HomeMy WebLinkAbout940519 ------ -to IU.vU /"\Ivr RECEIVING # 940519 BOOK: 699 PAGE: 884 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY GRANT OF EASEMENT \..'10°884 Bryce H. Erickson and Rayma Erickson, husband and wife, whose address is 4101 W. 18th Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Grantor"), for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, convey and warrant to Rayma Erickson, whose address is 4101 W. 18th Avenue, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 (hereinafter called "Grantee"), the following-described real estate situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming: A non-exclusive perpetual easement for purposes of ingress, egress and utilities, including but not limited to the right to construct, maintain, and repair road and the right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction, and maintenance of the road or utilities, known and more particularly described as Knoll View Lane and South Knoll View Lane, as delineated on the Plat of Knoll View Estates, recorded with Receiving No. 916490, on Map No. 72-B, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the S1f:¡ of Section 33, T35N, R119W, of the 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. The easement granted by this deed is for the benefit of and is appurtenant to that real property, or any portion thereof, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described as follows: Preliminary Erickson Family Exempt Division Lot 1 Receiving number 927833, Recorded with the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming ".J ~~} J", j f. ¿i Located in a portion of the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 33, T35N, Rl19W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming ;'::,3: ,,/ Grant of Easement Page 1 of 2 ...l,,-. _._ ,.>0°885 To have and to hold the easement hereby granted unto the Grantee, their successors and assigns, as appurtenant to the said land of the Grantee. ß~.lf ~~~ Bryce H. Erickson ~ // , /( a ~t'? él£d~ Ray à Erickson '7//1 /û,f STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ss ) Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bryce H. Erickson, this /g day of April, 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9-/5 - /1 . SEAL ..Æ¿~N. ~ Notary Public STATE OF OKLAHOMA )SS COUNTY OF ~ NOTARY PUBLIC Stale of WYOmIng M CommIssIon Expires September 15, 2011 GLORIA K. BYERS COl,lnly of Lincoln Subscribed and sworn to before me by Rayma Erickson, this ~ day of April, 2008, Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expìres: Jt J~ ~('{)F\. ' \\\\\\ulllt#fI", ..."...,\'~. TH04f;"'"" ~"""""""""""Þ..r.~... $'~"'-"-o"TAR¡.',, 0 '<- j"C'l"" \~:¡, ;; Qf # 07010527 \ ª ~ \EXP.1111:1111! ê ~(/I\ /~j "ó:.::;' ····.!>ÚB \..\~":~<:J ~ ~ ,.~ ............,.. ~...~ * .....""" OF o~ \\",..., 1(1"'11111"\\\\ 00 A . ~ ~3A(t»l pcØò Notary Public SEAL GranfofEasernenf Page 2 of 2 (OC:S86 To have and to hold the easement hereby granted unto the Grantee, their successors and assigns, as appurtenant to the said land of the Grantee. 8~~,7f ~~ Bryce H. Erickson Rayma Erickson STATE OF WYOMING ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ¡ Subscribed and sworn to before me by Bryce H. Erickson, this /8 day of April, 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9-/5-// SEAL ~~/Y.~ Notary Public STATE OF OKLAHOMA County of Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC ¡SS State of Wyoming My Commission Expires September 15, 2011 COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me by Rayma Erickson, this day of April, 2008. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: SEAL Notary Public Grant of Easement Page 2 of 2 _._._~.u.__~