HomeMy WebLinkAbout940752 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: BRUCE AND NIKKI HOWELL 536 ESPEY ROAD GRANTS PASS, OREGON 97527 Ü006:13 QUIT CLAIM DEED , GRANTOR(S) of JOSEPH Itßounty, State of, OREGON hereby QUIT CLAIM(S) to, GRANTEE(S), HOWELL FAMILY TRUST of" for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. 3( 1<1 11 WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this :;1 ':\ day of :m r. y ._ , ?nnR . -¿¿4.=ø~ - ß ~ .9ØCJ~ STATE OF Ulq fJr!¡ìtl1 COUNTY OF L¡'(l (!ð In ) ) ss. ) 't. On this ,;¿~ /I'd day of J k{l ' ¿ìðo.f' Public, in and for said State, personally appeared 15m tu:.. /-10 I'J d / tt '" d IV / t K ,. if- 0 tf(/~II "1 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary known to me, and or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person(s) whose name is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they execùted the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ~~'~I"1l#~.~¡,.~~~_. DEBORAH SCHWAB - NOTAFN 1~'ü8~';ë- C~unly of State of Wyoming y ~on Expires ,iuly 21,2010 ~~d~,~~ Notary Public: My commission expires JÞI./7 .;)1 ,;101< RECEIVED 7/23/2008 at 11 :40 AM RECEIVING # 940752 BOOK: 700 PAGE: 613 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY HICKMAN LAND 'lTfLE COMPANY OF WYOMING File Number: 62158 Quit Claim Deed (Individual) Page 1 of 1 ~ ~O/¿~f¿~~O Á~;Y~ Á.,:)~IOI I":)ÁtJÁ L...LI~I..JUL.n I..Juun I I \..IL..~I'r'\ , H\.AL... V..L.I U.J. ( .'') ....3 l ...... _......J 00061.4 . nc:"Cl~IVE1) LlNGOU·J COUNi'r', CLERK o;.? FFß '~. (:7 :~;'111: I fJ I!f/õ' \iil\¡i.:~ ;.'¡:",(';NEF~' k c: h,'1 j~" E' ¡:¡ C it ~/ 't' I) :\~II f\N~ V}~CE SAGLEY AND KAREN BAGLEY, hUsband and wife WARRAN~"ÿì°:8~ED hereby CONVBY ~nd W.ÄRRA~T TO: B~UCE HOWELL and N7.kKI HOWELL, husb~nd ~nd wife, as tenants' by the entireties Q"anto.rs Of "airView,county of Lincoln,.State of wYO¡Mn.g., 232 ' . v~B,;LPR PAOfC...:".....::. arantees of 2357 Jubilant Avenue, Medfo"d, OR 575D4 fo" ohe Sum of Ten Dollars and OOher good and Valuable consideraoion_______ ohe following described tract of land in Lincoln COunty, State of Wyoming, he:teby releasing and wai vj·ng all rights under and by virtue o.r tbe homeete~d eXemption laws of the S~ate, to-witt The Northwest quarter ôf the Northwe.t quarter of the Southea.t quarter (NW1/ 4NW1/ 4SE1/ 4) in Section 17, To,"nship 3 J. N., R. 119 w., 6 th P. M. , Lincoln COunty,. Wyomihg, AND that portion of the SW1/4NE1/4 J.n S. 17, T3W, Rl15W, lYing South of the Crow-Creek Road. EXCEPTING: a plot commencing at the in tar sect ion of the N-S centerline of .aid Section 17 and said Crow- Creek Li~coln County road, and running thence East along the Centerline of .said.Crow-Creek road ~.O feet, thence South SOD feet, thence West 220 feeo to the said N-S centerline of eaid S: 17, thence North along said c.nt~line 500 feet, more or less to the point of begi~ing. AND NE1/4NW1/4SE1/4 Section 17, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyomj.ng 6th P.M. Subject to raeervations and restriction. conCained in the United State. Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenance3 ~hereon. WITNESS, the hand of said, grantors, this 5th day of Fe.bruary, A.D, 200:2 ·--------------------c----------___________________________________~----_--- L.J~ l~. Vance Bagley' ~ b]~ STATE OF WYOMING , . COUn.1~y of TETON . On the 5 th day of February A. D . 