HomeMy WebLinkAbout940728 .- ---- .- -- . ---. - - NTL-1989 BRODY GREGG 1444 CABRIIl.O APT I SANTA ANA. CA 92701 WARRANTY DEED CAROL CAPENER, A SINGLE PERSON, Orantor(s) of RICHMOND, County of CONTRA COSTA, State ofCA, hereby CONJIE.Y A.ND. WARRANT tQ BRODY GRECO, A SINOLE MAN AS SOLE OWNER GTBntee(s) of SÄNTA ANA,' County of ORANGE, . State of CA for the sum of'TEN DOLLARS AND OTHBR 000» AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the foUowing described tr$at of'llIlld in Lincoln County, State ofWyotning,'h=by relellling and,waiv~ng aU ~ghts,uDder IIJld by virtue oftbe home81elld exemption laws olth" State QfWyommg. to wit: \..:OC 51.1? LOT EIÇJIIT (8) OF MEADOW RIDGE BSTA TES, LINCOLN COÙNrY. WYOMING ACCORDÏNO TO THA T PLAT FILED APRIL 28, 2004 IN THB OFFICE OF 1HE L~COLN COUNJ'Y:CLERK AS PLA. T NO. 231-A'AND DOCUMBNTNUMB:HR 898827. SubjE:Ct to easements, restricti~DS and rights otway o£record. and taxes for the year 2008 and thereafter: . Witness, the hand(s) of RIi~ Gtantor(s), this -~~ . . , . . .il . .. OL CÄPBN¡¡R. . . · State of County of , , ) ) On .2008 , personalJ~ appeared. bof~ me CAROL CAPBNER the IlÌgner(s) ·õ! the ~tliin instrument, who duly. acknowledged to me that aRE executed the same, : . NQtarial Officer Residing: . Expires: . .. RECEIVED 7/22/2008 at 4:57 PM RECEIVING # 940728 BOOK: 700 PAGE: 517 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY i: State of California CALlFo.RNIA ALL.,PURPO$E CERTIFICATE OF ACKNo.WLEDGEMENT ss. ? ,.. County of Co0+m tCB'kt ; 000518 on~, before me6kØo..rìb Auœl¡,(Á, &trdy -~ .: > j! ., ,. Personally appeared 0 proved to nie: on the basi~ O.f satisfactoryevidènce to b.ethe perso (~hOSe name is are subscribed eo . he within· instrùment and Eknowledged to me !ha sh Vtheyexecu e the same in hi· he It e.ir authorized càpacity(i ), atidthat by hi er t~.. sign~ture~ on the instrUIli.eritt . son(~· ·or:the ; entity upon b half of which the pesón) ) acted, exèê·~ed Uie ~~m~ . . .. ,. . .,. . , . . . .' , / certify un.der PENAL TY OF pERJURY under the . laws of the State of California. that the fore ing p raph is ttile af}d correct. . . . . , . ..\&.........~~. . . ..'!@ STEPHo\Ni£ .tÐ'ANÎi~ ø. COMM. #lfa~~4~ ,;;¡. . 1-, NOTARY PUBLIC, CAlI"ORNIA IE . .ALAMEOA COUNTY· . .. ,.,.,.; , . . My Comm. Expires Dec. 23, 2011 . " ~; " " ;~ r.! $; ; lJ. ~ f~ (; ~ ~ .~ ~ (j . ~1 rL ¡;' t .f· i: ~. t f: cia/·seal., (se~l) DDITIONAL ,oPTIONAL IN FO.RMÁTION . Although law doès (lot require. the infonnatíon in this sectioi1, it could prevent fraudulènt remova{ and reattachment of this acknowledgment to an unauthórized document and may prove useful to persons relying on the attached document. . . .. l r: DESCRIPTION OF THEATIACHED DOCUMENT LÙ~'-I ~J (Title or ~.e .'. of ,W'" dOCU~r, ~ /1 ,<:IV Number of pag~cument Dat~UllD i" ¡~ ., '; ~' f~ ¡.; (; ~ f~ ... .. k' ~. (Additional information) .' CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ~ Ind~U~ o Corporate Officer o Partner(s) o Attorney-In-Fact· o Trustee(s) (' IN r; ('\ ~ o Other 0 ~~. 12.EVI'512D DI /0 II C1'b ] ~ /.: ~ ,¡ ~: ,. ~. ., ï' t .,. ." ,.. r ð ~ f ::' ( í¡ ,I. ~ f. .11. !!I ~i' ~, ~ ~ i'~ .' ii ¡!: .J. .. J M ( ~ ~4 ~ f; ~. " ,. .;, '. i~ " ~ ~ ,f.; :": "