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Kleinsmith and Associates
6035 Erin Park Dr., #203
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
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RECEIVED 7/7/2008 at 3:11 PM
RECEIVING # 940355
BOOK: 699 PAGE: 302
(This space is for recording data)
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All words and phrases herein which have the first letters thereof
capitalized are defined on the attached Identifying Data of
Mortgage or Deed of Trust consisting of two pages.
The Grantor states:
1. This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers, including the
power of sale, contained in the Deed of Trust or Mortgage.
2. Defaults Causing Foreclosure were made on said Deed of Trust
or Mortgage.
3. The Present Mortgagee(s) and/or Present Trustee, as a result
of said Defaults Causing Foreclosure, and in accordance with said
Deed of Trust or Mortgage, executed Foreclosure Notices of: (1)
Defaults¡ (2) Right to Cure¡ (3) Election to Sell¡ and (4) Sale
stating that, by virtue of the authority vested in said person,.
said person would sell the Real Estate at public auction to the
highest bidder. Said Foreclosure Notices fixed the Date, Time and
Place of Sale. Copies of said Foreclosure Notices were Mailed;
Served and/or Posted and Published, as required by law.
4, All applicable statutes and all of the provisions of the Deed
of Trust or Mortgage have been complied with.
5. At the Date I Time and Place of the Foreclosure Sale, the
Grantor sold to the Successful Bidder(s) and Grantee(s) at public
auction the Real Estate for the Successful Bid.
6. All applicable (if any)
without any redemption.
redemption periods have passed
Therefore, in consideration of the above Successful Bid by
the above Successful Bidder(s) and Grantee(s), the Grantor grants
and conveys to the above Successful Bidder(s) and Grantee(s) the
Real Estate without any covenant or warranty, express or implied.
State of WY
County of Lincoln
before me, personally appeared ~
tIe of Person who signs above),
personally known to me and/or proven to be said person whose name
is subscribed to this Foreclosure Sale Deed consisting of four
pages in total: two pages of Foreclosure Sale Deed and two pages of
Identifying Data of Mortgage or Deed of Trust. That person
acknowledged to me that said person executed the same in said
person's authorized capacity and that by said person's signature on
said instrument, the person or the entity on behalf of which the
per~or: acted, executed .sa~d inst;r-ument. Wit)lfff3f3 )g~Jþand and
offlclal seal. My commlSSlon explres: ~J ~~V(
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Typed Name and Address of
\. O~304
Identifvinq Data of Debt, the Collateral and Collateral Instrument
The Debt:
Dated.... ....:12/18/2006 Original Principal Balance....:$173,200.00
Original Borrower(s) :Sherri L. McClintock and Kit R. Long
Present Borrower(s): Sherri L. McClintock and Kit R. Long
Original Creditor(s) :First Franklin, a Division of National City Bank
Present Creditor(s) :LaSalle Bank, NA, as Trustee for First Franklin Mortgage Loan
Trust 2007-FF2, Mortgage Loan Asset Backed Certificates Series 2007-FF2
Defaults Causing Foreclosure: Non-Payment of periodic Payments since:9/1/2007
Present Principal Balance
(i.e. as of 9/1/2007)$173,200.00
Daily Interest
after same date.........$ 37.01
Estimated Total Costs. ..$1800.00
Attorney Fees for
Completed Default Matter, including
Foreclosure, of Collateral
listed below.... .$600.00
Present Value of
of Collateral..........$ Unknown
The Collateral:
Real Estate (Mortgaged Property or Trust Property or Property) :
