HomeMy WebLinkAbout940477 FileNo.: 6010816863 WARRANTY DEED Dorothy J. MCGinnis, Successor Truatee ofthe Victor S. McGinnis Living Trust datéd March 3, 1992 and Dorothy J. McGinnis, as Sole Truste. of the Dorothy J. McGinnis Living Trust dated March 3, 1992., grantor(s) of Sandy, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do( es) Convey and W81Tant To Kevin Mackaben" grantee(s), whose address is: PO Box 981385 Park City, UT, 84098 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: OOC787 Lot 2 of the Marx Addition to the Town of LaBarge (vacated) of record in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming and more particularly descrIbed as follows: That part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the SouthWest Quarter of Section 6 and the Northeast Quatter of the Northwest Quarter and Lot 1 of Section 7, Township 26 North, Range 112 West, within the Incorporated limits of the Town of LaBarge, County of Lincoln, described as follows: Begitming at the Southwest corner of the said Soùth Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter where found a quartzite stone 23 inches x 6 Inches x 4 inches marked 1/16 on N, Ss on Southwest; thence North 00°04' East, 276.50 feet along the West Hne of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to a point; thence North 89"30' East, 911.60 feet a point on the centerline of the Marx Lane; thence South 18°26.5' West, 389.90 feet along said centerline to a 3/8 inch Jt 12 inch steel spIke; thence South 12°17.5' West, 131.30 feet along said centerline to a 3/8 inch x 12 inch steel spIke; thence South 04°35.5' East, 96.10 feet along said centerline to a point; thence South 86°55.5' West, 778.40 feet to a point; thence North 05°07' .F:ast, 91.40 feet to a point; thence North 00°04' East, 260.80 feet along said west line to the Corner of Beginning. GRANTORS reserve and withhold the transfer of all minerals upon, within or under the above land. This Deed is subject to all easements and covenants ofrecord. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyomíng. 0 Witness my/our hand(s) this .Lff!!3.... day of July, 2008. Dorothy J. McGinnis, Successor Truslee of lhe Viclor S. McGinnis Llv~;JØ) Trusl daled March 3, 199~.I ~) '¿;uAl fIJff~ L~ Dorothy J. McGinnis, S ell r Trustee State of Utah ) ) ss. County of Salt Lake ) The foregoing mstrwnent was acknowledged before me this ~ day of July, 2008, by Dorothy J. McGinnis, Successor Trustee ofthe Victor S. McGinnis Living Trust dated March 3, 1992 and Dorothy J. McGinnis, ae Sole Trustee of the Dorothy J. McGinnis Living Trust dated March 3, 1992. Witness my hand and official seal lI.4oo"Rommission exnires: ~~_ffia'_~..~ ~ a::: w ~ a::: w a. .... ~ N ~coa::: ~ ~ ""'W W ('I') ~"Z ::s::: - ~wC!) ~ ~ OC!) 00 ~«~ a::: 0 en a. w 0 W....J ~ ~ :tI: Z Ü .... C9 Zç ¡::: Z L¡jz :> Ø') c Ø') ., :J wiTI c.o 0 >ü ~ ü -w 0 z Wa::: 0 ....J U ID 0 W ü IX z ::J