HomeMy WebLinkAbout940655 "'} c¡ v , '1 l I l \ Fifo No,¡ 601081681'1 WARRANTY DEED Clinton R, Phelp. and Susan So Philip., Trustoes òJ the Phelps Loying Trust DlltodJ:e;7,1996 000367 Susan S. PheJps, A M &rricd Person GUlntOl' of Lincoln. Stat<1 of Wyoming, fot ao~ in considerAtion of Tlln DoUat's and Othcr Oood And Ya ullb e ,- Consid@ration, in hand paid, roceipt wh~ 'cofis htlreby acknowledgcd, does Convey and WÐ.I'I'ant To AIexanc.llll· Pat¡ick Pringle. A S nglf~ Person, g1'antòo. whoSll addrcas 1$: 1419 "nd West Aven~lt;; KernmCrt5T, WY, 83101 the rolJowiog dt!scl'ìbod n:a1 catlltc, shullte in Liucoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit; That part of T)' ct 83 and Lot. :J, 10 IInd 11 lIòd the Southeast Quarter of the Northwl!rt QUlwtor of Section 11 oC the Resurvey of Tcnvnshlp 24 North Range]] 7 West of the 61h P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming more particularly descrJbed on Exhibit A. Hereby releasing a.nc1 waiving All rights unde ' and by virtue or the homestt:ad exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, 11ì Witness 'my hand this .£ day of JuJ)', 2008 C~T'~ ØJ!J~ / ~ St~te of Orogon ) ) 5S, County of Jackson) . Tho foregoing instrument was ackoowted¡;¡ed before: me this ~daY of July) 2008, by Clinton R, l'1\1!1¡)H nnd SUMlin S. Pbelps, Trustees IInd Susan S. )'belps, Individually, Witnøss my hand IInd official seal. My commission expires: NólllyP,bli, 6{lc~ L 5Þv1'Y1~ .' OFFICI~~EI.~AJ._ , ,.. JAY L. STOAMEII!FlQ 'NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 415144 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR. 31, 2011 RECEIVED 7/18/2008 at 2:28 PM RECEIVING # 940655 BOOK: 100 PAGE: 361 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ; ,..;'0" .. .. .....,..... ~ øa 81J1¡u11lLl~.~·~~·~~~ßI1UIlIy WY e¡\.v, 7/Xr'lUQ~ ~ 'd_nl6'ON . OEL6~8ELOE 183M 3H1 jO ~NV8 ~dl~:~l 800~ '6 'lnr Ù003SS Exhibit A A portel 01' lanel bell,!: ptll't or Tract 83 ¡IOU Lots 3, 10 :mll 11 ::Ul(1 the SoutJll:/lst Qutn'tl!l' or ChI! Northwest Qual'ter ol'Scctton 11 oI'the resUl"ey Or Town,hip 14 North, Rtlllgo 117 WUSI, or the 6'11 P,M., Lìneo1n County, W)'om lì~ and lJeing mOl'e pllt'Ueullll'l)' descrlbtd ßI 1'olluws: eoml'r1enclll~ lit the COI'nCI' Numbcr 1 of T"lIct 72 of the fllsul'Ve)' ofTowuSl1il) "4 NOl'lh, nlllllle 1 \ 7 W~t, where is 1'0UlleI a stSllltlnl'(1 U,S,G,L,O. brnas C:1P¡ thollee South 00~5'OZ" We,t a.lol1~ the EII,fel'l)' bounc ¡U')' IIno oj' nlll Tl'aet '7¡, 1332.05 flJct 10 thc 'Joint of geglnllin¡,¡, Sl\itl Point 01' Begtnllln~ being monumooted wltl¡ II Z" Alllmillllltl cap 011 5/11 Inch diQn\ote ' rtblll' with the cap shllupeå "CCI"PELS 5465,2007" IInll uthcI' uPPI'u J 'intl! mar/<Jllgs (snit! monument hel'ein liftel' ¡'Ot'en'ed to n.v II "robll , with II CCI e~p") henc.:e continuing SOllth 0°26'02" West, along Hillel ~a.terJ)t bOlCl1dary tine ùf SQld TI'¡¡cl' 72, GJO,6G reet II> a poInt who.'" Is fouod II rebaI' with A eCI Clip. Fl'um laid point COI'.UJ ' NUlnuel' 2 of s~ Q Tr:lct 72 boal" South OQ2S'0211 