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Briscoe Roberts and Brenda Roberts each being first duly sworn upon
oath, depose and say as follows:
1. This affidavit is made pursuant to Wyoming Statute 34-11-101
for the purpose of affecting title as more particularly set forth below to that real
property described as: RECEIVED 7/23/2008 at 11 :14 AM
RECEIVING # 940748
BOOK: 700 PAGE: 606
See Exhibit A attached hereto. JEANNE WAGNER
2. We are the sellers of the subject real property. Emma-Louise
Hayley is the buyer. Closing is scheduled for July 22, 2008 and it is
imperative that the sales proceeds be disbursed at closing. Emma-Louise
Hayley is presently in Italy and will not be present for closing. Emma-Louise
Hayley previously signed a Promissory Note and Mortgage (copy of Mortgage
attached hereto) which was sent on July 8, 2008 via expedited carrier for
closing on July 22, 2008. Those documents have not arrived and it does not
appear they will arrive in time for closing and disbursement of the sales
3. It is the intent of the parties that closing transpire on July 22,
2008, the sales proceeds be disbursed to the undersigned sellers, the
Warranty Deed from sellers to buyer be recorded with the Lincoln County
Clerk, and that this Affidavit Affecting Title be recorded immediately after the
Warranty Deed.
4. When the original of the Mortgage arrives, the Mortgage shall be
recorded with the Lincoln County Clerk and immediately thereafter an Affidavit
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Rescinding Affidavit Affecting Title signed by the undersigned sellers be
5. It is the parties' intent that this Affidavit Affecting Title temporarily
substitute for the Mortgage instrument thereby preserving sellers' security
interest in the subject property.
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WITNESS our hands this ~ day of July, 2008.
ß~~ R~
Briscoe Roberts
~Aj~ ~~ç
Brenda Roberts
) ss.
) :J;) J2
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of July,
2008 by Briscoe Roberts and Brenda Roberts~
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Notary Public D· feflhy\'- I(
My Commission Expires: JQlJJJ.0?/1
.. I" U' .............. ....
= o. Fenlon· Notary Public =
- -
- -
:: County of State of =
:: Unooln Wyoming æ
- -
- -
:: My Commission EKplres 10/11/2011 =
'08 L"- nQ 12:44
.-.--- -.-
0S-30-'1i!8 14: 24 FRlXHand Title - Alpine
f-S05 PllJ/19 U-923
P.O. Box 184
Grover, WY 83122
EMMA- LOUISS HA YI.EY, ~ si~glc woman, Mongagor of Los Angel.., Counl)' ofLln<:oln, Stale ofCuUfOn1i...
hereby mOrlgllge to BRISCOE ROBERTS and .BReNDA ROBERTS, þu.b_nd ...d wife, asl.nants by tire entired..,
M0rl3agcc of P.O. Sox 134,0/'0\'£', WY 83122 Ibr tho sum oCOne Million 0110 Hundred Fit\)' Four nOu.!and
Two Hundrod Fifty dollars II1\d Zero c.,tts (SI. ¡ 54,250.00) Ibe foUo....U¡¡¡ dnscribe<:\ racl of land In Lincoln County,
SMe of Wyoming, h.",by relc..¡ng and waJvlngall ri31rts under ami by YÍrtl<e of the homestead eXlmpti<m laws of
lb. Stale. to wit:
See "ExhibIt An a\tRohed h=
This l!1OI'tg8ge ís given to secure the following indebtedoess: _ nol. of even œto h"",wfth for $1 ,154..250.00 made
payable at rile tùn", and plaoe and at the rate specified In the oote .
Ibis "'011&0&' Í$ ;nl<mdod to OII'EI' rhe ronts end pro¡s of Slid ,,",POr1J', and ""os..., Í$ ~""by 81.... en..- ,Içf"'d~ lOr the
oppoinlmlnt of a ",colver by :u1Y CQmpctel1l CQIU\ and lb. rocei....l. hereby aulhorjzod 10 ,ent tile ,aid P'OPelly ..d apply the
pmcœds on this Oblipion.
