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II-US DECLARATION is made this .lit!.- day ofJVL.Y 2008, by Wheeler
Investments, LLC, a Wyoming flexible limited liability company r'Declarant"),
pursuant to the Condominium Ownership Act,. Wyoming Statute §34-20-1 01 et seq.
WHEREAS, Declarant is tbe oVlrner in fee simple of certain real estate situated in
the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, described as Lot 7 of the Rocky Point
Business Center Subdivision~ Lincoln County. Wyoming, together with all buildings
and improvements constructed or located thereon, and all rights, privileges, easements
and appurtenances belonging to or in any way pertaining to said real estate (the
"Property"); and
WHEREAS, Declarant desires to submit a portion of the Property to the Act.
NOW THEREFORE, Declarant, as the owner of the Property, hereby declares as
fo Hows:
Section 1.1 Definitions. As used herein, the following words and terms shal1
have the following meanings:
et seq.
a. Act. The Condominium Ownership Act, Wyoming Statute §34-20-1 0 1
b. Association. Star Valley Storage Condominiums Association, a
nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under Wyoming Statute § 17 ~ 19-1 0 1 et
c. Board. The Board 0 f Dj rectors of the Association.
d. Bylaws. The Bylaws of the Association.
e. Condominiums. The condominiums created by this Declaration.
f. Condominium Plat. The plat of Star Valley Storage Condominiums
being a replat of Lot 7 Rocky Point Business Center~ recorded with the Lincoln County
g. Declarant Control Period. The period of time it takes Declarant to
fully develop the property into 50 individual Units.
RECEIVED 7/16/2008 at 4:12 PM
RECEIVING # 940594
BOOK: 700 PAGE: 219
h. General Common Elements. The General Common Elements as
described in Section 3.1 below and any General Common Element specifically shown
on the Condominium Plat.
i. Occupant. Any person or persons in possession of a Unit, including
Unit Owners, lessees, guests, agents, employees and invitees of such person or persons.
j. Owner. The Owner ofa Unit as identified on the most recent deed of
record filed in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk.
k. Property. The real estate described in the recitals above, together with
all buildings and improvements constructed or located thereon, and all rights privileges,
easements and appurtenances belonging to or in any way pertaining to said real estate.
1. Special Declarant Rights. The rights reserved herein and in the
Bylaws for the benefit of a Declarant, as follows; to maintain signs advertising the
Condominiums, to use easements through the Gcneral Common Elements; to develop
additional Units on Property; and to elect, appoint or remove members of the Board
until all of the Units are sold.
m. Unit or Condominium Unit. Those certaín individual air spaces as
designated and delineated on the Condominium Plat together with the ínterest in the
common elements appurtenant to such Unit in accordance vyith §§34-20-102 and 34-20-
l03(a)(iii) of the Act.
n. General. All capitalized terms used herein, and not defined herein~
shall have the meaning given to such terms in the Act, unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
Section 2.1 Submission. Declarant hereby submits a portion of the Property to
the Act.
Section 2.2 Name. The Condominium shall hereafter be known as the ··Star
Valley Storage Condominiums".
Section 2.3 Division of Property into Separately Owned Units. Declarant,
pursuant to the Act, and to establish a plan of condominium ownership for the
Condominium, does hereby divide the Property into fifty (50) Units and does hereby
designate all such Units for separate ownership. Each Unit and its boundaries are
designated and delineated on the Condominium Plat. Declarant shall complete Phase I
(Building A) consisting of 25 units as soon as reasonably practicable. Declarant
reserves the fight to delay development of Phase II (Building B) consisting of the
remaining 25 units until declarant deems such development practical. No unit can be
further subdivided into portions or parcels thereof by means of conveyance. leases.
subleases. assignments, mortgages, or other means.
Section 2.4 Unit Allocations. Each Unit shall be deemed to include a 1I25lh
inseparable undivided interest in the General Common Elements; each Unit shall be .
entitled to one vote in the Association; and each Unit sha1l be responsible for a 112511\
share of the General Common Expenses. Any future addition of Units to the property
shall adjust the portion of interest in General Common Elements and Expenses to reflect
the additional Units.