Assessor's Tax Parcel # :12-3219-16-4-00-271.00
Common Description..... :6645 Hwy 238
Afton, WY 83110
Legal Description...... :See Exhibit "A"
Collateral Instrument (Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Trust Indenture or Security
Agreement Being Foreclosed Per Real Estate Records of County Where Real Estate is
Located or other records where Collateral Instrument filed):
Dated...... :12/18/2006
Date Recorded or Filed.... :12/29/2006
Data.......:Book 645PR Page 150___
Original Trustee Name & Address (es)
Original Principal Balance: $(see above)
Original Creditor(s), Mortgagee(s),
or Secured Party(ies) Name(s) & Address (es) :
First Franklin, a Division of National City
Original Borrower(s), Mortgagor(s),
Grantor(s) or Trustor(s) Name(s)
& Address (es)
Sherri L. McClintock and Kit R. Long
6645 Hwy 238
Afton, WY 83110
Present Creditor(s) Mortgagee(s),
Beneficiary(ies) or Secured party(ies)
Name(s)& Address (es) :LaSalle Bank, NA, as
Trustee for First Franklin Mortgage Loan
Trust 2007-FF2, Mortgage Loan Asset Backed
Certificates Series 2007-FF2
Present Borrower(s), Mortgagor(s)
Trustor(s) Names & Address (es)
Sherri L. McClintock and Kit R. Long
6645 Hwy 238
Afton, WY 83110
Present Owner(s) of Collateral
Names and Address (es)
Sherri L. McClintock and Kit R. Long
6645 Hwy 238
Afton, WY 83110
Paqe 2 of Identifvinq Data
of Debt, the Collateral and
Collateral Instrument
Recordinq Data of Foreclosure
Notices of: (1) Default (s) ;
(2) Some Riqhts and Obliqations;
(3) Election to Sell; (4) Sale,
and; (5) Governmental Claims. . . .Dated:01/04/2008
Recordinq Data: Book 683, Page 364
Recordinq Data of Foreclosure
Certificates of: (1) Mailinqs;
(2) Publication; (3) Service, and
(4) Postinq of said Foreclosure
Notices of: (1) Defaults;
(2) Riqht to Cure; (3) Election to
Sell; and (4) Sale. . . . Dated:N/A
Recordinq Data:N/A
Foreclosure Sale. . . . . . . . . . Date:March 4, 2008
Ti me : 10 : 00 a. m.
Place:Lincoln County
Courthouse, 925 Sage St.,
Kemmerer, WY 83101
Successful Bidder(s)
and Grantee(s) Herein:.
. . . . .
Name (s) : LaSalle Bank National
AssociationasTrustee for First
Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust
2007-FF2, Mortgage Loan Asset-
Backed Certificates, Series
Address (s) : c/o Home Loan
Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 1838
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-1838
Successful Bid:
. . :$185,238.00
Grantor Herein:
Name:Lincoln County Sheriff
Address(s): 1032 Beech Ave
Kemmerer, WY 83101
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FormNo. tOSti.9! (1011719)
ALIA I.oaø Policy Farm 1
PolicyNo.: CW'7285300
Pðlle 4 ora
(' 0;:"306
File No. 6010616329 Legal Description
The land refc:rred to in this document is situated in the State ofWyoßÚn, County ofLilÍeoln, and is
descn'bed u fgUows:
That part ot the SEl/4SEl/4 of Section 16, Township 31 North Range 119 West of the 611A P,M"
UDcoJn County, Wyoning being part of tbat tract of record In tJJe Offlee of the Clerk of
Liiu:oln County io Book 379PR on page 282, :lild ali of that tract of record in Book 387PR. on
page 46 described as followl:
Begioøing at tJJe Northwest corner of said SE1I4SE1I4, withlD the bounds of Wyoming State
Highway 238 and running thence North 89°30']9" East, 5!2,18 feet, aJoog the North line of
said SE1I4SEl/4, to a point;
thence South 00"02'29" West, 193.62 feet, along an existing fBllce Une, in part, to a point;
tbence South 88°43'53" West, 551.87 feet to a 'point on the West Une of said SEl/4SEl/4, wJtbin
the bounds or said Hlgbway 238;
thence Nortb 00°04'57" West, 201,07 feet, along said West line, to the CORNER OF
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