The MOrtwOD lIp'e. '0 keep ,he bulldinBs now on $aid pr....... O{ hrr..ð... .....,ed lhereon fidly in....ed agaln" 10.. by tire
in ...me /In: In.""",co CQmpany "PP'O>ed by tb. InOItgogee, wldt laSS, Ir ony payoble 10 mort&og... during lI1e liIe of 'bis
The MOI1¡G&ors also IIgree to pay all IUCI and AsS8!Smonu oa. slid prc;misc:s. includrng nn1 lWðSsn1e.US that may be lC"icd on
water riJht& or ,hares or stock used in connection he~th, or held u coUareral wí1h Ihe above not8~ also M)' tax Iba\ ø'y bt'
U$tss<d by .....on of 1I1i. mort&B&. ar lit. deb, ....."d thereby. ",4 .........bl. _"",,'. .... In coso or CoreclosUR, or the
oomme.oo......t'ohny ¡0"a1 pro..odfngs for CoreclOluce oflhe.uno, ..d slid atwmey's fe'l shon b. added 10 tIIo ,",ow1I due on
this mortg,age. and mAde a lion on the pl'emises described buein.ln CQe ofdc::fault in the. p-.ymltnt OrAn)' sum covcnat1lcd to bD
paid, .1111", tho prinoipal or i,torest when Ih. $Rille shall \)<eomo duo and 1'...."'1.. or in...... ofdef:wltjn 111. p.rform.... orlmY
covenant h....ln eonllinad, tile whole amouol oflhi. indeblcdn... >aCu1ed be...io may b. irnrnediolcly do.l...d duo aad payable.
and to bc:>r in'....' at Ihe TI'. of 10 p""ent 1"" annurn flom Ibe doIa of such daIaul~ and this , mott8.g. foceeloocd III :h,. opdon
of tlte Iq¡ol holder, In the .....,,1 or def,wt~ Mort&raoD &""'1 to M~.. . Power of 511. 10 foro,lo... on And s,1I soid
pmPCI\Y as public .octiOn pursuan' to )4-4·101 <I "",. Wyo, SiaL, 1977. or il!! ,.000&50r.
Motlþlt; -1I1I)tI' I.d
I'q< I of2
. . " .
06-30-' WI 14: 24 ¡;-ROM-Land Title - Alpine
T-805 P15/19 U-923
t>uor1:pt1."",. Robc1:. 1$:-558 .........wá"!J
A portion ot the RoIIert.. property. u nrferr"d to io tile
Deed X'ecozrdod. ntb Ðoo"'Dt Bo. 5:1111&', in Rook 1$3PK, on
p~ lillI, w.!.th th. O~lQe o[ the Clto:k of Ioiaco,"" ao....ty,
~, 1f1tå.ia tho 111/2 of Section ), TJ5JI, 1U1"'. of tho
& II P.M., Linooln COUnt:.)' ~b9. tbc IØOeItll, bøuøc1a &IJd
...,CUII1b"..,ooa haj,¡¡¡¡ .....e por~wla>:ly dðeoribtld aø (0110".,
1œG.IJ\Dl1]IQ ... ....""r l<I>¡,iacaro n/'ú8 n., 1)179 location [a..
tho JIbrth....t Corner of the 1IJ!1/4 of !ioo.10b 2, ~ øaJ.4
J'JSN, UJ.nI¡:
t.he.noe 81-3(1'23-", 1l1oö8' the iftMIt line of lúd 1!nD.¡.,
~. 0&5.71. of..",
thUG. H8aoCl2J,'37·. '2'.1.6 r~.t. to a JIIOiøt t)UIt:. 1.. the
Northar1y pro10Dg'ot''''' of the l1"....t 11no of the .Rabort..