Section 2.5 Apportionment and Assessment of Taxes. The real estate taxes,
assessments and other charges of the State of Wyoming or other political subdivision or
any special improvement district or any other taxing or assessing authority shall be
. assessed against and coJlected on each Unit. each of which shall be carried on the tax
books of the Lincoln County Assessor as a separate and distinct parcel for the purpose
and not on the building or the Property as a whole. The valuation of the General
Common Elements shall be assessed proportionately upon each individual Unit in
accordance with Section 2.4 above. Appropriate ~Titten notice shall be delivered to the
Lincoln COlUlty Assessor for these purposes and such other action shall be taken
effectuate the foregoing purposes to tax the Units separately including their
proportionate share of the General Common Elements.
Section 3.1 Description. Except as otherwise in this Declaration provided, the
General Common Elements shall consist of all portions of the Property, except the
Units. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the General Common Elements
shall include (i) the driveway designated as such on the Condominium Plat and the
land; (ii) all pipes; (iii) such component parts of walls~ floors, ceilings, and other
structures and installations as are outside of the Unit bounda.ries as delineated or
described on the Condominium Plat. Each Unit owner shall own an inseparable
undivided interest in the General Common Elements as a tenant in common with all the
other owners of the Property, and, except as otherwise limited in this Declaration, shall
have the right to use the General Common Elements for all purposes incident to the use
and occupancy of his Unit which right shall be appurtenant to the Unit. .
Section 3.2 No Severance of Ownership. In addition to the provisions set
forth in Section 2.3, no Unit owner shall execute any deed) mortgage, lease or other
instrument affecting title to his Unit ownership without including therein all his interest
in the Unit which by defmition includes his corresponding percentage of ownership in
the General Common Elements, it being the intention hereof to prevent any severance
of such combined ownership.
Section 3.3 Easements.
a. EncrQachmenfs. In the event that, by reason of the construction,
reconstruction, settlement or shifting of the building, or the design or construction of
any Unit, any part of the General Common Elements encroaches or shan hereafter
encroach on any other Unit, Of, if by reason of the design or construction ofuti1ìty
systems, any main pipes, ducts, or conduits serving more than one Unit encroach or
shall hereafter encroach upon any part of any Unit, vaìid easements for the maintenance
of such encroachment and for the use of such adjoining space shall exist for the benefit
of such Unit and the General Common Elements, as the case may be, so long as all or
any part of the building containing such Unit shall remain standing; provided~ however,
that in no event shall a valid easement for any encroachment to be created in favor of
the Owner of any Unit or in favor of the Owners of the General Common Elements jf
such encroachment occurred due to the willful conduct of said Owner or Owners.
b. Easements for Certain Utilities. The Board may hereafter grant
easements for utility purposes for the benefit of the Units and the Property, including
the right to install, lay, maintain, repair and replace water mains and pipes, sewer lines,
gas mains, telephone wires and equipment~ and electrical conduits, and wires over,
under, along and on any portion of the General Common Elements; and each Owner
hereby grants the Board an irrevocable power of attorney to execute, acknowledge, and
record, for and in the name of such Owner, such instruments as may be necessary to
effectuate the foregoing.
c. Easements Through Walls Within Units. Easements are hereby declared
and granted to install, lay, maintain, repair, and replace any pipes, wires, ducts,
conduits, public utiIity lines or structural components running through the walls of the
Units, whether or not such walls lie in whole or in part within the Unit boundaries.
d. Easements to Run With Land. AU easements and rights described
herein are easements appurtenant, running with the land, perpetually in full force and
effect, and at all times shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the undersigned,
its successor and assigns, and any owner, purchaser, mortgagee and other person having
an interest in the Property or any part of portion thereof.
Section 3.4 Use of General Common Elements.
a. Regulation by Board. No person shaH use the General Common
Elements or any part thereof in any manner contraxy to or not in accordance with such
rules and regulations pertaining thereto as from time to time may be adopted by the
b. Management, .7vfaintenance, Repairs, Alterations, and Improvements.
Except as otherwise provided herein, the management, repair, alteration and
improvement of the General Common Elements shall be the responsibility of the Board.
