1cd. Mortgagor agrees 10 pay for allY reconlatlon costs of wch release. '
16: J1:NVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZAlWOUB SUBSTANCES. A, used In tbi, acctm~, (1) BDvll'OJllilt:ntaI 1.aw meanl,
wi(hoU( limitation. !he Comprehclllivo BnvlroJlleMaI ac.pon.c, Compensation a¡¡C LiabWt7 Aç¡ (CBR.CLA, 42 U .!i.e. 9601
ot øeq.), .1Id .11 other fødcral, state &lid II,1ca1 IlIw,. regulat.1ollJ, on/iU8IICos, court orden, aItorœy geocl'Al opiøiOQ~ Of
. IttterprtliVl: Ic!tçr¡ Ç()QÇernlog ihe public hçaIh, 'Iafety, . welfare, cllvitonmeot or II hllZll1'ÕDlII SII~latIce; BIld (2) }¡IIW'IIolII
SubatapeD m08ll1 any toxic, nuiioau:tive or hllZlrdous' material. wII8te, pollutAltt 'or cOl1JmlllRlll whIch hIS cham:tc:rlstlCl wbid1
'!COlter the Jubilance dan¡¡cmu. Dr poIellllally d~erollll. to tile publíó bi':alth, ..futy, welCarc or elfliroll11lØat. The term
IQclwleJ, witb.olll limitatiDn, allY .ubttanoes 'defined i¡1 "hllZanlous Dteria1," "toxic IUb¡~s," "bllZllrl!onl WAlle' Dr
"bllZån/OUllllb~IICO"' under al1y.EnvironmÇßh1 Law.
Mortgagor represenlJl, Wammls lIad agrees that: '. .
. A. Except 81 prcviou.ly di.closed and aokliowled¡¡ell in writIng to Lender, II\! Hazardous Sl\batalll:e i. Dr wUl be IDéIIlcd,
Ulonx/' Dr rdCllpDd 011 or In the Property. TJ¡j~ rœtrlçtlon doC. not apply to JDlaß qlWll'Ílil:l of HRZAMOU' SubmlJl:Cl1 thllt
an: /JeßÇ~1I1Iy recognized to be BpptDprÌllto for the IJOtmalllle a¡u malntenaru:e of the Propc~y.
B. Except 81 ,Previollll!y dÍllclo.ed lIIIdackuowlcdp ill writing to Lendet, MDrt¡¡agor an¡' every tenant bave been, are, BIl~
.hall rcmBln in fnll compUaDCe with any app1iœbll,1 BllVlromnental Law. . . '.
C. Mortgagor shall ÍIIiD1ediatcl)' IIDtif)' Lelider If a relcaie or threatened' releae of !L Hazardolll Sub.lance.OFCUl1l 1J11, under
or about the Property or tllei'e II a violation. of IUIJI El1vlronm·ebta!. Law eOlJÇOrulng the Pttlpørty. 111 Buch all CV1Int,
Mortga¡:or a/lAlI fakcI alloccœraty rcmudiallWlJollln accord,1Ice with BIIY BllVlroDlDe~ Law.. . .'
D, Mortgagor 11IåI11rr¡¡¡¡c¡h.tcly IIOtIf,y LeDder ·ill. writing al .oon al M0rta&llor ha, l'IIaBon to be11cYc !heR: iI 811)" peadllt¡ or
Ihrcåtcøcd· .illveJllgatlon. clalm~ or pmcccdiog relaUag to 1M reJclIJO or threateaed tcIcue of any Hazardous Subltimct or
tho viDlal.loll or an, BlIViJ'ollmoaUII Law.' .
17. CONDEMNATION. Mortsøgor w1l1 give LeD4et prun¡pt DDtIce of any pendin¡' ot'ttireate~ IU::lÍon, by private or public
1,1111111es 10 pllrcbale Or take aily or all or the Property Ibm¡¡¡/I oonden¡natioll, eminent d<lmalll. Ot BIlY otl¡er mlians."Mol't¡¡B8or .
autborlze. Lendcr tu interveDe In Mortga/lor'. name in. /ill.)' of the abova dcscrÌb\!d actloM or claims. Mortgagor 1U.i¡¡us to
Lender lIIe proceeds oE an)' awlU'll or claim ror dlUDllpl eQllnoCled wllh a comlco¡natioll or othet talciøg of all or atiy part of tile
Prø,Pcny. Such proceeds .1uI1/ be Ç()asidarr:d pB)'IIIC1ItII and will be app1icd 1\11 provided in !bis Security In.rttumeut. Tbl.
