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373 North Kenter Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
File No.: 62101df
(Individual Form)
.BRISCOE RO.BERTS and BRENDA ROBERTS, husband and wife., as tenants by the entireties,
G~TOR(S) of County, State of, CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to
EMMA· LOUISE HAYLEY, a single woman,
GMNTEE(S), whose address is 373 North Kenter Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90049 for the sum ofTen
Doltars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rigb.tS under and by virtue of the
Homestead E:emption Laws of the State, to-wit:
See "Exhibit A" attached hereto
Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and
rights-of-way of record or in use.
Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon.
WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this 5 day of -i ~ ' 2008.
<~J¿~~ ~~~
RECEIVED 7/23/2008 at 11 :11 AM
RECEIVING # 940747
BOOK: 100 PAGE: 603
The fure&ofug ""trum",! w"' ".....1_ be",," me tin. t;;; doy of' ~ \\.1 ..
~..t ,by ~
aRISCOE ROBERTS and BRENDA ROBERTS, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties
the signer(s) of the witlùn inst:runJ.ent, who duly acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the
o 11n!J f Za II
Notary Public
State of Utah
. ,J 1 20 2011
My Commission Expires u Y .
322 E 12300 S. Draper. UT 84020
FiltNUlllber: 6ZJOldf
WBlJlOly Occd - (IndividullJ)
p... I 0(2
06-30-/08 14:28 FROM-Land Title - Alpj
T-805 Pl1/21 U
~ ;,~ i"., '..·..OC}~. 04
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Descdpt!Oc,1 R.oberta 153-558 Rema1ni.oa::.~'~";. "
A portion of the Roberts property, as. rete:tted to in the
Deed xecorded ~ith POQument No. 521548, !n Book l53~R, On
Page 558, with the O~fico of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyolllins. within the 1)U/2 of Section 3, 'r35N, lU19W, o:f; the
G~ P. M., I¡,incoln County, Nyom1ng, the. meets, bounde and
encumbrances being mo~e pa~ticularly desQ~ibe.d as follows:
BBGINNI~G atBaker Sngineers PE/~S 69B, 1979 location for
the Nort~west CornQ~ of the NWl/4 çf Seotion 2, of ~aiã
T35~, RU9W¡
thence S¡036'23"W, along the West line of said NWl/4,
1,065.7¡ feet;
thence NBao21'37"W 729.15 feet to a Point that is the
Northerly prolongation of the l'i'est line of the Roberts
property, as referred to in the Deed reoorded with Document
No. 521549, in Book 153PR, On Page 559, with said Offioe;
thence Blo15'27JI\i1, to and along West line of last said
~berts property, 469.01 feet to a point in tha North line
of the Edmiston property, as referred to in the Deeds
recorded with Doc~ment No. 77662G, in Beok 343PR, on Page
220, and with Document No. 776627, in aoak 343PR, on Page
222, with ~aid Office;
thence NBQo50122"W, along said ~orth line, 1,228.40 feet to
the Nor~west Corner thereof;
thence S2AJ4'34"W, along tñe West line of said Edmiston
property, 94S.55 feet;
thence NSa"a9t07"W l,G7S.26 fel;t;
thence S87°34'34uW 197.21 feet to a Þoint in the Center
Lin. of ROberts - Wo¡f1ay County Road 12-109 Right~of-way,
as referred to and r.el;,¡orded with Document No. EÕa2981, in
Book 225PR, on Page ¡B4, with said Offiae, being a Point tn
Ii 1/614.00 feet Radius Curve to the' !tight:, from which the
Radius Point boars N8g013'12nE;
thenOe Northerly, along said Center úine, the following.
Northeasterly, along said Curve \::0 the ~1ght, through a
Cent;ral Angle of 4°36'05'", an arc length 0:1: 129.62 faet,
8~id curve having a chord of Nl"31'15"~ 129.59 feet,
N3049'17"B 541.79 feet tQ the beginning of a l,G40.00 feet
Ri;\d1us Curve to the Right:,
Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, t~ough a
Central Angle of 12°37'17", An arc length of 361.27 feet,
add curv-e having à chord of NIoo07'5G"E 3/S0.54 feet,
N16°26'35I1B, 53.14 feet to I:he beginning of a 815.00 feet
Ra4iue Curve to the Left,
Northeasterly, along lSaid CUJ:'Ve to the Left through a
Cent~al Angle of 17°49'06", an ere length of 2$3.45 feet,
said CUrve having a chord of N7°32'02nE 252.43 tèet,
Nl°22'31NW 73.33 feet to the beginning ot a 4,288.00 feet
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R.\dius Cut'V8 to the Right,
NorthealStG:t'ly, alQng said Curve to the Right, th:roug}¡ i!J.
Central Angle of 3°54'59", an arc length of 293.10 feet,
s~id CUr\Te mrv:l.ng a chord of Noe34'58~E 293.05 f&et,
N2°32'28"2 .03.17 feet to the beginning of a 487.00 feet
Radius Curve to the Left
NorthweBte~ly, along said Curve tQ the Left, througb a
CClntral Angle of 29°27'1;a~, 411 aro length of 25.0.35 feet,
ea1d curve having a cho~ of Nl2°11'OS"W 247.60 test,
N26°54'44-W 82.51 feet to the beginning of a 630.00 feet
RadiuB CUrve to the Right, and
NOrthwestedy, along .aa1d Curve to trhe Right, through a
Central Angle of 5°~2140', an arc length of 59.13 feet,
said ourvft having a ohord ot ~~4°13';a4nw 59.11 feet, to a
Point in the South line of the BW1/4 of Se~tion 34, T36N,
R119W, ~rom which the Radius Point bears ~68027'S6~E;
thenoe S89004127.g, along sa~d South line, 1,~94.28 feet to
the Scott A. SCberbel PLS 3889, 1990 locJtion for the
Southwest Corner of .the SBl/4 of said Seotion 34,
thenae S89°0S'49"!V, alon5J the South line of "aid S:81/4,'
2662.14 feet, to the Point of Beginning, Bncompa8sing
163.41* Acres of land.
SUBJ2CT TOI That po:ttion of land ly.tng within the bounds of
U.S. Highway 89, along the East line 0: the above desorib.d
p1;'Operty. .
StJBJECT 'J.'O; The Right-oJ;-Way 1:or Lower Valley Power and
Light Ine::., as rœferrect to and t'ecorded in BOQk !J of r-tixed
~ecords, on Page 231, with Bald Office.
TOGBTHER "I'J.'H anCl SUBJECT TO I The Basement Agt'eernents anà
Basement, for the R&W Sprinkler Comp~ny, a~ r&ferred to,
and X"ecord$d with Dooum$nt N\1mbers 4089051 thru 408913, in
Book 83PR. on Page~ 191 th~ 196, with Baid Offioe.
SUBJECT TO: 'rhe Right-of-Way Easement, for Roberts _
WOlfley County Road 12-109, along the West line of the
above described property, as referred to ~d ~eQorded with
DOcument No. Eí32981, ~n Book 22SP1t, on Pa.ge 184, with said
TOGsTmm WITH and SU13~CT Tot ALL E~sements, Sxoeptions,
Rel5triQtions, Rése:rvation.&, RightliT~o.c.way, Improvement" and
Conditions of sight and or reoor~.
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