2 DOl, personally appeared bet ore 1I1e, Vance Bagley and Karen Bagley; knbwn or identified to me to b. the persons who.e names are subscribed to thee within instrument, and acknowledged to m. Chat chey .executed the .ame. / !2. MYci~~7~f.~~~bIlC ~/~pub1~ ¿ COl/lltyor Stall! or NCltift' ~ Llncou¡ Wyoming I , exp';-res n ~ I~:;O '-'''.1''''' <:>.: My CommJ.SS~Qn .., 0 "'J...ð-,,';;¡, ¿:.....¡.;.. ...¿ My COm~;8^~:~,~3.! ~~.!j :ss LAND TITLE COMPANY il:' 'II! ~:s f.!;~r~..,·HO:'" I"'.'~ " ';""'J. " ',' '., : '::';':<:::::-;: IN, ,è:Q-s -<: ==#= .22 --- .__ h =U;;¡="';¡"'A'9:1:::7';;U3)-~.&.;~~~-.......-.".",., 1_ II~ ~vv¡\Ç ",-n=;'I.". . .-.-:-;-;ií"'fi:ltU-jllJ,( ~. h ...' ...' " \Tr.l-- WARRANTY DEE 0. .6.2~6.7. .~~ .; C. \JVADE, C~CH¡~ C0061.5 LORAIN J. BAGLEY and GERALDINE R. BAGLEY, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- husband and wife, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grantor_~__, of ------------------------________~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~_r:_____----------------__________County, and State of_____~~~~__________________, for and in consideration of________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------Ten and No/100------------------------------- -ãñërõBï.ër-vãIüãDle-cõñšTãërãtlõn~--------------·----.---------,.-----------------------------______DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO.:__..________________________________ BRUCE M. HOWELL and NIKKI D. HOWELL, ---------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------_!:~~!:~~-~~~-~~~!:!_~¥-~~--~~~~~!~-~~!_-~--------------~~----------------- grantee_~__, whose address is-----_________________~}_~7__.¿~.:U9-.l}!____________'______________________________..____ ..__.__ Medford, OR 97504 ---------------------------_____________________________.__6~___________________________________________________________ the following described real estate, situate in_______________:&i.~~£!!:_______________________._____________County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Crow Creek Road with the North-South centerline of Section 17, T 31 N, R 119 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 220 feet, thence South 500 feet, on a line parallel to the North-South centerline-of said section, thence West 220 feet, more or less, to said North-South centerline of said Section 17, thence North along the centerline of said section, 500 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning (said point of beginning being approxirratelY 200 feet North of the center of said section), consisting of 2.53 acres, more or less. [¡¡.~ì~2:~7C~~~:~u·,~..~'~~~~"-">~J"q··..""'~~:-'r 'j . ¡,,·..L....,.,.' . . IJ FFJOTOSTAfiC nLJ;Or,T)r:o /:i !.£~t!:Wa.~;;.w::..:..:~~~~:;~::a .':1'~;;';''':('f\''-''t'..,,~..":~ø WITNESS_____s>~_______ hanlL.?______ this____!?_'t:Ð-___day of":":;___~~9..~~!:_________________. 19_~i_. ,-y....'.. ,. :4 (..-) C~:.>;:f.2="j~·z:;~-"~ik:::1:- ,.." .t -:-.i;;lq;"i.c;~ - ""'fZ--- ---------- ..'.,. . ,/I ,.·1 ",,~"'~ . . '~J ro'. ·~~:~~:=~~~=~~~~~~=~-:õ~~~=~~~~ I I I I. II II !I !I II II I I I ¡ I i I I II ,~ I, -------------------------------------__________________6_ State of County of WYOMING LINCOLN fS' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by and Geraldine R. Bagley Lorain J. Bagley husband and wife this 1(, +j¿ _day of August ,19~. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission EXPires=y6j~d?//kJ t /1''5'/