HomeMy WebLinkAbout940454 AFFIDAVIT FOR COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DECEDENT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY PURSUANT TO WYO, STAT, ANN. § 2-1-201 (LEXlS NEXlS 2001) STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF NATRONA ) 000697 I, MICHAEL HILLSTEAD, being of lawful age, having been first duly sworn, depose and state as follows: 1. This affidavit is made in accordance with the provisions of WYO. STAT. ANN. § 2-1-201 (LEXIS NEXIS 2007), and the Certificate of Death hereunto annexed, and by this reference made a part of this affidavit, is a copy of the official death certificate of the decedent, JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD, certified to by the public authority in which such original death certificate is a matter of record. 2. On the 2nd day of January, 2007, JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD died in Bonneville County, State of Idaho, and at the time of death was a legal resident of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. 3. The value of the entire estate of JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances, does not exceed $150,000.00. 4. More than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD. 5. No application for appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 6. JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD was survived by one child listed below: Michael Hillstead 7. There are no other persons, other than the persons named in paragraph 6, who have a right to succeed to the property of JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD under probate proceedings of the State of Wyoming. 8. JOHN FRED HILLSTEAD was the sole owner of the following described personal property: 2001 GMC Pickup, VIN #2GTEK69U911242574 9. WYO. STAT. ANN. § 2-1-201 (c) (LEXIS NEXIS 2007) provides: "When filed with the county clerk and a certified copy is presented to a party with custody of assets the affidavit shall be honored and have the same effects as provided for in subsections (a), (b) and (d) of this section and WYO. STAT. ANN. § 2-1-202 (LEXIS NEXIS 2001). The county clerk of the county in which any vehicle is registered shall transfer title of the vehicle from the decedent to the distributee or distributees upon presentation of an affidavit as provided in subsection (a) of this section." RECEIVED 7/11/2008 at 11 :38 AM RECEIVING # 940454 BOOK: 699 PAGE: 697 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ú00698 Therefore, the affiant hereby instructs the county clerk of the county in which any vehicle described in Paragraph 8 above to transfer the title of such vehicle &om the decedent to MICHAEL HILLSTEAD. 12. WYO. STAT. ANN. § 2-1-202 (LEXIS NEXIS 2001) provides: "The person paying, delivering, transferring or issuing personal property or the evidence thereof pursuant to affidavit is discharged and released to the same extent as if he dealt with a personal representative of the decedent. He is not required to see to the application of the personal property or evidence thereof or to inquire into the truth of any statement in the affidavit. If any person to whom an affidavit is delivered refuses to pay, deliver, transfer or issue any personal property or evidence thereof, it may be recovered or its payment, delivery, transfer or issuance compelled upon proof of right in an action by or on behalf of the persons entitled thereto. Any person to whom payment, delivery, transfer or issuance is made is