The Board may delegate all or any portions of this authority to discharge such
responsibility to a manager or managing agent.
c. Use of General Common Elements. Subject to the rules and regulations.
from time to time promulgated by the Board, all Owners may use the General Common
Elements in such manner as will not restrict, interfere~ or impede with the use thereof
by the other Owners, except as follows:
c>;OO?~ ~
~.-r,. ~.Jt
i. Appurtenances. Each owner is hereby granted an exclusive
and írrevocable license to use an.d enjoy the appurtenances to his Unit.
Section 3.5 Maintenaoce of Units.
a. By the Board. The Board, at the Association's expense, shall be
responsibLe for the maintenance, repair and replacement of those portions of each Unit
which contribute to the support of the building. excluding, however, interior wans,
ceiling and floor surfaces. In addition, the Boaxd shan maintain, repair and replace all
conduits, ducts, plumbing, -wiring and other facilities for the furnishing of utHìty
services which may be located within the Unit boundaries as specified above in Section
3.3, exclusive of any portions of the foregoing which may be located at or beyond the
power panel, or which may be the responsibility of an individual Owner.
b. By Each Owner. The responsibility of each Owner shall be as foHows:
i. to maintain, repair, and replace at his expense all portions of
his Unit, and all internal installations of such Unit such as appliances, heating,
plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning fixtures or installations, and any portion of
any other utility service facilities located within the Unit boundaries;
ii. to maintain, repair and replace at his expense such portions
of the appurtenances to his Unit and of any exclusive use area licensed, granted or
otherVyise assigned to such Owner. Each Owner shall be responsible for the repair,
maintenance and appearance of all patios, balconies, windows, doors, vestibules and
entry-ways, and of all associated structures and fixtures therein, which are
Appurtenances to his Unit. The foregoing includes, without IimitatioD, responsibi1ity
for all breakage, damage, malfunctions and ordinary wear and tear of such
iii. to perform his responsibilities in such a manner as not to
unreasonably disturb other persons occupying the building;
iv. not to paint or otherwise decorate or change the appearance
of any portion of the building not within the walls of the Unit, unless the written
consent of the Board is obtained;
v. to promptly report to the Board or its agent an;}' defect or
need for repairs, the responsibility for the remedying of which is with the Board; and
vi. not to make any alterations in the portions of the Unit or the
building which are to be maintained by the Board or remove any portion thereof or
make any additions thereto or do anything which would or might jeopardize or impair
the safety or soundness of the building without first obtaining the written consent of the
directors of the Board, nor shall any Owner impair any easement without first obtaining
the written consents of the Board and of the Owner or Owners for whose benefit such
easements exist.
c. No CQntractual Liability of Board. Nothing herein contained however,
shaIl be construed so as to impQse a contractual liability upon the Board for
maintenance, repair and replacement; the Board's liability shall be limited to damages
resulting from gross negligence.
Section 3.6 Repairs to General Common Elements Necessitated by Owner's
Acts. Each Owner agrees to maintain, repaiI and replace at his expense al1 portions of
the General Common Elements which may be damaged or destroyed by reason of his
own or any Occupant's act or neglect, or by the act or neglect of any invitee, licensee or
guest of such Owner or Occupant.
Section 3.7 Shared Utilities. Although it is intended that all utility services for
each Unit will be separately metered, in the event of utilities shared by more than one
Unit, the Association shall pay the utility charge and pro-rate it against the applicable
Units. Such payments may be collected by Association as assessments under Article VI.
Section 4.1 V oting Rights. There shall be one person with respect to each Unit
Ownership who shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Unit Owners. Such
person shall be known (and hereinafter referred to) as a "voting member." Such voting
member may be the Owner or one of the group composed of all the Owners of a Unit
Ownership, or bay be some person designated by such Owner or Owners to act as
proxy on his o~ their behalf and who need not be an Owner. Such designation shall be
made in writing to the Board and shall be revocable at any time by written notice to the
Board by the Owner or Owners. Any or all of such Owners may be present at any
meeting of the voting members and (those constituting a group acting unanimously)
may vote or take any other action as a voting member either in person or by proxy. The
total number of votes of all voting members shall be the total number of units in the
Association, and each Owner or group of Owners shall be entitled to one vote per Unit
Section 4.2 Unit Owners Association Rights and Responsibilities. Each Unit
Owner shall have tbose rights and responsibilities in the Assodation as set forth in the
By-laws of the Association except that in addition to the terms of the By-laws, any
action required of Members under the Existing Covenants or Existing Permits shall be
submitted to the Board established in the By-laws and any action taken thereof by the
voting members having a majority of the total votes shall be considered to be the action
of the Members under the Existing Covenants or Existing Permits and the Board shall
be entitled to vote of all the Members votes under the Existing Covenants or Existing
Permits accordingly.