We,~ 676,29 foet wlawe is IOlllld 113 Inth dinmefer Alumlllum C:lp Oh 2 III inch aiamcII!!' IIlumlll\lIn pipe, SlIld Clip beh\~ rlampuc./ I "CI'; nk Cumpnll;cs, J¡¡c., [ ELS 5465, 2007" with Olltor' npPI'oprlllto I1IIU'kJU\(I, !hO'Ice SUUCh 32°03'28" EMt, J%,n fcl.!! to n I)Oint wh!!,·. is fUIIIHI II ¡"\Jnl' willi :\ eCI C¡¡PI 1houec SOllth CíJo11 '03" ~¡trf, 2055.83 I'~( t to 1\ point WileI'll Is r"ullt! Q rcb:lI' With II eCI Cup; tihcllcc SUllt11 G04J'42' ¡¡; st, 43,51 feet to n point whcl'c Is tuum! :I1'~blll' WJtIIIl CCI Cap; ~henee Söuth CíG031'3S" [tasl, 319.98 reet to II potU! Wherc I, fOIJntJ ¡¡I'ebor' \Vith II eCI Cup; ~hencc Norlh 61!'42'4S" East, 305.51 Jeet to:\ point 011 the East boundl1l1'IineofTI'act 113 or ! the rCSlIl'vcy of , row liS hip 14 North, Rnngc 11'7 West whe¡'o is 'Olll)~ III'ob ( with II eCI Car: thence North 0°21 '07" It:!st Idong saId E:¡~terlr boundal')' Hne of ¡lIid Tract IIJ, ZOJ,47 teut to 1\ point where i¡ ruumJ ¡¡ '7 Incll Spike lI!t lit the conterline or LÍ11Coln County Roue! 12..J05 (Hnms rol'lt l~oad), Thß roHowlng nino (9) COliI'm boin~ alollg the ceuterlhlû or' th¡,t cUlnntly ConMtl'lJcttH Lincoln Coun!}1 l'toøtllZ.:¡OS all point Of which a,·o 1n<,JIIUlnellletl With 7 illeh ~J)ìl\c', lhcJ\c~ North 40°],5'47" West, ZJ4.1 (j '~et 10 the I~C 01' ß cln-ve to the let~, lhence45S,74 fect nloll~ thl.llll·c oI'S:¡J(l5UI....Uy to th~ len tl) the PT ofllliù curVe. Salt! \:UI'VC /0 the left having /I cent " allgle uf 8°Z5'24", III'naiu. ofJIOO.OO fuet Llnl.! ¡¡ chort! or4SS,J3 feel Which benr, NOI·!'1t 44°:\11'29') Wcsl; thcnc.:o NOl1h 411Qlll '11 " West, 114,29 feel to the ¡·C 01' a curvc to the rIght, thence 321,25 feet along the :II'C ur said CUI'VII to tllu li~ht to the .l'T 01' IlIid OUI1'c. SlIid eul....e to tho 'jght hltving ,Q c.:entrUI angle of 4a:WOSn, II J'adius of 4000,00 feet nnd a churd ot' 3Z1.J61'tJct which be:U'f NOJ'th 46°33'08n Welt; thenc!! NOI·th 44Þ1 S'OtS" Weat, 175,77 feet 10 tho PC of 1\ CUI'VØ to the I'¡ghl, thence 126.llIi feet along tho nl'C of raid CUI'YO to the I'lght. SilllI curve! to the 1'IUlrt hn,'ing II centrQI nngIo ùJ'lo2S'22", III'adiu5 \11'3000,00 reot IInd chon! ûJ' 2<i.YS feel whiCh bcurs North 43Q02'25" WUlt; thence NOI·th 41 Q49'44" Wost, 395,08 feet 10 Ihe PC of II CIII'VC to thl:\ l'ighl'j then co t tS9.98 reet along the ¡¡¡'C 01' S~ic1 eu,'ve to tile l'lght to the PT of SllitJ cU!'Vu. SIII!I curve to the ,'¡¡{ht h"yjng !I ccntral anglc 00.°26'05", U l'adlllJ 01'4000,00 feet al1(/ :1 clIOI'll fUI' 169,1)7 ('(I@t whicll bourl Nol'th 40°.36'41" WOit¡ thonce North 39°23'311" West, 1511,94 t'cct¡ thence South 87°14'11" West, 449.'17 feet to II point WileI'll i. roulIl! ~ J'(!b~r with II eCI CAp; thence North 8\)°53'00" Wet/, 2tO,Ulect 10 /I pOint Where Is founu a I'obltl' with a eCI CIIP¡ thoncc No!'th 81°06'11" West, 413.00 /'oct lo;¡ point wluwo 15 found n I'eblu' with II eCI Clip; thence Nodh 75°39"40" West, 206,13 I'eet 10 tho PoInt or 8egínnillg. £ 'd_n l6 'ON_ O£L6l8£LO£ 183M 3H1 jO ~NV8 ~dll:ll 800l '6 'lnr