8J11gllßlent of·pmc:ccds i. subjcç¡ to lIIe tet'mB Dhny prior mortgagc, deed of'tnlRt, ,ecllrl/31 agreCUlcut or other Uen document.
18. INSURANCE. MOJt&a4l0r ,hall keep' Property' iD8l1rc~ aga~t Iou by fire, flood, Ihcn &lid lJIhet ward. a~ rœJcs rcH¡Ionably
auociated with.,lhe Property dUe 10 iIs typo and lOOltioD. This illllnrance shall be maiutAined In lIIé amo~ and lor Ihe petlodø
1I111t Lcndor requires. Tbe iQ~lIrallÇc oarrler providing tJ¡ç iD.uraø.ce shall be cha.cn by MortgaÆ\or 'lIbjoot to LeDder', approval,
. which .bø.ll DlJt be: unrøllBonably withheld, If MortgagOr faiIJ to n¡alntain the CDVetllgc: doscribed above. ~(r ma,y, at
Lcndor'ø option, obtain cuvCl1lo to protect Lender'. rights in the Property accol1lill to the IermJ of tl¡is Sl,1curity ItÎ.llrtlmc¡¡l... .
All iD.lul'Rnco pollclea and I'Cncwlll. ,1iIIlJ be acceplllble to LcDdor IInd .hall im:lud" Ii øuUJd8lll "l!Iortsa¡¡c clause" and, when::
applicable. "Iou payea clau.lc." M9rtg¡!gor lhall immcdiatoJy IJOtIt'y Leni:ler o( cancellation or tcniúuatiol1 or. the ilUlUrBlICo.
LeDder shall bave: the right to 'hold the policies and ~DOwa'l. If Lemler t1X¡uil'Ol. Mortgagor .haIl immediately give to' Londer
11/1 ~ip/B of paid PrDIIIÚIGU /\lid "'Dawal DOttCCI. t)POI1 Iou; Mort&aðo~ JIuIII glVl: immediatc: DOttco to Ihe illlnrance carrier
nnd Lender. .Leador may make proofof.losllr DOt made immccfialcly by Mortgagór. ' '. . ,
UIII", otherwise asrood In writing, all iDluranco prooeedl shall be applied to the ~iomtiOD 'or repair of the Property or to the
Secured Dcbt, wbother or Dot then dnc, al Lender's option. All)" application of pro~ceål .to prÙlcipal, 'shall' not extend or
o I Q fpllg_' { rJr"l
11)1004 D.""... &VU.....IM.. a,. CIoo,~. MN f1,sOO·~11'214'1 ""'''' "(-MTQ·WY 11"8114 .....u.!:.l!.
Jun 23 200B 15;34 P006/016
poltpoOO the due dllle of ~ .cheduled psymOD1 nor change Ihi: ·l\lII.Qunt of any payment. ArtY eacac.. will be paid g tho
Mortgagor. It tIu! Property II açquired b~ Lender. MortgagGr'. right 10 allY iD'Uraucc polìciel IIIId proc:ecd. multlJlg from
damllgo to the Property Won:: \he acqulsltlol1 .hall pu. to Lellder g tbø ateDl. of the Sl:evred Debt immediately before .tbo
a~\.IUon. . .
19. ESCROW roB TAxEs AND INSURANCE. UDlè.u othmwiae pl'IJYlded In II ,eparale ~ut, Mortçasor will not be 000245
requited to pay 10 l.cmdtr fun" ~or IaXi:l aad 'Ìlllluram:e in·.escrow. . . .