Section 5.1 Administration. The administration of the Property shaH be
vested in a Board, (hereinafter sometimes called the '"Board"), which shall be
constituted and governed in accordance with the By-laws of the Association, provided,
however, that notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Bylaws regarding
the rights of the Board and/or Association to impose liens for non-payment of
assessments, such liens shall be subordinate to any fust mortgage pertaining to a Unit
but only to the extent such liens become due subsequent to the date of recording such
Section 6.1 Compliance with Declaration, Bylaws and Rules and
Regulations. Each Unit Owner and Occupant shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the Act, this Dec]aration, the Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation ofllie
Association, and rules and regulations promulgated by the Board or the Association, as
amended. Failure to comply shall be grounds for an action by the Association, an
aggrieved Unit Owner, or any person adversely affected, for recovery of damages,
injunction or other relief.
Section 6.2 Administration of Condomínium. The Condominium shall be
administered in accordance with the provisions of the Act, this Declaration and the
Section 6.3 Use Restriction; Use by Declarant.
a. The Units shall be used solely for the storage of possessions by Unit
Owners or designee as provided for in Section 2.3 of this Declaration. Overnight
occupa.ncy of any Unit for any reason is not permitted.
b. Declarant may maintain signs on the General Common Elements
advertising the Condominium until all of the Units have been conveyed to Unit Owners
other than a Dec]arant.
Section 6.4 Hazardous Use and Waste. Nothing shall be done to or kept in
any Unit or the General Common Elements that will increase any rate of insurance
maintained with respect to the Condominium without the prior written consent of the
Board. No Unit Owner or Occupant shall permit anything to be done to or kept in or on
his Unit or the General Common Elements that will result in the cancellation of
insurance maintained with respect to the Condominium, or that would be in violation of
any law. or that ,will result in the commitment of waste (damage, abuse or destruction)
to, in or on his Unit or the General Common Elements.
Section 6.5 Alterations of the General CQmmon Elements. No Unit Owner or
Occupant, except Declarant during the Declarant Control Period, shall alter, construct
anything upon, or remove anything from, the General Common Elements, or paint,
decorate, landscape or adorn any portion of the General Common Elements, without the
prior written consent of the Board.
Section 6.6 Nuisances. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on in
any Unit or in the General Common Elements, nor shall anything be done therein, either
willfully or negligenHy, which may be or become any annoyance or nuisance to the
other Owners or Occupants.
Section 6.7 Impairment of Structural Integrit}' of Building. Nothing shall be
done in any Unit or in, on, or to the General Common Elements which will impair the
structural integrity of the building or which would structurally change the buildings
except as is otherwise provided herein.
Section 6.8 Pets. No pet shall he allowed in, the Condominiwn, except as· may
be provided by the rules and regulations promulgated from time to time by the Board or
the Association.
. Section 6.9 Rules and Regulations. In addition to the foregoing restrictions,
conditions and covenants concerning the use of the Condominium, reasonable rules and
regulations not in conflict therewith and supplementary thereto may be promulgated and
amended from time to time by the Board or the Association.
Section 6.10 Restrictions, Conditions and Covenants To Run With Land.
Each Unit Owner and Occupant shall be subject to all restrictions, conditions and
covenants of this Declaration, and all such restrictions, conditions and covenants shall
be deemed to be covenants running with the land, and shall bind every person having
any interest in the Property, and shall inure to the benefit of every Unit Owner.
Section 7.1 Sufficient Insurance. In the event the improvements forming a part
of the Property, or any portion thereof, including any Unit, shall suffer damage or
destruction from any cause and the proceeds of any policy or policies insuring against
such loss, or damage, and payable by reason thereof, shall be sufficient to pay the cost
of repair or restoration or reconstruction, then such repair, restoration or reconstruction
shall be undertaken and the insurance proceeds shall be applied by the Board or the
payee,of such insurance proceeds in payment thereof; provided, however, that in the
event, within ninety (90) days after said damage or destruction, the Unit Owners elect
either to sell the Property or to withdraw the Property from the provisions of this
Declaration, then such repair, restoration or reconstruction shall not be undertaken.