Pl'opm:t, .0 .....E..<red to Ln tba ""ed ro_ 1f1th ~Qt
190. 521"'9, in _ 15JPa. ,oQ "_ 559, with ...i4 Office,
theMe 91>15'27"11', t:o ...<1010<111' If... Una oC ¡..... odd
Roborts proparl;y. 4~P.01 teet to . poillt In tbo """tJ> line
of the 1!!dm10tOll prop""ty, .. ""ferra4 "" in ~. Doocla
xecDrdêd. wJ.th tloaUftYmt: Wo. 776626, in Doo)ç, 343PK, OD P4go
2.0, 3Dd. ..,lth DOàua:lcnt. Ha, 171iÐ7, in. Book 343ft, on h.g-e
D2, with -aid Office:
t:hena. Jf88·.s0'~2"K, tJJong ...tci NDrtb. U,.n~, ~,:Z28~4D ~8et: to
the 11'oxthweet cc.z::nar tbe:r.af
cbam;:e a'Jot '3'''11, -.1oASf t;he tre-at littQ ot Gdd. Edod.t.On
prttp~rty. D4$'.55 ~.tl
~'CICII N88-:U'D7·" 1.'73.2& f...,t,
the.l:1C~ S8'1IÞ341:J4.IIM 1S11.~1 feR to.. Point. 111 tbtJ CcrAt"r
!.1.n. 0% -:cto . WOUley Coun~)" 1ID4d 12-10' JU.ght-of-tio\"
a8 ntllrrv:d t:o and œ~ "it.h ÐaC!\lmðnt Wo. 63Ztt\1. 1n.
Book 225PR. 01\ l1o¡¡o 1U, ..10th ...ld QfUco. booino . Pol1:1t in
A 1, nt. 00 toet Itadi.... CU"'" to the' Ugllt, from WIll"" tIIa
bd.iWII Poiftt. beara N'P.13 J 12Jolh
tb"""" lio""'¡"'rl)", '~0n5' .a1.4 Contu "illo. the loU""j"",
Northe..tOl."ly, a.ù>n, ""id CurTo tv tb. kigh.t. tbl<'01Jgh a
Cen1:.nl Ang1e ot 4·3S'0S", lID Uç length ot 12',63 ftct..
oaf.d. C\\rVD baTing " c~ ot Nl-2.J.'lS.Js; 1::1:'_551 t..c
If,Jo,U'1.7''D £;'41.7' Seelt I;Q th. bogiMlng ot a 1,df,O.OO t'th.t
:R.di\l.1I C\n:'ve t.o the 1li.9ht,
Northeasterly. Q10b¥ "Q.:ld Cu.n'O tç, th. R1ght, ~ough n
ccua1 1mgl~ or ~2·]"'111·, 1m ~ 141bgth of 3'1,27 .coot,
øaid 4;'u:c'V'O ~ving . c:hot'd at R10IÞ07'56.S' 360.&4 rê.et.,
1Irl'°.21i135"B ".14 fillet to the: beginning ot. 11.5.00 f'...t
R""""" Oukve to the r..f~,
NO:<1lho..tuly. o,loag .....11 c..""" to tb. 14tt tJ:o:ougb. .
~ontr.l Angl. Q( 17-""0&", an &X'c ll.rtig'tb. of 2S.1..4S f&et.
4iUi:l.d QU%Ve ~Vi11g II chard of n·3:t"O;;¡"B 252.43 rwet,
N1-22131"" 7:1.31 r..t to tbe. .be91DD.1Dg' 0% . 6,288.00 t~ot
. ::,:"/,;,:;:~...,,,:
,'.. ~ ,~.:., ,
" ...;.... :::-, ":'.~ ;'.;
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',1'.,.:' "
08 L"-
06-30-' 08 14: 25 FROM-Lam. Title - Alpine
T-805 P16/19 U-923
IWUWI CU>:v. to ~ Right,
Northa...tedy. 81""41 ..105 eurv. to tha IUQbt. th=ugb ..