20. FINANCIAL D.EÞORTS AND ADDmOl'fAL DOCUMENl'S. 'Mol1,ga,gOt wijl provide to Leuder upon I1:qUlllt, lIoy
l1aaaoial 'latcnu:nt or infQrmatlon L:ødcr may deem. reuollllbly lIIIÇeilary. Modga¡or agreet 10 silln. deUver. aad fl10 aay'
additional doc1lßicDII Qr cerùtlcatiolll that Lender may cOlllider DeCeIIIty to perfect, colltiniae, and. preserve Mgr/illgGr'.
obll¡lI1JolIII under thla Security IaatmneD11111d Leadcr'slic, ,latus Gn the Propcrl:y. .
Security ¡lIIIlnlment arc joiDt ILIIIÎ iudividual. U Mort;øcor '1gD' this Secudty Inatl'llID.GDI but does' DOt algn an evlde=c of llebl.
MDrtaallor doa 10 01117 10 mortpge MGttgt&or'. iotc:rm In !he Prop~ .10 secure payment, Qf the SecutEd Debt IInd'
Mortgagor does 1101 IIJnJC to Ix.! peoonally liable 1,111 tho S\!çured Debt. It this SB&:\IrIq IDJb;umcnt Jl'Curel a euaranty helween .
Leader and' Mortgagor, Mo.sor agreel to waive any riglitl tbat may pmvem Londer from brio¡¡ial loy action Dr C/a!m
1tlIÏnlt MQngagor or In1 pø.rty iDdebted uader the obligatloa. Tbeae: lis"bI may Include, but 1111 1101 Ilmite:d to, aoy
. aøti-dc(\~IeIlCY Qr one-action law.. ~on¡¡a¡¡or agteCl that Londer aDd 1111 party to lil!a Security loall1UllODt may eXl.eod, modify
or mallo aay cbangc in the: t\mQI Qf tblJ Security IlIIIlnuJJÇat or IllY evidcooe of debt without Mortaa¡¡Of's COUeDt. Sw:l1 a
ebaoge will oot 111181.8 MOtt&a.!ÌDr frmn tho tel1Dll ,of Ihia Sellurit)' Iaøtrumeot. The dude. lad ~am:f'1I.a of \hI.' Security
IDstrument .batl bind IIPd bøaefit tJu: .uccellorI1lll4.1III.l¡¡aø Qf.Mort¡¡a¡¡ar and Lender. . .
D. APPLICABLE I.A. WI SEVERABILITY;· INTEJU'UTATION. Th¡1 Sçcurlty IastnulJcot is lJDVemed by the laWI of the
jurlsdlctioll Îa whicb Lmder.1a located, except to !hI:! alent othclWise l:CI{uired by tile IIIWI of the JurlldœtioD \WileI'D tbe
Property illm:ølcd. 'rhIJlJccurtty InstrwIIeat ¡I cDlUplct.o aDd full)' Í1Ih:¡;ralcd. Thll 8e&:\lrll.y IDlnum.cut may. not ba IUII1:IIdIld or
1110111n.ed by oral agn:cmcat. Afly .ecUon ia this Sec:ur~ IIIStrUIIWIt, . iItIadun.eiJtI. or aay agrcc:ø.¡onl related to the: .secured
pebt lbat coufllctl with applicable law wDl IIOt be: cfrel1Üve, unI8l!' that law c:tpI'Culy Qr Impliedly pc:rmic. the yarlatiooa by
wrilk:ll·asm;meut. If IInY .ectloa· olt¡j, 5ccurlty IlIItrWJ1lmt cauoòt be earoreed III:CCIrdiog to Its tet'mll, that. .uctlGn wlll be
11n'crc:d HQd will not affect 'Ibe e:afDI'I1CRbiUlY Qf the remaÍDdCl' af tbl. Security IDllrumcP1. Wbeaever iliad, \IJ(J 'Iugular .Iuill
IlIQlude the: plural alld \he plural the sinSular. The c;aptloDJ aud Iu:ll4Ii1g1 Gf 1110 seclioaa of \hI. Security IDatrllDlDllt, are tör
convenicllce ouly aDd /In! not to be used to inrorpret or defÚlc tha lerms of 1ItI. Security Iœlnlment. TUnIl i. of tho enenœ In.
this 8C11l1rity [Dllrllmeilt. .