In the event of a taking by eminent domain, or by a conveyance in lieu thereof,
of all or any part of the Property, the same shall be repaired or restored, and the awards
paid on account thereof shall be used and applied, in accordance with applicable law.
In the event of destruction or obsolescence of the Condominium or other valid
reason. the Owners may, by affirmative vote of at least 95% of the total vote, at a
meeting of Unit Owners duly called for such purpose, elect to sell the Property. Such
action shall be binding upon all Unit Owners, and it shall thereupon become the duty of
every Unit Owner to execute and deliver such instruments and to perform aU acts as in
manner and form may be necessary to effect such sale, provided, however, that any Unit
Owner who did not vote Ìn favor of such action and who has filed written objection
thereto with the Board within twenty (20) days after the date of the meeting at which
such sale was approved shall be entitled to receive from the proceeds of such sale an
amount equivaJent to the value of his interest, as determined by a fair appraisal, less the
amount of any unpaid assessments or charges due and O'WDing from such Unit Owner. In
the absence of agreement on an appraiser, such Unit Owner and the Board may select an
appraiser, and the two selected shall select a third, or an average of the two closes.t
appraisals, and the fair market value, as determined by a majority of the three so
selected, shall control. If either party shall fail to select an appraiser, then the one
designated by the other party shall make the appraisal.
The Declaration may be changed, modified or rescinded by an instrument in
writing setting forth such change, modification, or rescission, signed, and
acknowledged by the members of the Board, the Owners having at least 75% of the total
votes (95% votes to amend Article IX), and containing an affidavit by an officer of the
Board certifying that a copy of the change, modification, or rescission has been mailed
by certified mail to all mortgagees having bona fide liens of record against any U"nit
Ownership, not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such affidavit. The change,
modification, or rescission shall be effective upon filing of such instrwnent in the
Office of tbe Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, provided, however, that no provision
in this Declaration may be changed, modified or rescinded so as to conflìct with the
provisions of the Act.
Section 11.1 Severability. The invalidity of any covenant, restriction, condition,
limitation, provision, paragraph or clause of this Declaration, or of any part of tbe
same, or the applícation thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not impair or
affect in any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of the rest of this Declaration,
or the application of any such covenant, restriction, condition, limitation, provision,
paragraph or clause to any other person or circumstances.
Section 11.2 Perpetuities and Restraints on Alienation. If any of the options,
privileges, covenants, or rights created by this Declaration shall be unlawful or void for
violation of (a) the rule against perpetuities or some analogous statutory provision, (b)
the rule restricting restraints or alienation, or (c) any other statutory or common law
rilles imposing time limits. then such provisions shall continue only u~til twenty'::'one
(21) years after the death of the survivor of the now lawful living descendants of Fred
Section 11.3 Interpretation of Declaration. Whenever appropriate singular may
be read as plural, pJural may be read as singular, and the masculine gender may read as
the feminine or neuter gender. Compound words beginning with the prefix "here" shall
refer to this entire Declaration and not merely to the part in which they appear.
Provisions of this Declaration shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purpose of
creating a uniform plan for the development and operation of a first class Condominium
Section 11.4 Captions. The captions herein are only for convenience and
reference and do not define, limit or describe the scope of this Declaration, or the intent
of any provision.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF t the undersigned has executed this Declaration as of
the day and year first above wri tten.
Wyoming flexible limited liability company
Fre rick C. Wheeler
Its: Manager
STATE OF ð W~rlA-l~)
~ )
COUNTY OF '. . l hrJ?\trj )
The foregoing imotrument was acknowledged before me this 1k day Of~£_~
2008, by Frederick C. Wheeler, the Manager of~ELER INVESTMENTS, LC , a ~ oming
flexible limited liability company. -
Witness my hand and official seal.
otary ublic .
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My commission expires:
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COllNTY OF ft·,,; <1\1-1 1!) S lATE Or
LINCOLN \;:;~;f§J~i~ WYOMlNG
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35 I 2396_3.DOC