HomeMy WebLinkAbout940617 RELEASE OF WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: ,~·CV302 THE UNDERSIGNED LIEN CLAIl\lANT, did, on the 10th day of the month of \ U~O /\~)\ December of 2007, record a Wyoming Lien Statement in Book 680 at Page 761 as Receiving No. 935476 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming (the "Wyoming Lien Statement") which was given as notice of its intention to hold a lien upon the following described property or improvements, owned or purportedly owned by Kathleen Burnett, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: That property described on the Warranty Deed Recorded in Book 626, Page 267 as Receiving No. 920188 in the Lincoln County, Wyoming Clerk's Office, A copy of which is attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the undersigned does release the Wyoming Lien Statement on the property described above. Any and all claims that precipitated the filing of the Wyoming Lien Statement shall be resolved in the current matter pending between the parties in Civil Action No. CV-2008-64-DC in the Lincoln County Wyoming 1 T v-CA . \ District Court. ¡Lð. DATED: July 16, 2008. BY: R&RBUILDERS BY: LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC, Attorneys for R&R Builders RECEIVED 7/18/2008 at 8:31 AM RECEIVING # 940617 BOOK: 100 PAGE: 302 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BY: jMÚ}¡;I~ JACK D. EDWARDS RELEASE OF WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF 2 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SS. ) ·~..00303 I, JACK D. EDWARDS, acting as attorney for and on behalf of R&R Builders, being first duly sworn according to law, depose and state: that I am the affiant in the above entitled action; that I have read the above Release of Wyoming Lien Statement by me subscribed; that I know the contents thereof; and that I verily believe the statements therein contained are true. d~J,~ JACK D. EDWARDS SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by Jack D. Edwards this 16th day of July, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF .. STATE OF LINCOLN . WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16, 2011 My Commission expires: 0'7//(,,/11 I When recorded, please return to: Jack D. Edwards LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC P.O. Box 820 Thayne,WY 83127 RELEASE OF WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT PAGE 2 OF 2 -:---'.' ".~'~~. " .....'.\~.... I : :. \:.." "J PiIo No.: 601C1Q56:26------ LG)'f" 0·····'····· . . . ~.:. 't. , . .' ~. ·O····;·').n.4· "" ') \,; ""~ I'!..t" WA"fRANTY DEED 0OO754JØ~18' Spurlock ProperUcs, LLC. . WyomJaa LImIted LlabWty CoIDpIDy. . gnmtor(s) or LiDeoIn County, S~to or WyoØt. b- and in considwation of TcII1 poum aud Other Good and Valuablo Ccmaideratiou. in had paid. rtcoipt wbereofj¡; hereby acbowl~ doC.) ConvòyIDd W~·To , '. Katbleei1 Bumett, as SoJa Owner :.. '. . grantee(s). whose ~.ia: Po 8oif. n4-'~~~ "t~ ~ . tho lbDowiøc cIoaoriJ?od . real cstato. situate in LfDcöJD CoUÏúy lid State & td wit: . '.., '. .'. . . ' Lot:: ot'Tnß IUdp SuIÑItYfafoD, Lbacoba CoIQaty, W)'OmIa¡... dNCriÌ.ed OD u.Oo1IWdþJaU8ec1 .'0*'-21, 2003 as bIsCra.åIwNo. 894Ðaofthe ~ oUIIe LID~ CoIœ~ a.iic. . . . ..' Hotob>: roloasing 8Dd waïvma all riabts I1Ddar and by ~ of tho . homostoad ccåmpdon JJnrs ôt the.State of . W)'ODdDJ. ' , . . . , . '.. . Wftnca mylqurJsaDd(s) this 'nth .y &t July, 2006: I, , ¡ SJu%:u.c . ~~¿'- By: DaYiclIt. SpudocIc. RECEIv!D :1It~1t 8:42 PM RECSVINS 1# .1'- BOOK: &21 PAGE: 287 JëANNE WAQNI!R UNCOI.NCOUNTŸ~ ~,~ _ State ofWyomfÍ1: . . ) ) is. CbWty ofLJocoJD ' .), Tho fòrosoing iDÎtlumðat wu åcbOwiodgcd boforo m,ö this 11th day'oi July. 2006~'bY David Xt. Spurlock. '. Mauaaer ofSpurJock Properties, Uc. . Wiå1CS8 myJumd and oBiaia1 acal. My commission ccpires: 9-15-01 . ~ ,- ..... -~" ..... _.. ...-......---. ~.. ,-.--. -.-"'......----.-.-----...-- .~~.J~~. NotuyPubJfø. " . . . ~1C."'t··~= ~of . \'IJGØIføa _~.' _fl.- " I . I ; eB Sil-u.D.a- W~w10", 6III2ØÒ6 ~ .' . .- .. -