33. NOTICE. UBI.... othorwlle req1Ü1'Cd by law. lIlY notice .baIl. bc s;,Yen by deUverlag it o~ by mailing It by tint cl..~ mall to
the approprhllo party'. addru. 011 pqe 1 of IhI. Security Ioalrumc:ut, Gr 10 a~ Dthe:r addic~. des1gaat.ed in writiDg. Notice tG
Dne: mort¡¡¡¡gor will be deemed to be DOtíce 10 all mottgagoll. .
24. W AMU. &œpl to the CXl.eat probibhoò b;' law. MO~o~ waives a.o.y rl¡ht mprdlo¡¡ tbe manllalliD; Df lÎeDl and mcu'
alld ø1I hODlCfWad aemptIGa rIgh/lI mlaling to.the Property: " .
:t.!I. O'l'S.D ·TERMS. If checked, the followlDg . are applicable to Ui!ø Securlq [lISlI'1Imellt: .
C :UQ" of CredIt. The Secured. tlcbt mcludel & rcvolviag .1Î1II: 'of credltproviaioa. AU¡¡o'lIb the SeOUrl:d Debt may be
rc:dw:cd to 8 zero balllllOC. IhÌl ScwriLy IDlIrumCilDt ~W remain i~ effect lloUI relwed. . .
o CODRfoct1on ~01111. Tbis SeCurity IlIStrumcnt .00II1'81 au GbUgatloa· iDCIlrn:d fot Ihe COllltrllClÍOn Df IIU improvement D.' .
the propcrty. .
o FIxture PIUng. MortgagQr grllll1l to. Leader II ,CÇurily InIorest [0 III toodf that MQngagQr GWDJ JI(lW or iD the future
and that aill Dr wUl bc:t:omo fixture. relau:d g t1¡¡:: Proporty. TbIa Securily Iœtråmøllt .umces a& a filll\/lCÍDg .alemeut
and' aay carbon, photographic or other reproduCliQIl'llJAY bo filed of record for pu~ Gf'Artlcle II or !.he UulfGrm
CommeniiaJ COda. .' . . . ' '.
o BJ41ft1. Tbc covCIUIIIfI IInd øgreemellbl of '*h of the rider. chccked beluw arelacorporated Into and 'lUpplement and
lIttIelld thc tCIIII' of this Seeurlty ÚIIlnlmeat. [Chcçk all appUœble boxml
¡:¡ CQndominium Rider .0 Pllllllled Unit Developmellt Rldtr 1:1 Othar .....,............;...............:.....................
c::J Add~JI1IJaI'Term.. . '.
SIGNÂ~; 13y IIJD[II belGW, Mort,¡;agor allI'C1ll1o the tcmis slid r:OVCllllotII c:olllalDCd in this SCl:llrlty IaølCWDellt lLIIIÎinai1ý
It\j!cllmeliu. Modgagor mo acbowlcdges receipt of a r:nyy of thl. Securl13' Inl1wDlcot on tho date swed OD pa;c 1.
...~~,..~.............:.,........fR¡?-?:(~fJ ,..........,................"..............................................
(SI;lIIIluro) IIII£TT ~AT&S (DaIG) (SI¡¡noM) . (DAle)
ACKNOWLEDGMEN"r: .'/J;.. _ _ .
STATE OP ....J..~.~........................... COUNTY OF ~::tl~Y.".r.:ð~.....·....................ln.
...- Tho _. .,., __ ..... .. 0&1, ...'"'q "...1.<""'-"".~.""'~..;.............
~y·~~:t;·~~~~...........:....·..·..·..;··....·..·..·..·· .............. ..D..·......··..~.....·..·:......·..""·......·.
'?;' .
" ....,'. .n....~ (NDI.,..Þ:.bì¡;,)........ .................
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t ç-, MN 1I·IDO-SI1·23411 ,~ RE-hmr III'S/J14 IplI(If14 (If of)
JUri J LI:mö I,.....,n
/\LT/.. Commitml:nl ((i/17/06)