Ccl1t~al Angl.. 01: J'54'59', .... aro length ot an.1D t...t,
add o"""e bó1v;log . oIIo¡;d ot 1t¡¡'34 'sa-a 2U .05 f..t.
N:'32'2a'B 40).17 toot 1:0 the beg1nbJ.ue' of .. '87.00 feet
Radilq CIInoo to the teft
llo~""".""lY. """"9 0.105 ~ to tI>o Left. th..,u¡¡h .
Ccotral Allglè of 29'27' 12', OR aro le1lg\:À of 2S... 35 re..t.
Be~05 ~ haYing.. cho¡;d of RlJI'U'DI"1I 241.'0 f"at,
N:a5'54'44'" 62.5], feet ta the ha¡¡iœtDø' o.t a no.OO fe.t
aadi". ~ to th.. !l.111b.\:, awl
.Od:mtcSb.~.lY, .alortg' tIIa1.d Cun'a to 'Çh. R1glu~, t.brougb, II
Cwt"al Angle of 5'22'40', 611 ara le"9tb 0( 59,13 fect,
oa.Î.d. O1aX'Ye b~Ting a. ebard of 1f2.·U·2".W' 5S.11 tewt, t~ .II
.oiot in the Slaut:b. line of the tIn/... of .section 31. T31SK',
1U1.')If, t2;'O'Q ",high the .aa4i\.\Ø Po~1),t:; beua .8-27' 56-If:
tbcnall!!l 889·0...·:n·.. _1011g Da:l.d !::0UJ:.b 11111_, 1,lt"_:it13l .feat toO
tIt. Sooc't A. Scbc~bðl PI.,8 388:8, 19$10 lOgat.I.QQ fo"," the.
aoutb,,,.,u: Coru.œ.r ot! the: UB1f"- 01 ..id 5Ieobigu 34,
thWl~ 5i18'·08'45P'&:, -.long- thft 80uch :U.lJð of Øf\icl B'1l3.(",
::Z".:J .14 fG8t, to the .Point ot 1UIIg-J.nni:ne, BnCompaQ8.ing
163 .41.:t ~r.. of l.u¡ð.
S= WI rbat POrtion of land: lying wit.1¡:l.n the bOUnd. o~
u.s. High...y 89, ..long thð IkuIt l~n. of the Dbmro <I..odbOd.
P>:<>Pe>:'ty. .
8\111~ TOI 'l'I1o Risb"of-Kay for Lower Valiey Power om;
¡'1ght 1'110:., 11. r.b"....'" to m.. ....eo:t"'.... 10 Jlook ~ of Hl.¥ed
11.""0<'<15, "" Pago 231. ..1t!> oald OU1.,..
'I'OOantIm "iTS end ~ '1"01 '1'btl Baøcment Aneetl'l8utø twd
z....Ut1t... ro,: eM Jt,(,')f 8pd.nk1ex CoIIpQ,ny, .. l'*terred. tD~
.:J.nd recorded with J)roçVGent. JlhambIU"O .....00'0' thru. 408.t13, in.
Baclo; $Jpll.. on I?~. 181 t:bru XU, with 881d oruc..
8U1JtCT TO, TI>E: Iligbt-ot-"8)" EII......,t, for ¡¡.bute _
""l!ley C'OU4ty 110.... L1-109, al.olJg tno II.." lJne of !:.he
«bcnro de*od.b.ð p~p.Z'ty f .. znflDJ:red 1:0 l1li4 :recorded. 1dth
110"".."". Ifo. n2S11, in Soak 220>1(. OIl Pag8 184, wit, ...i<I
~ wrm ODd .Ri.J8JIIcr TO. ALL lIU...."tl. Exceptiorno.
R..trJ.etiona.. .ao.aerva~iODJl,. Rigb'tø-o.(-NaY', IIIJIZ'O"V.maQ.t,fl IAn4
Condit1ac", of .1gbt and: OJ: :record.
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