answerable and accountable to a personal representative of the estate or to any other person having a superior right." Therefore, the affiant hereby instructs anyone having possession of any tangible personal property of the decedent to also deliver that property to MICHAEL HILLSTEAD. Any person or entity distributing property pursuant to this Affidavit may rely on the receipt attached hereto as evidence of its payment, delivery, transfer or issuance in full satisfaction of its duties under WYO. STAT. ANN. § 2-1-201 (LEXIS NEXIS 2001). , "1") JVJ DATED this LL day of June, 20<W. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. AFFIANT: ~~~ MICHAEL HILLSTEAD The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by MICHAEL HILLSTEAD, this ~ day of \}CAAJe , 20~ r . , r' ,:r:..~4..;' ~ ' ~~-r ---....-. .---...---.. ..~ ," ~.J ~/J /ü~ d ~d official seal. ':dJd/f J ) NOTARY PUB C ~ ; ....- My Commission Expires: "../L I I ¡ I I I I I I I ¡ I I I I ! I : i TYPIEOR 'ilUHTIM '1!IItMAHI!HT IllACKIHK DO NOT Usr. Fur,..,!!" FO" IoISTAUCTION, ... HANDIIOOKS _Þl:::I·..r~I::I·. FDtAr","AS DU!! TO OTH!" THAN NATURAl. CAUSES, THE. CORONER I!!ln COMPU.Tt AND SIONTH! ClRTFfCAn ,. ~, STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLlCYf.ND VITAL STATISTICS 000699 DATE FILED BY STATE REGISTRAR: Slale Or Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH CD 1.0 STATE FILE NO. ... 1. DECEDENT'S LEGAL NAME (Indude AKA'S,,1f anyJ (First Middle. LIS!. Sumx) RllY NUMBER 5. DATE OF BIRTH IMoIOøyIYr) 10, 1939) orelgn Country) 67 IVe.,,) i September .s ra. RESIDENCE· STATE OR FOREIGN COUNTRY Tb. COUNTY .. " I ~ Wyoming ~ rd. STREET AND NUMBER ~ 489 Jackson Street z;~ I. MARITAL STATUS AT TIMÊ OF DEATH ~ ~ 0 Married 0 Married, l:ul "'""rflrilled R WtdOWP.d 0 Divorced 0 Never "",,rTll'!d u- , '_0' J:: .!l 10, EVER IN U.S. 1h. FATHER'S NAME (First, Middle.lasl. SufOx) 0:: ü: ARMED . o -g 'ORCU? George Noah Hills tead ~; Ja YIIS 121. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME IFlrsl. Middle. Lasl, SIJllix) lii ON. Jean Taggart ~ 13.. INFORMANT'S NAME (Type or prlMI) .. ~ LaVon Lancaster 8 * 14. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 3. Burtal 0 Crerrollon o OonllllOl) - 0 EnlootJmenl U Rem,v,1 'rom Idaho o Olher (Specl * 11.. SIG VR . ' 7a. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? 1Ð VIIS 0 No OIJ"kl1<1Wn 11b. BIRTHPLACE (SllIle. Terrllory, or ForeIgn Counlry) Utah 12b. BIRTHPLACE IStale. Terrilory, or Forefgn Country) 1:1b, RELATIONSHIP TO DEcEDENT lale, Zip Code) 'sister 15. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name and address of cemelery. cremelOf)', other placeJ . I\fton Cemetery Afton, Wyoming ERSON ACTING AS SUCH .. l1b. LICENSE NUMBER (or licensee) M - 676 PLACE OF DEATH 19·22 * "..IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: 1* "b, IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE 0 HER THAN A HOSPITAL: 1M tnp&1I'nl ,0 ERIOulpøllenl 30 OQA 140 Hospice 'actnly ,0 Nursing homeJt.ang lerm C8r. 'aelltly ,0 Decedenl's homo ,0 Qlher (Spedfy) '" .to. FACILITY NAME (If l!2I '.dNly. give slreel.nd number) * 21. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH, AND ZIP CODE * 22. COUNTY OF DEATH Eastern Idaho Regional 1'. WAS CORONER CONTACTED? DVes RNo Idaho Falls 83404 Bonneville 25. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (MOIDayIYrl (Spell monlh) 21. TIME PRONQUNCED DEAD 2 2007 I""" January 2, 2007 I 27, CAUSE OF DEATH , PART I, Enler Ih, ~l .. disease!, Infurles, or c()('t1JllcaUons - U1øt dlfec1ly caused Ihe dealh. DO NOT enler lermlna'l events such 85 cardl8C 8rt8SI. resplralory Irt8Sl, or·venlrlctJlar "brlll.llon wllhoul showing the eUoIogy. DO NOT A8BREVIATE. Enler only one caUIII on a line: 'Q. eo;,. Q \ ~'" \-0 f.k\. ~ \...vu:L DUE TO f~'M . eorI'eqIJl:nCI ofJ:-.J r b, c..o f 0 1316 I Apptoxlmale 'nletval: I OO5ello De:,th : ~ f>1 GI"r\.{.ú". I ~ ~",('j IMMEDIATE Cj\USE (~'nll dls~ase or condlllon -+ tfS¡fUng In dealh) Sequenllllty nsl condlllons, If.ny. leedlng 10 Ihe ClUse IISled on IIn.... Enler Ihe .s UNDEA.l YINb CAUSE (Q lAST (disuse Of Infury/ ~ ~~:~~~::~dd~~~h~venls I'd. .. ~ PART II. nler olher slanIßC'.4nl condlUons conlrlbuUno 10 dealh bul nol resulllng In lhe underlying cause Qlven In Patti ~Æ r-e..\I\Cl.1 (\,.1/\0 u.. N 29. DID TOBACCO USE t=,... CONTRIBUTETODEATH7 ffi ~....erf'es 0 Probably U~ .s 0 Nt! 0 tlr1.....O\·.'t1 ~ 37. DATe OF INJURY (MoIDaylYr, E (Spell manlh) 8 DUE TO IOf III . to"~I!qUIItCe orJ: c, DUE TO lor "" tonnquenCI DI): 30. IF FEMALE (Aged 10.5<11: o No! pl'"egnanl wllhln past year o Pregn.nl.1 lime of deBth o Nol pregnant bul pregnanl ,...~I"··, ~ l t!Jly. of d.!llh o Nol pregnant. but pregn.nl -43 days to 1 yeer before dealh o Unknown If pregnllnl wllhl" Ihe pul r··r 281. WAS AN AUTOPSY ;28b. WERE AUTOPSV FINDINGS PERFORMED? r AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE : THE CAUSE OF DEATH? DVes .&3"110 lOVes DNo 31. MANNER OF DEATH ~Iural 0 Homicide o Accldenl 0 Pending Inveillgølloo [1 Suldd~ 0 Couto ñot be tI~ll!rmll1ed 35. INJURY AT WORK7 33. TIME OF INJURY 34. PLACE OF INJURY (Decedenl's hOl'T'Ml, 'arm, slreel, constl\lcllon slle, nur~ng home. re!llaunml, foresl, etc.) (24t1r) DYes 31. lOCATION OF INJURY: Slale CllyfTown 0( Counly Zip Code Slreellnd NUlTÒer or locallon Apar1menl N.urriler 31. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY. STATE THE TYPE(S) OF VEHICLEIS) INVOLVED (Aulomoblle. pickup. moIon:yde. ,bicycle. etc. SPECIFY WHICH VEHICLE DECEDENT OCCUPIED. If applicable TRANSPORTATION ,38a. WAS DECEDENT: OrIverlOperalor Passenger 38b. WHA SAFETY DEVlCEIS, DID DECEDENT USEI PLOY? INJURY ONLY I 0 Pedeslr1an 0 Other S eclf I 0 Seal bell 0 Child lately seal 0 Helmel 0 Air bIg 0 None 0 UnknOWfl 3Ia. CERTIFIER (Check only one, based on official cap.cllr lor Ihls cer1mcalel J . IC 9E U BE R PHYSICIAN· To Ihe besl of my knowledge, dealh occurred 811he lime, dale, and place, end due 10 Ihe lL~ cause(sVmanner staled. ¡t1 l( 3 c¡ L{ o CORONER· On Ihe basis ot eXllmln8110n andlor InveslIgallon. In my opinion. death oa:urred øllhe lime, dale, and place, and due 10 the 39 A.TE SIGNEO cau.e!., ,nd ""nne' .lated, / . .A" .. ( Q.I) I c, 0" I f~~ SIvnalur.,"dTlU.ofC.rtlflllrÞ- ~l/Ir-¡~ MM 00 * Jld. HAME. ADDRESS. AND ZIP CODE OF CERTIFIER (Type Of print) William E. Armour, M.D.; 2001 South Woodruff Ave; Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 <lOa. ;~~~::~:r~~~~~~~: :~~~:'!~~e~:;tE.CESSARY: The ~on~,r'~sI~~IW.~_I~ IN. 118m supersedes t~al of the physfdan, -10b. DATE SIGNED I f MMDD~ 41b. DATE SIG~Ep LI..!:1:_L.2.iXi:J. MM DO YY't'Y This Is a true and correcl'reproductlon of the document officially reglstared and plac~d on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL' STATISTICS. ,I il . DATE ISSUE~J1 rLll(]~ r~ )..j I 7..ti)[ This copy not v';1Id unless prep~re on· engraved border displaying state~eal..and, signature,. of,. the Registrar,.. ~~~ JANE S. SMITH STATE REGISTRAR 124".) ON. / ! "'~~\\\\\\\\\\""\\I ;:;::'" 111/" #' ///1 § '" ff .. ;¡ ~ ~ \ ~ ~II.¡