HomeMy WebLinkAbout940493 WHEN RECORDED MAIL DEED AND TAX NOTICE TO: RECEIVED 7/14/2008 at 11 :33 AM RECEIVING # 940493 BOOK: 699 PAGE: 829 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY Terry S. Dabel 714 Independence way North Salt Lake, Ut. 84054 Space Above This Line for Recorder's Use C10CS29 QUIT-CLAIM DEED JOY PETERSEN and ROBERT PETERSEN, Co-Trustees of the RONALD DABEL REVOCABLE TRUST, dated July 10, 2000 grantor(s), of Hurricane, County of Washington, State of Ut., hereby 11 ~I~ j QUIT-CLAIM to TERRY S. DABEL grantee(s) of NORTH SALT LAKE, County of DAVIS, State of UT., for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION the following described tract of land in LINCOLN County, State of WYOMING: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. SUBJECT TO easements, rights of way, restrictions, and reservations of record and those enforceable in law and equity. WITNESS the hand(s) of said grantor(s), this 9TH day of JULY, A. D. 2008. :s\tn...G~ \ JOY PETERSEN, CO-TRUSTEE . ~\~~\I\(\ ROBERT PETERSEN, CÓ~tR~EE NOTARY STATE OF UTAH ) ss County of Washington On the 9TH day of JULY, A. 0.2008 personally appeared before me, JOY PETERSEN and ROBERT PETERSEN, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE RONALD DABEL REVOCABLE TRUST, dated July 10, 2000, the signer(s) of the within Instrument, who duly ecknowledge to me that they executed the same~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: 10/30/1 0 Notary Public residing at: ST, GEORGE UT. ¡..(-:.;§f..!.~~... M. TODD SPRIGGS; (ir' \\ NOTARY PUBLIC · STATE of IlTAH ~~\ J: 1240 EAST 100 SOUTH SUITE 1 ";~"_".-''''~.'' 8T GEORGE. UT 84790 ¡"J; COMM. EXP. 10130/2010 'Hiondl land Surv~yor~ N. Sd1crb~1 aralion No. 164 A. Scherbel ¡!rJtion Nu. 3669 owe ,~. Scherbel ¡rr.1tion No, 5J6d ,EYOR semRBU. lTD. 'int'}', \-VyominK 8J 11) un, W)'orning 8JUUl \, Wyuming UJ IIU N. :>ch<rbd I I\q'.istl';¡tiul\ ~~I.JI}90 ..\, ~;.,I,( :,d ~ ' '':~; : ' (I ,~( ¡" j. ! ~ \ . "I)':':' DESCRIPTION FOR EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION ~J00830 RONALD DABEL TRACT A - REVISED (2) To-wit:-- That part of the NE~SE~ of Section 5, T30N, Rl18W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 26 of Deeds on page 287, described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/811 steel reinforcing rod with aluminum cap on the north line of said NE~SE~ and on the center-line of that easement of record in the said Office in Book 94 of Photostatic Records on page 54, N89°-081-55I1W, the base bearing for this survey, 721.37 feet from the east one-quarter corner of said Section 5; th~nce S07°-011 -4311E, 184.07 feet along said center-line to a point on the northeast right-of-way line of the Cottonwood County Road No. 12-153; thence continuing S07°-011-43I1E, 33.93 feet to a 3/811 x 1211 steel spike on the center-line of said County Road; thence N69° -16 I -1611W, 10.97 feet along said center-line to Station P.I. 46+08.09; thence N81°-03IW, 183.14 feet along said center-line to a 3/811 x 1211 steel spike; thence NOoo-51'-05I1E, 30.30 feet to a point on the said northeast right-of-way line; thence continuing NOoo-511-05I1E, 156.11 feet to a point on the said north line of the NE~SE~; thence S89°-081-55I1E, 161.74 feet along the said north line to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.806 acres, more or less; SUBJECT to an easement for the said Cottonwood County Road No. 12-153, identical with the southwest thirty (30) feet of the foregoing tract; SUBJECT to that easement of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 112 of Photostatic Records on page 147, identical with the east sixty (60) feet of the foregoing tract; SUBJECT to said easement of record in the said Office in Book 94 of Photostatic Records on page 54, identical with the east sixteen and one-half (16.5) feet of the foregoing tract and lying and being situate within the foregoing easement of record in Book 112; each IIpointll marked by a steel T-shaped stake 2411 long with metal cap inscribed, 11 PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY POINTII; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, IIRONALD DABEL PLAT OF TRACT IN T SE~ SECTION 5 T30N Rl18W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGII,' d~ ted ",:~~:" ".'~. ~1$,2and revised 25 March 1985. ø £ ,11· '..-" ~,.) , '\, . . " /" .~ '\ ¿.-:-'.... ··~:·~r:o:.··~ ,II' , .. '~""/:"-. '. \ '. ' . . ... \¡,~ '., '"'\ (',' . . ','..' "r.":~r.::r' .iJ.·.1,,·, V ( ~.. I ~," 1:,:lt..~. :.'1..:.) ':'r..~ ~.'<~. 7 anuary ~I /','" lr"flevls,(6?~0 (2~?- !~)~; 5 March 1985 \~.. fëvig~~th? ' 7 June 1982 ;, \ 'J., \ , , {'(... \ / . dabela.des \. '\.. \!ì:Ç')¡,Q .... \',\J~:::'''/J'''-01~1P' ~ . ,- ., ,~. .. . .. . . " "ModifiGltion in any w;:¡Y.:O the·fö.reg,~) g description terminates liability of the surveyor '\ .,'